The Messenger of Death

Chapter 176: infiltrate?

Chapter 176: infiltrate?

Al wasted no time in swallowing the poison.

"Hmmm, mint flavor. This master of ours is quite the genius." Al commented.

['What the f*ck!! Why the hell are you trying to kill me!?'] Alex shouted.

Al scooped the antidote too, and left it on his finger, in front of his mouth. Just in case the poison was more potent than his expectations. He glanced at the time interface on his skin crawler and paid attention to it.

"You realize that if I am trying to kill you then I'm attempting suicide too right?" Al pointed out the obvious.

['Who knows if you've turned suicidal!?'] Alex bellowed.

"Just be quiet for a while, I'm trying to focus on the time and also the changes in my body. Your speaking is an annoying distraction. If I don't pay attention and miss the changes, then I might have as well just committed suicide." Al demanded.

Alex kept quiet, what Al said made sense and he didn't want to be the cause of his own death, at least not yet, and not in such an obtuse way.

8 minutes had gone by and nothing had happened. "8 minutes is already enough, but if this can go on for 15 minutes, then it should be perfect to take the-"


Blood sprouted out of Al's mouth and as quickly as that happened, he consumed the antidote.

"Argh!!!" He sealed his lips and grunted in pain as he fell to the ground and started to vibrate furiously. He started to sweat bullets as foam gushed out of his mouth.

['Al!!'] Alex and Lex called at the same time.

Al brought out one of the sleeping pills that Nana gave to him when she was teaching him how to concoct. It was a sleeping pill and also a healing pill. He quickly threw it into his mouth.

After 30 seconds of continuous squirming on the floor, Al started to calm down. His breathing was a bit unsteady and rough.

['Al, are you alright!?'] Alex asked.

"Hahaha Ouch!!" Al's laughter was cut short by the pain that came from his abdomen. "I'm alright," Al replied.

"Hell, that was painful as f*ck." He chuckled.

['What's so funny!? We almost died, why are you laughing at that!?'] Alex was annoyed at his attitude towards the fact that he almost committed suicide.

"I'm not laughing at the fact that I almost died. I'm laughing at the thought of using this on those friends of Tuna. Now that I know how excruciating the process of dying from this poison can be, I can say that I am greatly satisfied.

The pain that they would go through before they die, that is satisfying to me." Al responded.

['Crazy ass.'] Alex commented.

['Ahh sh*t, I can't move my lips at the moment.']

['That's what it feels like when the sleeping pill starts taking effect, it's about to be lights out.'] Alex mentioned.

['Let's be honest here, we are all crazy asses. Lex is the scariest of us when he starts killing, Xander will kill a person just for touching him, me, I'm a bit normal. I will only kill when necessary, but I make sure that I enjoy myself while it.'] Al stated and passed out on the floor after that

"Hmm, minty," Alex whispered as he rolled on the ground. He was still sound asleep.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and jolted up. Alex looked around and saw that he was in his room in the presidential suite. "Oh, good. I'm still in the guest inn, I thought I was somewhere else." He sighed in relief.

['How do you feel, is there any kind of discomfort?'] Al questioned.

"No, I feel alright. Like I only had good night's sleep." Alex replied and jumped up energetically. "See, all good." He added.

['Okay, that's good. I have thought of a suitable and possible plan. I do have several, but this plan is the easiest and safest, only if we can infiltrate the Bull's Coven as a girl.'] Al revealed.

"As a girl? That won't be easy." Alex pondered on how that could be possible.

['Yeah, it won't be easy. The skin crawler wouldn't be enough as it can't change the fact that we are tall and also the nature of our body.'] Xander pointed out.

['Yeah, it's not going to be easy. But that is the easiest way to kill them. Remember, this world is far more amazing than the one we came from, we must not leave a shred of evidence. We must have our targets ingest the poison without any struggles or being forced to.

without making it look like they even knew that they had consumed something. We must change the way we smell, the shoe we wear, the strides we make. Just a footprint might be able to lead them to us and I don't want to take any chances with that.

The only way to do that is if we infiltrate the Bull's Coven as a girl and'] Al paused. He made a gagging sound as if he wanted to throw up.

"And what?" Alex asked.

['Forget about it, we wouldn't have to go that far. I will make sure of that or my name isn't Al.'] Al made a promise to himself.

"How far? I don't understand what you are talking about." Alex pushed on.

['You don't need to, all you have to do is to switch with me and watch as I take those cunts down.'] Al dismissed.

"Can't you give us a detailed plan?" Alex inquired.

['I could, but you might be against the plan. Just you.']

"Why would I be against it? What do you plan on doing?"

['I'm going to steal the identity of one of the females there, but to do that I will need to get one to willingly go somewhere private with me.']

"Then what?"

['Then I feed her the sleeping pill that I took last night. After experiencing its effects first hand, I can say for sure that it is perfect for this.'] Al disclosed.

"That's what you think I'm going to be against? If it's not outrageous, then I'm okay with it."

['Ahh, what will we do to this soft part of us. He's turning into a softy, mushy-mushy. It disgusts me.'] Al whispered.

"I don't know what's stupid, you saying that I'm soft now, or the fact that you just whispered that when you know that I can hear it either way."

['Just switch with me, I need to ask Xiao En something.'] Al dismissed his complaint.

Alex scoffed and chose not to ask him any more questions.


Once again, Al was in control. "I don't want us to rely on the skin crawler too much for this. I have to find out if there is a way to change the appearance of this body, into a female's own."

He quickly left the suite and went to meet Xiao En in her post.

Xiao En saw Al approaching her and she could tell that he was coming to ask more questions.


"What do you want now?" Xiao En interrupted him.

"Hahaha, I like the relationship the two of us have," Al commented.

"We have no sort of relationship, I am the receptionist to this Goddamned guest inn and you are a VIP guest. And might I add, what we have is platonic." Xiao En pointed out.

"That was very detailed," Al whispered and clicked his tongue.

"What do you want Alex?" She asked again.

"I wanted to ask you some hypothetical questions, and I was hoping that you could give me satisfactory answers." He said.

"Shoot ahead." She leaned back on her chair and folded her arms over her chest.

"Well, hypothetically speaking, if I wanted to change my appearance from that of a guy to a girl's, temporarily. Is there a safe and quick way to do that?" He asked.

"There are several, pills or just ritualistic methods with the aid of runes, orthodox, and unorthodox." She replied.

Al smiled at her reply. "Good, can you tell me what they are or how I can get my hands on one as soon as possible?" Al excitement was starting to show on his face.

'What is this kid thinking of?' Xiao En wondered. 'Is he into cross-dressing now or this is part of some kind of kinky fetish that he wants to try out?'

She looked at Al weirdly and shook her head.

"I swear I can't tell what you're thinking most of the time, you are a mystery to me." She muttered. "Are you talking about outer body appearance or the outer and inner body appearance?"

"Which is the inner and which is the outer?" Al didn't understand her question.

"The outer one is when you change the outer appearance of your body, for example, the color of your skin, the color of your hair or eye, you could suddenly grow breast and have a slim waist. The inner is kinda of painful, this one can change your bone structure, make you shrink, make you fatter, taller, or shorter. You get the gist.

So which one do you want?"

"Uhh, the outer one I guess." Al wanted the inner one, but was skeptical about it. "Where can I get pills that can help me do that?"

"From me, but you will have to pay. I know that you are up to something bad, but I can't tell what it is. So because I'm going to help you do something bad, I'm going to have you pay double, cause my reputation is on the line." Xiao En proclaimed as she flashed a smirk at Al.

"Like you have a good reputation," He whispered and hissed at her statement.

"What did you just say?" Xiao En stood up from her.

"I asked how much you wanted for the gig."

"Good, cause the steward is nowhere near here and I can beat you up today if I so choose to." She took her seat and scoffed at Al.

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