The Messenger of Death

Chapter 182: strike three

Chapter 182: strike three

Naomi was very furious. She stomped all the way to her seat and glared at the back at Alex's head. The whole class was still trying to restrain their selves from laughing at the way Alex dismissed her.

"That wasn't exactly nice," Emma commented.

"If she had watched the way she spoke to Camron I wouldn't have dismissed her that way," Alex responded to her comment.

Camron scoffed at Alex's response. "That is not enough to stop me from being angry at what you did last night." He said.

"What did I do?" Alex sat up and looked at Camron. "You can at least let me know my crime before you prosecute me." He added.

Camron sighed. "The fact that you don't know your crime is what makes me angry, and yet, sorry for you."

"Settle down, settle down." A figure that suddenly appeared on the podium in front of the class, ordered.

This figure was Miss. Hinata, one of the teachers under Vincent.

As soon as the students heard her voice, everyone obediently took their seats and kept quiet. "Good." Hinata looked around.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't boy wonder or should I say the golden boy? What did we do to deserve your presence today?" Hinata uttered when she saw Alex sitting in front of the class.

Alex could tell that she was talking to him, and something about the way she spoke didn't sit well with him. He could tell that she wasn't just saying it for the sake of saying, but she was doing it as some kind of mockery.

He could remember when they had just come back from the Agelong forest and how she kept on asking him questions. Al was the one in control when she was asking questions and he gave them suitable answers.

"I was free and so I decided to come to class." Alex blurted out.

"Oh, so there are reasons that kept you from attending classes in the past?" She mocked again.

"Yes, there were. I was either on a mission with my group, or training with my master, or in the infirmary. I didn't skip any one of them purposely." He replied.

"Aren't those the same reasons you use to escape debriefing?" She snarled at him.

This time Alex frowned. ['What's this lady's problem? She said it like I chose to pass out and stay like that for over a week.'] Alex thought in annoyance.

His frown didn't go unnoticed by Hinata. She glared at him when she saw the frown, and despite her glare, it wasn't enough to make Alex change his facial expression.

'Stinking kid, I will expose your secrets sooner or later. Keep lying with a straight face.' Hinata thought.

"My master told me not to do that anymore. She said that she was going to inform you that I should be exempted from debriefing." He lied.

['A smooth lie, rabbit.'] Al commented.

"Well, she didn't tell any of us that." Hinata scoffed. She could tell that what Alex said had a high possibility of being a lie.

"Maybe she forgot, she has been very busy as of late." He added.

"Your master is not your homeroom teacher, I am! This is your first time in my class and you are way behind other students!" She shouted at him.

"What the f*ck do you even teach?" Alex whispered to himself. He was a bit shocked as he tried to remember if there's anything he had done to offend this woman.

['I don't remember offending this thing.'] Alex thought.

['You didn't have to offend her. Don't you remember what Arabella told us about who started the rumors about you? She said that it was this Hinata woman. If she started the rumors then she might be after something, or she believes the rumor that she started.'] Xander pointed out.

['Xander's right Alex, she might just be like those people that believed that we were cyborgs and wanted to hunt us down for the technology they believed to have been imbued in us. We have to be careful with this woman, she is someone that we cannot risk fighting.'] Al mentioned.

"Do you understand!?" Hinata asked.

"Uh, I guess so." Alex's reply put her on the spot. He said that he understood but he sounded like he didn't.

"Hmph! Let us begin class." She announced and started her lesson.

"Hey, did you offend her in some kind of way?" Katherine whispered to him.

"Not any that I can remember, no." Alex shrugged his shoulders and looked at what she wrote on the air.

"How to treat poison (first aid)." He read out loud.

['Ironic, a poisonous woman teaching us how to treat her nature.'] Al mocked

The class went on for about 3 hours and Alex didn't pay attention to anything that she said. What she was teaching wasn't even up to what he had recorded from the library with the skin crawler. It was all subpar and he wasn't interested in anything below what he already had.

After the class ended, Alex sighed and placed his head on the table. "I have never been to such a boring situation as the last 3 hours." He complained.

"That's all we have for today." Adrian pointed out.

"Good, cause I have something to do, I just need to get prepared."

"And what might that be?" Camron inquired.

"You know, a it's something that I don't want to mention here, where there are so many people listening. Let's just say that some people need to be punished and I'm going to meet the person that is going to do that for me." Alex whispered to him.

He felt that there was still someone's eyes on him. Alex turned his head and saw that it was Naomi.

"Don't just stare, say whatever you want to say and be done with it," Alex said to her.

"Duel with me, let us see what you are capable of. You told me to f*ck off, make me." She snarled at him.

['And that's the third person that you have angered today. Strike three.'] Al playfully mentioned.

['The second, point of correction. I don't know what I did to Camron.'] Alex denied.

"And what exactly do you wish to accomplish by dueling with me?" Alex raised his brows at her. He was stunned to hear that was what she wanted.

"Naomi, right? I suggest that you find another person to duel with, Alex is not what you think he is. His prowess is above his cultivation realm. You are just a rank-3 disaster realm cultivator, that's 2 ranks above his. It is not enough to take Alex on, alone for that matter." Emma advised her.

"Shut up!" Naomi bellowed at Emma. "Don't speak when you are not spoken to. You keep on licking his ass, do you think that I don't know who you are, Emma? You are one of the people in his team that does not have an affinity with any element, you and the guy called Adrian. Although my cultivation and yours are the same, I'm am still your superior."

Naomi purposely said that she planned on causing emotional pain for Emma and Adrian.

"Ohh, she's really going for it. Are we going to have a face-off between Naomi's team and the Seraphim team?" The guy that Alex referred to as a stalker, instigated.

"But Naomi's team have 12 people in it and they are just 6 in the Seraphim team." Someone pointed out.

Hearing what Naomi said, Emma and Adrian looked at their selves.

"Hahahaha." The two of them burst into laughter.

"Hahaha," Drake, Katherine, and Camron started laughing too.

Alex smirked at what she said and shook his head. "If only you knew how wrong you are."

"She said hahaha, that the two of you have no affinity with any elements, isn't that funny?" Drake couldn't control his laughter. Neither could the rest of them.

They that know and have seen what Adrian and Emma might be capable of found it very hard to take Naomi's supposed insult as an insult. All that it was to them was a very funny joke.

If it was before, Emma and Adrian might have felt depressed if they were mocked like that, but now, they had no reason to feel down because of such mockery.

The whole class looked at the Seraphim team members like they were crazy.

"Was there something funny about what I said?" Naomi wondered. At first, she thought that she was wrong and had successfully embarrassed herself again, but when she saw that the others in the class also had the same facial expression as hers, she knew that she wasn't wrong.

"No, sorry, it might have not sounded funny to others, but to us, it is." Emma apologized and cleaned the tears that were gushing out of her eyes due to how hard she had been laughing.

"Everyone in your team is mad!" She shouted at Alex.

"Haha, if you say so. You pick a day for the duel, I'll take you on." He agreed.

"Today then," Naomi suggested.

"Any other day but today. I have better things to do than waste my time beating you up." Alex rejected and stood up from his seat.

"Find me when you have decided on another date. Come on guys, let's go." Alex left for the Exit.

Naomi was infuriated by his reply once again. He blatantly claimed that he was going to beat her up and that was another form of disrespect to her.

"We shall see about that." She glared at Alex as he walked to the exit of the class

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