The Messenger of Death

Chapter 177: dinner with arabella

Chapter 177: dinner with arabella

"When do you need it?" Xiao En asked.

"Tomorrow, by noon," Al answered.

"Alright, once I have it I'll come to you myself. Then, I will tell you how much you are going to pay. The cost is going to depend on how difficult it is for me to obtain, after all, what I'm going to get for you is an illegal thing on this continent." Xiao En mentioned and vanished from his sight.

As soon as she was gone Al looked around the reception of the guest inn. "Is the steward not really here?" He voiced his thoughts.

['If he's not then it's good that you didn't make Xiao En angry, without that dangerous man, that woman is like a wolf without a leash.'] Alex commented.

Al left the reception and went back to his suite.

"Alex, I thought you ran away," Camron said when he saw Al step into the suite.

"And why would I do that?" Al arched a brow at him.

"I just thought that you regret asking me to contact my sister to set that dinner up, hope you are still up for it?" Camron asked.

"Oh yeah, I am. I should get ready." Al was about to head to his room when he remembered that he hadn't gone to get a new uniform for himself. "I'll be right back." He turned and left the suite

Not long later, Al came back to the suite with a blue uniform on and went straight to his room. He crushed another poisonous pill in his hand and poured it on the table in his room.

['Don't tell me that you are about to test the drug on me again?'] Alex was about to panic.

"No, that's not what I'm about to do. Do you think that I'm a junkie or something of the sort? I just want to get prepared. I need to test how the drug will react when it touches alcohol, I want to know if it's going to foam up and make any visible changes to the drink." Al explained.

['Oh, I thought that the poison was sort of an addictive type of drug, you know.'] Alex stated in his defense.

"Sure, it's so addictive that the person that takes it and dies will come back to life just to take some more and die again." Al's words were coated in sarcasm.

['So you are preparing for anything.'] Xander stated after pondering on what Al said. ['Back at the Bull's Coven, I remember seeing people drinking, smoking, etc. if the targets choose to drink then you can slip it into their cups. If they plan in smoking then we mixed it with whatever herbs they blaze on.'] Xander explained.

"Yup, on point." Al tore a piece of paper and powered the poisonous powder in it, then he folded it and placed it in his pocket.

He did the same to the antidote. "Just in case." He stated.

['Where to now?'] Alex asked when he saw Al heading for the door.

"Going to check if Nana is back. If she is then I don't really need to worry if something goes wrong now, do I?" Al answered.

He went to the library to look for Nana. "It's open... since we've been going in and out of this library, have we ever seen anyone else in there, apart from Nana?" Al wondered.

['No, I don't think that she has an assistant too.'] Alex answered.

"There are quite a lot of people storming in and out of the library, is this still the same place that we know? The territory of the psychopathic wit-" Al paused.

It crossed his mind that if Nana was in the library, then she was capable of hearing him call her a psychopathic witch and if that happened. He or Alex might face time in the usual place behind the snow-covered mountain.

['Well, go in. you are not going to find out if she's back by standing there.'] Lex insisted.

"Alex, you wanna switch back?"

['This is your plan, you either scurry away like a pussy or you man up and head into that library'] Alex rejected his offer.

"I thought so." Al breathed out and went into the library.

When he stepped in, immediately he knew that Nana wasn't in the library, nor had she returned. The whole place was noisy and that was something that Nana didn't like, noise. He saw people running around, some were eating in the library too.

['If she's not here then who's watching over the library?'] Al wondered.

"Alexander!" Al heard someone call to him, but it sounded that the person didn't do it purposely. It sounded like he was scared or surprised.

Al turned and saw that it was someone that he had never seen or met before. This person didn't even have the school's uniform on. Al was looking at a young male that had the same attire as the staff in the school. He was holding onto some books.

This young man had rough dark-blonde hair that reached his ears. His hair looked like it was naturally permed. He stood at the height of 5'9, just inches shorter than Al was. This man looked like your average nerd to Al.

"And who might you be?" Al raised his brows and asked.

"I-I'm the person that the academy left in charge of the library while Miss N-nana is away. My name is Sam." The man stuttered as he spoke.

"And you know me how?"

"You are Miss Nana's only disciple right?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I am. Looking at the state that this place is in, I can tell that my master isn't back yet. Well, it was unexpected seeing this. I will be taking my leave now." Al turned and started making his way out of the library.

"Wait," Sam called out.

Al turned, "What for?" He asked.

"You are not going to tell your master that the library turned into this after she left, right?" Sam looked terrified.

"That depends, are you going to tell her yourself?"

"N-no, I'm not," Sam responded.

"Me neither, I don't really care, the library is not my responsibility." Al turned and left for good.

He was going back to his suite.

By the time Al reached the suite, the sun had almost ready to retire for the night. Al opened the door and immediately became paranoid because the light in the suite was out. Since the sun had set, the place was dark, but this wasn't a problem for Al.

['Was there ever a time when we came in and the light was off?'] He reasoned.

['Never,'] Alex answered, and immediately, Al brought out his bow and pulled on the string.


An arrow made of flames materialized and illuminated the way for him. Al made sure that with each step that he took, his legs made no sounds.

He walked deeper into the suite and arrived in the living room. At this point he was confused. There were lit candles spread around the living room leading straight to the dining.

When his attention reached the dining table, Al was surprised to see Arabella sitting in the darkness.

Arabella wasn't in her uniform, she had a pretty, yellow gown on. The gown was showing a little bit of cleavage. She smiled when she saw what was in Al's hand.

"That's one way to make an entrance," Arabella commented.

Al retracted the bow into his storage ring. "Who did all this?" He asked and made his way to where she was seated.

"I heard from your teammates that it was my brother's idea." She blushed a bit.

"I thought that we were going to go somewhere else, but here is better. Discretion is important to this dinner too I guess. Sorry that I'm underdressed for the occasion, but I don't really have any suitable wears for this occasion in my wardrobe." Al turned into a gentleman.

Arabella was expecting some kind of awkwardness from Alex but she hadn't sensed anything like that. He looked natural to her like it wasn't Alex that she was speaking to.

When Al arrived by the dining, he could see her cloth better. "You look lovely," He commented and took a seat opposite hers.

Arabella grinned. "You look lovely too." She blurted out.

"Where did your brother and the rest of my entourage go to?"

"I think they are in one of the room."

"Good, cause I want you all to myself for tonight." Al picked the bottle of wine that was on the table and poured some for himself and then for Arabella.

['I hope it's not what I think that it is.'] Al interjected.

['Not at all rabbit. I need her to myself this night because of the questions that I want to ask her about the Bull's Coven, happy now?'] Al replied.

Al's previous statement put her in heat and she didn't know anyway to control it, so she quickly finished the wine that was just served to her.

"So, Bella. You wouldn't mind if I asked you some question right?"

"Please, go ahead and ask." She cleaned her sweaty palms on her laps

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