The Messenger of Death

Chapter 165: bram: hot pursuit

Chapter 165: bram: hot pursuit

Since Bram had arrived in the lower plain realm for the second time, he had been on the run and hiding for weeks now.

While he was investigating and searching for where Alex might be, he noticed that he was being followed by people from the celestial plain realm.

He considered returning to the ordain plain realm but decided against it. Bram didn't want to risk exposing his master's hiding spot to those that were following him.

That independent artificial space was very hard for his master to create and it was one of the reasons why they were able to stay in the ordain plain realm and not lose their cultivation prowess.

The people that were after Bram was sent by Amir's father. They were ordered to capture Bram if he noticed that they were after him, and from the moment that Bram found out about them, they had been quite diligent in their pursuit.

Failing to complete this mission might cost them their lives and they didn't want to disappoint their sect head.

This has been going on for weeks, as Bram was a very hard person to catch. He was sneaky and good at hiding. One of the perks of his shapeshifting ability.

While running away from his pursuers, Bram also had to be careful that he didn't release too much of his aura and strength, at least not to the extent that the protectors set by the first emperor of the celestial plain realm to legislate his law, will have to take action for.

The same thing with the people that were after Bram, they also had to be careful of the amount of strength that they released

Far away from where Alex was, Bram and his pursuers were playing a long game of tag. They had left the western continent without knowing, and now they were in the eastern continent.

In a little village with little population and archaic architectural structures. People were going on about their daily and usual routines. Children playing, men and women working hard, and mischievous people being their selves.

Holding the hands of a breastfeeding mother was a little girl with short ponytail hair. She had dirt on her face as she smiled at the woman. The little girl and her mother were seating together in the backyard of their home.

"Mommy, I want to take my bath." The little girl said with a thick accent of their dialect.

"Okay darling, give me a moment. Your brother is still eating." She used her chin to point at the little boy that she was breastfeeding.

"Mommy." The woman heard the voice of her daughter again, but it didn't come from the one that was holding on to her hand.

The breastfeeding mother looked at the entrance to the backyard and saw a person that looked exactly like her daughter standing there with a shocked expression on her face. They both had the same hairstyle and even the way that the dirt on their face was, was the same.

"Am I dreaming, or do I have a fever?" The woman removed her hand from her daughter's own and used it to touch her forehead, trying to check her temperature and confirm if she actually has a fever.

"He's over here!" The hefty voice of a man echoed in the breastfeeding mom's backyard.

"Sh*t!!" She saw her daughter the one that she had been holding hands with, curse out.

"Huh?" The woman exclaimed. When her daughter spoke just now, it wasn't with her thick accent or even with the voice of a child. It was with the voice of a man.

The next thing she saw was her daughter shooting up into the sky.

The breastfeeding mother gently carried her baby and placed him on a blanket. She covered him and made sure that he was comfortable and safe.


She fainted and dropped to the floor. The baby started giggling and clapping his hands and legs together at the theatrics that his mother just displayed

High in the sky, Bram started to morph back into his original form. He looked behind him and saw 7 other people in black robes, on his tail.

"You diligent bastards, won't you guys go back to the celestial plain realm and take a damn day off for f*ck's sake!?? We've been at this for weeks now. Aren't you scared of your cultivation dropping?!" Bram voiced his annoyance at their resilience in this pursuit.

One of the people on his tail turned to his companion and said;

"Go back to the celestial realm and tell the master that he might have to send another set of people to continue the pursuit. Our cultivation might start dropping if we stay here for long. If we can switch with others and continue to chase after him till his cultivation drops, then it will be our win."

"Do I ask him to send people that are stronger?" The companion asked.

"No, it wouldn't matter, this is the lower plain realm, and we can't use our true abilities here." He said.

"Okay," The companion said and left for the celestial realm.

Bram looked back and noticed that only 6 people were going after him now.

'It would be good if they all left and gave me some breathing space. If they think that they can keep this up until my cultivation drops, then they are in for a surprise.' Bram thought to himself as he smirked.

With the assistance of his master, he had a way to temporarily avoid his cultivation dropping.

'It would also be good if their cultivation dropped, that way I could kill them and take them back to master. He always has use for useless things.' Bram reasoned



Alex raised his body from the bed that he woke from and sat down. He looked around the room that he was in and saw that it didn't look like a room that he recognized. There were other beds there and the only thing that was used as a demarcation was curtains.

"Where are we?" He asked his teammates.

"Oh, we are in the infirmary of the academy," Emma answered him.

"Who carried me all the way from the Luxure headquarters to the academy?" He looked at Camron as he asked.

"Well, it was Arabella. She did it all by herself." Camron scratched the back of his head as he answered.

"I insisted on helping but she refused. She said that I was too weak." Katherine chirped.

During the whole journey back to the academy she was jealous that Arabella got to carry Alex back. She scoffed and tightened her fists when she remembered how Arabella dismissed her.

Alex had just noticed something different about his teammates, they were all wearing a blue uniform. "You guys have all broken through to the disaster realm? When?" He questioned.

He was referring to Adrian, Emma, and Katherine.

Adrian flashed a proud smile and answered; "About a day ago. We decided to consume the miracle fruits 2 days ago and it took a while before we were done absorbing the QI energy from them."

"I feel like I have been left behind. I need to take mine and start cultivating. What rank are you guys in?"

"Everyone but Emma is a rank-2 disaster realm cultivator. Emma is a rank 3," Camron answered.

While he spoke, Emma smiled when she heard him call out her rank. It felt good to be the strongest one amongst her team members.

"Alright, I'm heading back to the guest inn," Alex uttered and got up from the bed.

"Are you sure that you are okay?" Camron asked.

"Yeah, I am,"

"You sure? Because I heard from Drake that Lilith was from the celestial realm and also a succubus. I don't think you should take what she did to you lightly." Camron advised.

"And what do you think that she did to me?"

"Didn't she take like half of your life force away?" Drake interjected.

"Maybe, I can't really remember what happened after she started absorbing my life force. Although she might have taken out of my vitality, I feel like a new and stronger man today." Alex stretched his arms and cracked his stiff bones.

"But the nurse said that if half of your lifeforce had been taken, you might have to be bedridden for a couple of months." Drake pointed out.

"Do I look like someone that needs that at the moment?" Alex glared at him.

"Haha, no, no. I was just saying. You should leave if you want to leave."

After being checked by the nurse in the infirmary once again, Alex was finally discharged. Soon they left for the guest inn.

Stepping into the familiar floors of the severance academy guest inn, Alex saw Andrea and Arabella by the receptionist's place. It looked like they were having a conversation with Xiao En.

Xiao En noticed their arrival. "Kid, you are awake. Thought you were going to be out of my sight for a while." She joked.

"I paid a lot for the presidential suite, even if I was going to be bedridden, it will be in that suite," Alex smirked at her.

Xiao En chuckled.

"Alex!" Arabella called and ran towards him.

She flew and hugged him.

Alex didn't even have the chance to dodge her embrace

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