The Messenger of Death

Chapter 278: the worried kawataro family

Chapter 278: the worried kawataro family

Alex and his teammates made their way to the Northeast outskirts of the capital city. One of the illegal good mines owned by the Kawataro family is located there.

"Milo," Alex called out.

Milo appeared in his cat form and stood in front of Alex.

In front of them is a deep pit of 16 meters, that has multiple caves by the sides and a well-built wooden bridge to help move around.

A manual elevator made of wooden and ropes was present in the pit too.

The deafening sounds of metal hitting rocks filled the area.

While it sounded annoying to most of them there, Adrian found the vibrations coming from the sounds soothing.

"Milo, knock everyone in the mine out. Make sure that they wouldn't be conscious for the next hour. Do you understand?" Alex questioned.

Milo nodded and jumped into the pit. While falling in, Milo's body got bigger as he was transforming into an eagle.

Within Milo was done with the task that Alex gave to him. After that, they made their way to the second site where the illegal good mine is located.

Alex asked Milo to the same thing that he did in the first gold mine. The same was done to the third site.

By the time they were done, the government officials showed up in the mines.

When the workers and guards woke up, they were shocked to find out that they had been held captive by the government officials.

Some of them started that looked malnourished started to cry tears of joy. They were people that were kidnapped by the Kawataro family and forced to work for them with any type of remuneration.

They began thanking the officials for saving them from the torture. The officials told them that they were saved by the people of the Avanti family.


In a hidden building, covered by illusions, the workers of the Kawataro family gathered. Those that had high enough ranks in the family had an animal mask covering their heads.

The man with the goat mask, Duna's elder brother, stood behind two men that didn't have any mask covering their identities.

These men looked a bit like he did, just older and older. They were his father and grandfather respectfully.

"Lord patriarch, calm yourself down. Getting angry isn't good for your health." Duna's elder brother said to his grandfather when he saw his head turn red from anger.

"How the hell am I supposed to stay calm when I lost 3 gold mines in a single day!!! How!!??" The patriarch, Duna's grandfather bellowed.

"Not only that, I lost them to the government, meaning that there's more trouble that is coming our way. Men that work for us were caught.

Slaves and workers that we incurred illegally, those that we kidnapped and forced to work for are now in the hands of the government. We starved and made them work for us illegally!!!

Not only are we going to be charged with theft and kidnapping, but we also went against the government too!!" The patriarch finished.

He pinched the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb.

"Who reported us?" The patriarch asked as he tried to calm himself.

"It was the Avantis, sir." Duna's father replied the patriarch.

"It seems as if they know that we had a hand in the abduction of one of their own." Duna's elder brother added.

Hearing what his grandson had to add only made the patriarch angrier than he already was.

"How in the hell will you abduct a person and not hide your identity from them!!!? What sort of fool does that!!!??" The patriarch bellowed once again, and then he stamped his foot on the ground, causing the whole building to shake.

This caused fear in many of the people present in the building. It was more so for the ones that he was talking about. They fell to their buttocks in fear of what was going to happen to them. If they hadn't revealed their identity, then this wouldn't have happened in the first place. Or so they thought.

"What do we do now? Do we strike back at the Avanti family?" Duna's father questioned.

"No!! Their family is not as easy as you think that they are. Now they have the hearts of the citizens. Do not forget, we are not the only class-3 bloodline family in the western continent.

We are going to focus on dealing with the government now. They are the real trouble that we have to deal with.

Move all illegal businesses that can be moved, all of them that we run exclusively. Do so silently and carefully. Make sure that you are not being watched or followed by an uninvited guest." The patriarch turned around as he began to finally calm down.

"The ones that cannot be moved, tighten the security around it. And take necessary steps to make sure that if it is found, whoever finds it and everything in it will no longer be.

After we have dealt with the problems that we will receive from the government, maybe we can get back at the Avanti family."

"Dani," The patriarch called to his son.

"Yes, sir?" Duna's father responded.

"Tell the syndicate to begin as we planned. Them causing destruction should take the government's attention away from us for a while." The patriarch order.

"I will inform them tonight," Dani answered.

"Patriarch, the couriers returned with a message from a kid that they met in the Avanti Manor." Duna's elder brother mentioned.

"And why should I care about what this kid says?"

"I also didn't care about what the kid said, but the reactions of the couriers are what made me skeptical of my decision."

The patriarch arched a brow at his grandson.

"They were shaking as if they had just escaped death. They said and I quote; 'His Majesty says that you will suffer some losses.'

"His Majesty?" This made the patriarch frown. "Were they drugged or turned to puppets?" Dani asked.

"No, there wasn't any evidence of that. What made me take their words seriously while they were spewing what I thought to be nonsense... I tried to bring them back to their right senses by suppressing them with my bloodline, they didn't budge, nor did they get scared.

It was as if they immune. The first time that this happened was when I encountered the kid from during the time we planned to take the Mayor's and Prime Minister's daughters as our hostage."

"Are you trying to say that they encountered that kid and now they are immune to our bloodline suppression?" Dani questioned, refusing to believe that such could happen.

"I also don't think that it should be possible. But this kid is beginning to become a serious nuisance." Duna's elder brother added.

"We will suffer losses ahh? I will deal with this kid later too." The patriarch thought out loud.


The patriarch announced and everyone quickly bolted out of the building


Back at the Avanti Manor, everyone had a smile on their face as they celebrated their accomplishment.

The Seraphim team now owned their own gold mine.

After they were done with dinner, Arabella called out to Alex

"Alexander, what do you guys plan on doing to the Kawataro family next?" She asked the question that on the minds of the rest of the Avanti family.

"Well, now that the government has been alerted about the crimes of the Kawataro family, they have their eyes on them. And the Kawataro family wouldn't like that, they probably have other illegal things that they do and are trying to hide from the government, probably as we speak.

The Kawataro family will look for a way to drag the government's attention away from them. How do you think that they can do that? Or let me rephrase, what else is worrisome enough to drag the government's attention?" Alex asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hmmm, if I have pick, I will say the syndicate of exiled soldiers," Arabella answered after a while.

"Exactly!! If the syndicate starts to move and begin causing trouble, the government will put the Kawataro family aside and focus on them.

To them, the Kawataro family are criminals and the syndicate is filled with crazy terrorists."

"But how can the Kawataro family make the syndicate take action?" Sarah asked as she scratched her chin.

"How else, the syndicate and the Kawataro family are working hand in hand," Alex replied nonchalantly.

"What!!??" Lawrence banged the dining table.


The plates and spoons shook. His reaction startled many of them around. Lawrence usually, is a calm and collected person that always thought before he acted.

"Lawrence!" His wives called out to him at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't expect that they were evil enough to do this." Lawrence apologized.

"When the syndicate starts moving, we have to keep our eyes on the Kawataro family. While we are doing that, we need to find evidence that they are working together.

After we have done that, it is down the hill for the Kawataro family and the syndicate will follow after. They wouldn't be able to survive without their sponsors." Alex finished.

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