The Messenger of Death

Chapter 181: rumors ii

Chapter 181: rumors ii

Seeing that Alex wasn't doing anything else, they all thought that he was asleep.

The guy that had been praising Alex decided to continue. "Not only is he a lightning user, but he is also a fire elemental user with intricate and excellent control over the element. And you know what that means right? It means that his affinity with the fire element might be one of the highest in the academy." The guy pointed.

"How do you know that?" One of the brown badge students there found it hard to believe.

"Aren't you just exaggerating everything about him? First he a lightning elemental user, then a treasure seeker, and now he has one of the highest affinity with the fire element. How is that possible? Everyone here knows that having an affinity with two elements is a rare thing. I am a fire elemental user, and I can bet that my affinity with the fire element is more than his." The guy pointed at Alex.

This guy was challenging Alex openly, his jealously made him do it. 'If I can defeat this Alexander, half of his fame will automatically be mine, when they are talking about him my name will also be mentioned.' The guy thought to himself.

Everyone in the class was expecting to see Alex react, even Camron. Since they entered the class, he had been ignoring Alex, but after he heard that guy challenge him, he turned and looked at Alex.

'Although I'm pissed at him if Alex decides to fight with this guy Alex might kill him. They are not even on the same cultivation realm, yet that dumb guy still chooses to challenge him.' Camron thought.

Alex opened his eyes when he felt Camron's eye on him. They were sitting next to each other, side by side. He could see that Camron was concerned about whatever decision he was going to make.

"Ahh!" Alex yawned and closed his eyes. He returned to his previous position. ['If you say so,'] Alex thought to himself in reply to that guy's claim.

"How many rings did he awaken on the elemental pillar?" The brown badge student that challenged Alex asked the guy that was praising him.

"He did not take the test. On that day, he was the only one that chose not to take the test and it was on that day that he challenged Duna, one of the black badge students in the academy." The guy replied.

"What!?" Many of them in the class exclaimed.

"Is he insane? With his cultivation rank and no family backing him, he went ahead to challenge someone that is in the nirvana realm and also from a class-3 ancient bloodline. Death is what he courts." A brown badged girl exclaimed.

"Yes he has no family backing him, but he has a master. You guys have heard that the notorious psychopathic witch of our academy has a disciple, right?" The guy that had been praising Alex asked.

['Is this guy a stalker?'] Alex thought.

['Probably thinks you are handsome and it trying to get into your good book so that'] Al paused and made a gagging sound. ['Hell! Why did I think about that?'] He asked himself.

['Just please, don't think until you are asked too.'] Alex was also repulsed by Al's comment.

"Yeah, don't tell me" The girl that said that he was courting death used her hands to cover her mouth. She had spoken out of turn.

Most of the students in the academy knew of the rumor that the librarian was stronger than the principal of the school, and who was the principal of the academy to them? Someone that even the class-3 ancient bloodline families have to show respect to.

Seeing the girl's expression, the guy that had been praising Alex smirked.

"Now people do you see-"

"Quit your sweet-talking and tell him what you want." A girl in a blue uniform interrupted.

In Alex's class, apart from his teammates, there were quite a few other blue badge students. About 10 or so.

Being caught in his charade the guy cringed and looked at Alex to see if he gave a response to that. He sighed in relief when saw that Alex didn't move. Although the girl was right, he wanted to ask Alex for something, but he didn't want to miss his chance before he had a chance to do so.

"You seem to have misunderstood me, I have no-"

"You know what, since you won't ask, I'll ask first." The blue badge girl, interrupted once again and stood up then began to make her way to where Alex was seated.

Alex could sense and hear her footsteps as she approached him. When she reached where Alex was seated, she bobbed her head at Camron. That was her way of greeting him.

And the same time that she reached Alex's front, Katherine, Adrian, Emma, And Drake stepped into the classroom.

As they did, they could tell from the atmosphere there, that something must have happened, or is happening, or about to happen.

"What's going on?" Katherine muttered. She looked around the classroom and saw a blue badge girl standing in front of Alex.

Katherine noticed that this girl was quite good-looking and had a slender but attractive figure. She has black hair that was tied into a neat bun, elf-like ears, and fair skin. Immediately, Katherine felt threatened.

Last night, they had to knock her out before Alex came back so that she wouldn't interrupt his dinner with Arabella, and that alone made her feel depressed. Now she was seeing another possible threat, she became defensive.

Before she could approach them she heard the girl say; "Hi, my name is Naomi, I'm also a fire elemental user, would you like to spend some time with me later and become friends or something." The girl introduced and made her intentions known.

Everywhere was silent after she asked her question, everyone was waiting for Alex to give his reply.

Camron arched a brow at her direct introduction, he didn't like the girl.

Alex stayed the way he was. He didn't move nor did he act as if he could hear her.

"Is he asleep?" Some of the members of the class whispered.

"If he is then it will be embarrassing to introduce herself the same way again, wouldn't it?" Another student said.

Naomi also thought that Alex was asleep so she attempted to try and tap on his hand but her hand was caught and stopped by Camron.

"For your own good, I suggest that you don't touch him," Camron spoke.

He could remember what Alex did back when they were on a mission in Cerevaux and he was torturing those girls for information. When Tammy grabbed his hand and he almost cut her throat for doing so.

He could imagine what would happen to the girl if she touched Alex.

['It seems like Camron has caught on to some of your behaviors.'] Al commented.

['You mean Xander's behavior. He's the only amongst us that will kill because someone touched him.'] Alex corrected.

['And I like the fact that he did stop her.'] Xander interjected.

"I want to introduce myself and it looks like he's asleep," Naomi said as she pulled her hand out of Camron's grip.

"He is not asleep. He's wide awake if you ask me, and he heard your introduction but still chose not to give it any response. Meaning he doesn't care to know who you are or what you look like. Sorry if my words sound harsh, but it is exactly as I have said, I just interpreted to you what his actions meant." Camron cleared out.

Naomi frowned at Camron and glared. She looked at his wrist and saw a silver bracelet and then she looked at Alex's own and saw the same bracelet.

"What are the two of you? Lovers?" She asked rudely. Wanting to start another rumor.

Camron knew what she was staring at. "Not lovers, but brothers." His reply shut her up.

"It's him I want to talk to and not you, sit back and don't interrupt me again. Just because we are both wearing the same color of uniform doesn't mean that I am not stronger than you. Mind your business." Naomi warned Camron.

Now Katherine and the rest of the Seraphim team arrived. They took the vacant seats that were next to Alex and Camron.

"You guys are finally here, I thought you were going to be late." Camron ignored her and said to his teammates.

"Why you" Naomi held herself back.

Katherine sat next to Alex. "Alex," She called.

"Mmm," Alex responded but didn't move. He looked like he was too lazy to even move his mouth.

"How was your night?" Katherine questioned.

"It was alright."

"So are you and you know is there anything between-"

"No." Alex interrupted her before she could finish speaking. He knew what she was trying to ask.

"Hi my name is Naomi, would you like to-"

"F*ck off." Alex rudely interrupted Naomi.

"Woah!!" the members of the class exclaimed.

Some of them started to laugh but held their laughter back. They didn't want to be targeted by Naomi, she was one of the few blue badge students in their class.

The next thing that happened, many people in the class turned their laughter into coughing fits.

Camron and the rest of the Seraphim team members chuckled at Alex's reply, except Emma. She only flashed a knowing smile and felt a little pity for Naomi.

Naomi didn't know what to do. "You will regret this." She said before she left for her seat.

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