The Messenger of Death

Chapter 164: terrifying eyes

Chapter 164: terrifying eyes

As soon as Lilith left the underground space with Alex, everyone snapped back to their normal senses.

"Alex," That was the first word that they uttered. While they were fawning over Lilith, they were still able to hear the open conversations that Alex had with Lilith, from the part where he spoke about her age.


Alex's sword landed next to Katherine, it almost stabbed her leg.

"Let's go," Andrea ordered and left for the stairs that brought her Arabella here.

The seraphim team members looked up and followed Andrea out of the underground space.


Lilith tightened her grip on Alex's neck and her fingers were starting to pierce through the sides of his neck.


Alex spat blood out of his mouth and it landed on the side of Lilith's face. She licked a bit of it and closed her eyes. Just the taste of his blood made her shiver in excitement.

"Argh!! If this about calling you old, I didn't mean it." Alex cried out in pain as he used his hands to try and remove Lilith's hand from his neck. Alex's attempts to free himself from her grip was useless as her hand didn't budge one bit.

Lilith chuckled. "I don't care about that. Weren't you listening when I said that the stronger the person? The greater the lifeforce, that also applies to the bloodline class. The higher the bloodline class is, the greater the lifeforce."

"Can't we talk about this?" Alex forced the words out of his mouth as her grip was still getting tighter.

"There's nothing to talk about. If I absorb your lifeforce, I can't even imagine how strong I'll be, and strength is all I want now." Lilith opened her eyes and her jade green eyes stared right into Alex's eyes. "If we had met at a different time, we might have been friends," Lilith said as she brought her lips closer to Alex's lips.

She stopped when it was just inches away from Alex's lips. Lilith inhaled through her mouth and clouds of red smoke exited Alex's mouth slowly and was going into hers.

Alex felt himself getting weaker as seconds went by. His body started to slim down and shrink slowly.

"Argh!!" Alex sent a kick to her stomach.


It connected, however, to Lilith it was nothing more than an insignificant itch, it didn't even make her flinch.

Alex made another attempt to set himself free, he punched her face several times but nothing worked. He wasn't inflicting anything like pain on Lilith.

Slowly, Alex's consciousness started to fade.

['Guys!'] He called out to his alters.

['There's nothing we can do, she's stronger than us in every way.'] Xander replied.

Alex felt his heart plummet. ['Is this where my journey ends? I haven't even had the chance to enact my revenge.'] He thought.

His body continued to shrink.

As his consciousness was fading, Alex started to feel lethargic. Suddenly, he starts to feel a burning itch in his eyes.

"Argh!!" Alex had already stopped feeling pain the moment that Lilith started absorbing his lifeforce, but the burning itch in his eyes was an exception. It was very painful for Alex.

He could feel his pupil move. His pupils divided into 3, in each eye, and began changing color. From his chestnut brown eyes, they changed to bloody red and midnight black.

The 3 pupils intersected and formed a reuleaux triangle in the middle. The triangular side was black and the rest of the eyes, red.

Lilith watched as this was happening, she felt a chill run down her spine. Those eyes were the most terrifying thing that she has ever seen.

At the moment when Alex's eyes had finished transforming, Lilith knew that if she didn't put distance between her and Alex she was going to die.

Suddenly the lifeforce that she was absorbing stopped and started to reverse. Alex was absorbing his lifeforce back, and more, Lilith's lifeforce was being drawn away too.

Immediately Lilith tried to back away from Alex. She removed her hand that had been strangling him, from his neck. In the process of escaping, she saw Alex grab a chunk of her long hair and pulled her closer to him.

This time, Alex was the predator. Unlike Lilith who didn't touch the other person's lips whenever she was absorbing another person's lifeforce, Alex kissed her.

Their lips connected and she tried to pull her head back but Alex bit her lower lips and stopped her from escaping.

Lilith felt her lifeforce leaving her body quickly.

"Hhhmmppphhh." She made muffled sounds as she placed her hands on Alex's chest and tried to push him away.


She used her knee to attack Alex. She thought that her attack landed but it didn't, Alex was still biting on her lower lips and absorbing her life force.

A red circle with rune alphabets was on the spot that she aimed at with her knee. Her attack was stopped by the red circle.

'What is this? How is this kid this strong? Those eyes!?' Lilith closed her eyes as she thought. She was scared of staring into those eyes of his. She struggled to get away from Alex.

Lilith hurled blows at Alex but all of them were stopped by several red circles.

'If I don't find a way to escape, then this kid is going to take everything in me.' Lilith thought frantically.

She released her aura and the pyramid started shaking, the cloud around them cleared due to the pressure of her aura. She was expecting it to be enough to get Alex to stop, but to her surprise, it wasn't enough to push Alex away.

From the moment when Alex's eyes finished transforming, he entered a dreamlike state. He wasn't the one controlling his actions, nor could he take control of his body. It was different from what he usually experienced when he switches with one of his alternate personalities.

"Ahhh," Lilith screamed as she used her palm to cut the part of her hair that Alex was holding, and then used all the strength that she could muster to pull her head back.


Blood squirted on Alex's face from Lilith's mouth. She tore her lips off her face just so she could escape.

Lilith flew far away from Alex as blood was dripping off her face. She had no time to think about her face, all she wanted now was to get far away from Alex.


Lilith left the lower plain realm in a flash

Alex who was still floating in the air watched as she left, he didn't need her help to keep himself in the air. Her lower lip that he had been biting on was still in between his teeth. He absorbed the life in that little piece of meat and it crumbled into dust.

He blinked and his eyes returned to normal.

As soon as his eyes returned to normal his ability to keep himself in the air was no more. He started falling.


Alex crash-landed and passed out



Alex took in a deep breath and held it in for a few seconds, he had just woken up.

"Hey look, he's waking up." Alex heard Adrian say.

Alex opened his eyes and saw his teammates rushing towards the sides of his bed.

"Why the hell are you guys watching me when I'm asleep? Are you perverts?" He uttered in a raspy voice.

"Hahaha," Camron laughed at his joke. "You don't remember what happened?" He asked

"What are you talking about?" Alex raised one of his eyebrows as he questioned Camron.

Alex licked his lips and found out that it was dry. "Ah, what sort of weather is this? How did my lips turn dry after a good night's sleep?" He complained.

At this moment he couldn't remember what had happened before he passed out.

"The weather had nothing to do with that, you have been asleep for over a week." Camron pointed out.

"Huh?!" Alex exclaimed and he began to recall all that happened, all to the point where he forcefully kissed Lilith. That was where he could recall.

Alex frowned and tried to recall past that part.

['Guys?'] He called out to his alters.

['We are here.'] Lex answered.

['Do you guys know what happened before I passed out?'] Alex asked.

[No, not really.'] Lex replied. ['For some reason we started to heal and Lilith became terrified of the sight of us. She tore her lip just so she could escape your kiss.'] Lex left out the part where red circles protected him from Lilith's attack.

['How was I strong enough to even keep her in place?'] Alex wondered.

['Perhaps it was because she was in the process of taking in our lifeforce.'] Al chirped in.

For some reason, his alters didn't tell him the complete truth of what happened.

['Why aren't you saying anything Xander?'] Alex inquired.

['Maybe because when I speak, I say the needful, but the needful is not what is needed at this moment. So I prefer to stay silent.'] Xander answered. Although he wasn't one that was akin to lying, he also didn't want to say anything about what happened.

If he did, he was likely to tell Alex everything, including what went on in his head.

His alters hoped that he wouldn't be able to remember what happened. They feared what he would do if he knew.

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