The Messenger of Death

Chapter 174: another trigger

Chapter 174: another trigger


Alex involuntarily switched with one of his alters.

Seeing that Alex had started to give in to her seduction, with the help of an external substance of course. The girl massaging him had a knowing smile on her face.

She had done this many times to people that were reserved or shy and it has always worked. What she rubbed on Alex was oil that aided relaxation.

They called it the truth serum, not because it made people say the truth, it doesn't. It only helps people stay true to their immediate desires, hence the name.

Pressing Alex's head further against her breasts, she watched him kiss her neck and saw how his hands fidgeted. He was still trying to hold himself back. The girl smirked at his stubbornness and decided to take things to another level.

The girl leaned further, closer to the water, and put a hand in aiming to grab hold of his erected genital and to tease Alex further. When her hand was just inches away, Alex's hand grabbed hers.

He sniffed her neck and chuckled.

"If this is all you can do then I am a bit disappointed." She heard Alex say.

The alternate personality that Alex had switched with was Al.


Al dragged the girl into the hot spring and pulled her closer to his chest then stared into her eyes. He used one of his hands to lock both of hers in his and the other was wrapped around her waist.

As soon as he did this, Al noticed that 3 girls jumped out of hiding with weapons in their hands. They were about to charge at him when the girl in his arms shook her head, telling them that it was okay and that she wasn't resisting.

['Seems like something like this happens frequently and they have countermeasures for it. Guards that are good at hiding. If I try to poke nose and find out their cultivation prowess, I might offend them.'] Al reasoned.

['Goddammit!! That's your trigger!? My mental health is seriously messed up.'] Alex exclaimed.

['I did suspect that Al's trigger was something related to perverseness. Even from the way he spoke previously, I could tell that he was up to something like this.'] Xander uttered.

['And you didn't warn me?'] Al asked.

['We all have suspensions of what could trigger each of us alters, wanting to confirm it is something that we would like to do. I just couldn't ruin his chance to know.'] Xander explained.

['Hahaha, rabbit. I'm glad you listened to me, I had a feeling that this might be my trigger and this was the perfect place to try it.'] Al disclosed.

['You know what, I'm glad that I also found out about this, now I can avoid switching with you against my will.'] Alex retorted.

['Sure, sure, there's that too. Just put it in mind that, besides you being aroused beyond your control as my trigger, there's likely to be more that could trigger me.'] Al revealed.

['Just shut it and switch back with me.']

['C'mon rabbit, do you want to fall to this girl's trick? This is my fort, I can blend in and still watch our target, so let me do this for us. And I promise I won't cross the line.'] Al said.

['You freaking you know that I can tell that your fingers are crossed, right?']

['Oh, yeah I knew that. Just let me do this. Lex is here and I have already made a promise, if you think that I'm going overboard then just let me know.']

['I don't know how I let you into talking me to do things that I don't want to okay... don't be foolish, or else.'] Alex threatened.

['As you wish, your highness.']

Al chuckled.

The erection that Al had gone down, contrary to the effects of the oil that was rubbed on him. He was a master at controlling the muscles in his body, so making his private part go limp even when it is still being stimulated by a foreign substance wasn't a hard thing for him to do.

The girl that he had pulled close to him could feel that the rod that had been poking her stomach, go limp. She frowned and saw a smirk form on Al's face.

"You are more stubborn than I thought." She looked down and indicated with her eyes what she was referring to.

"Using some kind of drug to make me give in, isn't that cheating? If you want me to spend my energy crystals here, you'll have to do better than this." Al used his nose to touch the tip of hers.

He used a finger from the hand that was holding her waist, to slowly and gently trace a little circle on her waist. This action was a bit stimulating to the girl and she leaned closer to him.

"So would you like to play a fair game?" She asked in a haughty tone.

Al was about to give an answer when Alex interrupted him.

['Back!! Back boy. Put some distance in between!!'] Al shouted.

['Cock block.'] He commented.

Al chuckled and pulled his head back. He looked at the girl and sighed.

"Perhaps another time, love." He whispered and gently pushed her off his body.

This left the girl disappointed. She was already getting into the mood and now she had been denied.

"You can resume the massage. Only this time," He grabbed her slender hand gently and stared at her fingers like they were something of greater value.

"Keep your pretty little hands on my shoulders," He brought her hand closer to his lips and kissed the back of her palm.

Just this little action swayed this girl. She was used to getting comments from the men here and it had become something of lesser meaning to her, she knew that they only gave her compliments because they wanted what was underneath her clothes.

But this little act of Al was different. He didn't look at her breast, waist, or face, he held her hand and looked at it better than she does.

Al accomplished something that many haven't been able to accomplish in the Bull's Coven, he made one of the staff there blush earnestly.

"Okay," The girl answered and looked at Al with interest in her gaze. Now he was a mystery to her.

The person that she thought to be a shy and reserved person isn't actually one, he was able to resist the effects of the oil that she rubbed on him and didn't make an attempt to touch her body as he wished to. Instead he made her feel giddy and warm inside.

She obediently did as he asked and went back to her previous position. She poured more oil on her hand and was about to resume massaging when it hit her.

She wanted to play fair now and not use anything stimulating on Al.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back. I need to change the oil to a normal one." She whispered into his ear.

"Go ahead," Al permitted

The others that were present in the hot spring watched as this transpired, the guys there also wanted to hold the girls that were giving them a massage the same way they saw Al do.

When the girl left to change the oil, Al heard Rayne speak.

"Can I get a bit of what that guy got? I mean hold you like that." He was referring to Al.

Al scoffed at his request. ['What I did was sheer manipulation,'] He praised himself.

['If I hadn't stopped you, hell knows what you would have done. Just shut up and listen.'] Alex stated and Al did as he requested.

"Sorry, but that only happened because she allowed it. If you want something like that then you would have to pay extra fees. And it won't necessarily be me that will attend to you." The girl that was attending to Rayne, answered.

"I can't believe that he wasted such a free chance like that." Rayne thought out loud in disbelief. All the girls here were excellent, be it their looks or manner of speech. After all, they were all selected by the heads of the organization.

['I can't believe I did that too.'] Al folded his hand over his chest.

Rayne stood up from the water and turned to face the girl. He had no shame in showcasing his erected genital to the public. "That service costs extra energy crystals how about I come back in 2 days with my friends?"

"The customer can come back at any time, the Bull's Coven will always be eager to serve as long as the requirements have been met." The girl said with a smile.

Rayne got out of the hot spring and made his way towards the exit. At the same time that he was leaving, that was when the girl that was attending to Alex arrived.

['This f*cker couldn't just wait for a little longer.'] Al complained.

He also got up.

"You're leaving?" She asked.

"Yeah," Al answered without looking at her. He kept on walking towards the exit.

"When will you be back?"

Al could hear the disappointment in her voice and so he looked behind him and flashed a little smile at her. "2 days from now." He answered and left to tail Rayne.

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