The Messenger of Death

Chapter 217: right on cue

Chapter 217: right on cue

['Why is this woman so adamant about killing someone today?'] Al thought.

['They fear her already, I mean, who doesn't? She is strong and scary.'] Alex added.

['If she keeps this up, they might hate us.'] Xander pointed out.

['Alex, try to stop her before she kills someone.'] Lex suggested.

['Me? Why should I put my head in front of her knife, for them?'] Alex was against that idea. He was afraid that she would turn on him.

['Even if she turns on you, she won't kill you, the most she would do is to punish you and that's only if she gets angry at you. If she listens to you, then everything will calm down.'] Xander speculated.

Alex thought about what Xander said and came to a decision. He was going to do as Lex suggested and try to stop her from doing any more than she had already done.


Alex started to feel cold, actual cold and not just chills that his body produced on its own. This cold was Nana's doing.

It was like the air and clouds had started to freeze its self. Nana ice is a devastating calamity.

Alex's teeth clattered as he shivered.

['Since I got the Dragnel's fire bloodline, I haven't felt cold, but this woman's ice is giving me frostbite.'] Alex thought to himself.

"Umm, N-nana?" Alex uttered gently and it was like everything paused. Nana stopped what she was doing and faced Alex.

"Yes, Alexander?" Nana's attitude changed. She smiled at Alex.

['Is this how an actually bi-polar act?'] He wondered.

['And Camron thinks that we are bi-polar. Bi-polar people are scarier than people with multiple personalities.'] Al muttered.

Alex swallowed the saliva in his mouth and cleared his throat so he could speak louder. "I think, this is enough. Everyone here already fears you." He stated.

"Silly boy, I know that they fear me, but they don't fear you. That's why I'm getting frustrated." She revealed.

Knowing her reason for getting angry, Alex's confidence grew, and the crack that Nana had been making on the walls that he built around his heart, turned into a little hole.

He had a feeling that she was doing all of this for him, but he harbored doubts because she was the one that purposely showed the mark that she drew on his nape, to Jacob.

With those doubts in place, he couldn't confirm that she was doing this for him, but now, after hearing her say this, Alex's heart couldn't help but falter a bit.

He flashed a sincere smile at Nana.

"If they do not fear me, shouldn't I be the one to make them fear me? If you continue to do this, in the end, they will still fear you and you only. Leave this to me, I will prove myself sooner or later." Alex's sincere smile turned into a smirk.

"Hahaha. Well said, pretty boy." Nana complimented and dispersed everything that her ability had caused, including the ice valley that was created by the exploding snowflake.



Everything that was hit by the exploding snowflake turned into water, including the part of the ground that was frozen. The trees and animals were already dead and completely frozen to the very core.

So when she dispersed everything that her frost ability had affected, they all turned into water.

Nana had created a sea with clear water by the side of the Sword-like mountain. If one focused intensely, they would be able to see vague shades of green in the distance.

"For a second there, I thought that there was going to be a flood here," Alex muttered in awe of Nana's powers.

['Just a snowflake was able to create this, what if it was all the snowflakes that exploded? How much of the ordain plain realm would have frozen over, and how many people would have died?'] Lex pondered.

['We don't even know how the big the ordain plain realm is, but I can bet that a dozen of those snowflakes would be enough to freeze the whole of Mars.'] Al calculated.

"For the first time in my life, I think I have a role model." Alex blurted out as he continued to gaze upon the magnificent aftermath of Nana's frustration.

"And who might that be? Wait let me guess, this pretty lady over here." Nana smirked. She was expecting Alex to be a bit embarrassed.

But contrary to her expectations, Alex wasn't.

"Yeah, it's you. Before, I just wanted to get stronger. I didn't know how strong though, but now, after seeing a fraction of your strength. I can't help but want to be as strong as you are." Alex confessed.

"Why be as strong as me? I will make you stronger than me. I have already told you that I will teach you skills from my clan. The skills that my clan possess aren't average or common skills, they are rare and extraordinary. 

But only if you can cultivate and practice the skill to the pretense-perfection stage. With the martial skills from my clan, you wouldn't need to struggle for the ones in the academy. They can't even compare." Nana began explaining.

"Really?! Give me one now." Alex excitedly demanded.

"Even if I did give you one now, you wouldn't be able to start practicing it. If you did then you will most likely have to forfeit your life.

I picked the weakest martial skill on my way out of my clan's Treasury.

And the minimum requirement for you to be able to practice that martial skill is that; you have to reach the 5th rank of the Nirvana cultivation realm." She revealed.

Alex frowned upon hearing that. ['My cultivation level has become another limitation for me.'] He was pissed.

He kept quiet and fell into his thoughts. He began thinking of how he could increase his cultivation quickly and also how to stabilize it so that he wouldn't regress when he breaks his limits.

Once again, the thoughts of using the QI in the ordain plain realm to make his breakthrough.

['Patience rabbit, we have to be patient.'] Al advised. 

Alex was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't know when he started floating and when they entered the Sword-like mountain.

He and Nana were still floating. The commotion that Nana caused has attracted a lot of powerful individuals in the ordain plain realm.

They watched what was happening from a safe distance away from where Nana was.

Almost every disciple of the Sword Heaven came out. They too were shocked to see the new sea that was beside their sect.


Alex suddenly received a notification from the skin crawler.

On the mask's interface, a little envelope appeared by the side of the screen and snapped Alex out of his thoughts.

['A message, from who? Is it still possible for them to track my position all the way from Mars with the mask? Would they be able to make it here?'] A lot of things flooded Alex's mind.

['Calm down, have you forgotten that the skin crawler sends messages to you some times?'] Al reminded him.

['Open it and see what it is.'] Xander suggested.

Alex moved his eyes slightly and selected the envelope. Soon it opened and it was just as Al reminded him of, it was the system that sent him a message.

He was a bit disappointed because if they could use the mask to find him, then it was possible for him to use the mask to find his way back to Mars, he would waste no time and effort to do so.

Alex proceeded to read the message.

'Dear user, Alexander. The system took it upon itself to commence a search for dense energies called QI.

A while ago, an energy 98% similar to the Midas flower was found. If this information was useful to the user, then the system will proceed to search for a route to the energy.

If otherwise, then ignore the notification.'

*Was this message useful to the user. Yes or No.

Alex smiled as if he had just won the lottery.

Nana noticed this and wanted to ask what was making him smile like that, but she held back when she recalled that he had been deep in his thoughts for a while now, she decided to let him be.

After all, she had just dumped some of her troubles on him earlier today.

"System, are you sure that the energy is similar to the one of that flower?" He asked to confirm.

Alex didn't care if Nana was listening to him, she already knows of the existence of the skin crawler and she has no intentions to take it from him.


"What about the remaining 2%?"

*Although the energy is similar, there are some differences. The system cannot discern what the exact differences are.

"Okay, proceed to generate a route to the flower," Alex ordered the system.

['Right on cue.'] Al thought excitedly.

['Will Nana let us roam the ordain plain realm freely?'] Xander questioned.

"Nana, I want to explore this plain realm," Alex asked.

"Sure, but I have to finish doing what I came here to do first before we can go anywhere else." She agreed.

"No, I want to go alone."

"Absolutely not." Nana rejected that notion immediately

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