The Messenger of Death

Chapter 173: bull's coven ii

Chapter 173: bull's coven ii

Stepping into the Bull's Coven, Alex wasn't surprised to see something out of the ordinary. He knew that the structures of this part of the universe weren't like the ones in the part that he came from.

The insides of the Bull's Coven was just like that of any casino that he had seen before. It had people drinking and gambling in one corner, others watching beautiful ladies dance.

Some being enamored by the beauty and clothing of the women that were dancing. They had thin pieces of cloths on that could give an onlooker an idea of the way their body was.

"Follow me, the bath is just down here." The girl walked him to where the bath was. Their bath was a hot spring, a mixed one from the look of things.

['Damn, why am I only finding out about this now. This has my name written all over it. I wish I knew about this place back when I made that deal with you.'] Al commented.

['It's a good thing that we are only finding out about this place now, and it is a reminder that I shouldn't make a deal like that with you again Al.'] Alex stated.

"In here," The girl opened a door that had writing on it saying 'Changing room.'

"You can wash up here before you head to the hot spring." She said and another girl came out of the room. She had a welcoming smile on her face.

"I can help you get prepped for the hot spring." She uttered nicely.

['Hell yeah!!'] Al shouted.

['Hell no!'] Alex refused.

He frowned at the girl and shook his head at her. "No, thank you."

"Don't worry about this, it is free." The girl that led Alex here said.

"Free or not, I don't want her help." Alex made his choice known.

"You are a very shy one," The girl that led him here commented as she smirked at Alex. She thought that he was a very innocent guy that has never had the pleasure of coming in close contact with the opposite sex.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"John," Alex responded naturally.

She used her hand and indicated to Alex that he should lend her his ears. Alex was skeptical at first but later on bent down a little and she brought her lips closer to his ears.

"In time my friend you will open up. I will keep my eyes on you. Who knows, maybe when you are ready to open up, I might just offer myself to you for free." The girl flirtatiously uttered and blew a warm breath on Alex's ear.

"We shall see." That was all Alex said.

His reaction to her offer and flirts was contrary to what the girl was expecting. She expected Alex to blush and maybe lose his cool, but he only gave a dismissive reply and didn't even take a glance at her.

Alex walked into the changing room and closed the door behind him.

"So he wasn't shy," The girl that brought him over whispered with a surprised expression on her face. "Oh, I love guys like him. That hard to get attitude, the cold reply, that was a total turn-on."

She bit her lips then closed her legs tight as her breathing began to change. "Seems like I have to give him special attention." The girl added and leaned on the door that Alex closed

"John, look for me next time that you come here, my name is Hansel." The girl that brought him over, introduced herself before she left

Standing not far away from the door, Alex got undressed and was listening to what Hansel was saying before she told him her name.

['You could have at least let that girl help you get prepped for the hot spring.'] Al complained.

['I thought that you thought things through, but when it comes to women you lose your reasoning. Have you forgotten what we are here for?'] Alex asked as he removed his shirt.

['No I haven't, I was just saying that you should have let the kind lady do her job.'] Al defended.

['I asked this not long ago and I will ask again, I thought that you thought things through? I come in here with a different face from my original one, the skin crawler can only change the features of my face, neck, and hair, but not the rest of my body.

The scars on my body are more or less the same as my face. If anyone sees it and something goes wrong with the assassination, she might be a loose end. And loose ends are problematic.'] Alex explained.

['Damn, you didn't have to cover your virginity up with that.'] Al whispered, he had completely forgotten about the scars on their body.

['Alex is right Al,'] Lex concurred.

['I don't expect him to admit his mistake. It's good to let him know that he's not as smart as he thinks he is.'] Alex mocked. He had already taken his clothes off.

He quickly picked up a white bathing robe and put it on. He didn't want to take the chances of anyone seeing the scars on his body.

['What? Do you want a praise from me? Just a few hours ago you were being obedient to me and now you're acting like a jerk.'] Alex was right, Al couldn't admit his mistake.

['Yeah, I was and you said that it was repulsive, so I had to revert to my old ways.'] Alex answered with a victory smirk on his face.

Alex took a bath with the robe on and went out of the changing room like that.

The girl that asked to prep him for the hot spring was standing outside the changing room. She didn't find it weird that he came out with a wet robe as some of the customers that visit this place liked to keep their nudity to themselves.

"This way please." She stated and led the way to the hot spring.

Upon arrival at their destination, clouds of steam fogged Alex's sight. It was an outdoor hot spring, surrounding the outdoor spring were fine-shaped stones that had rune alphabets inscribed on them.

Alex attempted to read them but he couldn't. ['Sometimes, I swear I wonder, of what use are the memories that the Dragnel brothers gave to us?'] Alex thought.

['Well, we did get a recipe for poison from a part of the memory.'] Lex answered.

['One that we don't seem to need anymore. Quite useful if you asked me.'] Alex replied sarcastically.

He looked around, searching for Rayne. Not much later he located him. Rayne was sitting in the hot spring with his back resting on a fine-shaped rock. There was a girl in a see-through, pink robe sitting on the rock and rubbing her hands all over his chest.

Rayne had his eyes closed and seemed to be enjoying what the girl was doing to him. Alex was about to head there when he was interrupted by the girl that brought him here.

"Excuse me, would you like to have someone massage your shoulders for you while you sprawl yourself in the warm water?" The girls asked. "Hansel told me to make sure that you don't pay for most of the things that you ask for today." She added.

['Come on, just agree to it. When have we ever had someone massaging us? just the shoulders.'] Al urged.

"Just the shoulders." Alex listened to Al's plea and permitted the girl to massage his shoulders only.

He went into the water and made sure that where he was positioned wasn't far from where Rayne was seated and also within eavesdropping range.

"Are you enjoying it, sir?" The girl massaging Rayne asked.

"Mmm. Yeah, just like that." He whispered. The girl bent and placed her hands into the water then started massaging Rayne's abdomen.

Rayne only had a towel wrapped around his waist and it wasn't doing a good job suppressing his erection. The girl massaging Rayne leaned in further and purposely let her breasts rest on the top of his head.

Alex watched this as it happened.

['Probably how they get their customers to throw their money at them. They are quite good at click baits.'] Alex commented.

['This is why people who make money, like to make money. To throw it at hot girls like the lovely lady over there.'] It was getting harder for Al to hold the lewd part of himself back.

The girl that Alex brought over, suddenly placed her hands on Alex's shoulder. She shifted the robe up to the extent that it revealed only his shoulders.

Alex flinched and quickly looked at his shoulders to confirm if he had noticeable scars there. He had so many scars on his body that he couldn't tell where, when, or how he got most of them. After looking at the skin on his shoulder, he deemed that it was safe as the scars there were just fine lines on his skin. They couldn't be felt but only seen.

And with the cloud from the steam here, Alex was sure that they wouldn't be easy to see.

['I'm only doing this because of you Al.'] Alex said.

['For us, rabbit. For us.'] Al replied and he sounded as if he was impatient. Like he was waiting for something to happen.

The girl still thought that Alex was reacting like this because of his innocence. "Can I proceed?" She asked with a smile.

"Uh, yeah," Alex replied awkwardly.

The girl began rubbing some kind of oil on his shoulder then proceeded to start massaging them.

From the way she massaged and the amount of strength behind her touch, Alex could tell that they were actually trained in this.

She actually made Alex feel like letting his guard down and just go with the flow. Alex smiled and took in a deep breath. He leaned back, just the same way he saw Rayne do, and closed his eyes.

The girl looked like she had been waiting for this. She pulled him closer until the back of his head was leaning on the top of her breast.

As soon as they made contact, Alex could feel unwanted steering coming from his nether area. It didn't take up to 2 seconds for him to get a full-on erection.

['Something is wrong,'] Alex thought, as the desire to give in to the suggestions coming from his erection started to take over his mind.

['I think there was something in that oil that she rubbed on me'] He added. Alex wanted to move away from her but only ended up bending his heads and using the tip of his nose to rub her neck.

His breathing started to change and get louder.


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