The Messenger of Death

Chapter 146: a new mission

Chapter 146: a new mission

Alex turned and faced Andrea. "If it was assigned to your team then that means that it is important, Why are you offering a position to us?" Alex was skeptical of her intentions.

"I" She paused.

"This was the only way she could think of. This is her, and me, trying to apologize for lying to you and Camron." Arabella interjected and explained what Andrea was hesitant to say.

"Hmm, when are you leaving for the mission?" Alex questioned.

"We leave tonight. I would have informed you earlier, but you guys have been missing." Andrea answered.

"Tonight!?" Alex wasn't okay with that time.

['I still have some people to kill with the poison Nana gave me. Leaving the school grounds again who knows how long this mission is going to last?'] Alex thought.

Camron thought about what Drake said, they were indeed still owing the academy some MP, and going for this mission can help them pay everything off at a go.

"How difficult is the mission going to be?" Camron asked. As the captain of the seraphim team, he needed to know things like this before making a decision. They couldn't take on missions that might cost them their lives, all because of merit points.

"To be honest, it would have posed some kind of difficulty for us if I was the nirvana realm student going for the mission, but now Bella has broken through, the mission should be a piece of cake. That's why we're offering to take you guys along. If it was dangerous your sister wouldn't even want me to bring the idea up." Andrea answered.

Camron smiled at her last sentence. "True, she might act reserved and quiet, but in truth, she's the mama bear type." He joked.

Andrea chuckled at his joke.

"Sis, guess what?"

"I can't guess, tell me." Arabella's good mood had already been tainted by Alex.

"I also made a broke through to the disaster realm," Camron informed his sister proudly.

"How is that possible? Weren't you at the fifth rank of the nascent realm the last time I saw you?" Arabella was shocked. Within the 2 months that she hadn't had contact with her brother, he had broken through several ranks.

"That's true, how did you break through ranks that fast?" Andrea questioned.

"I also broke through the disaster realm, same day as Camron." Drake boasted. But his words were ignored by Andrea and Arabella. "No one cares that I broke through? From the nascent realm, I broke through ranks like he did, on the same day anybody cares to ask me how I did it?" Drake was desperately trying to get the attention of Andrea and Arabella.

"Give it up Drake. I don't think they even noticed your existence." Katherine said.

Drake sighed and looked at Camron with jealousy in his eyes. "I understand if it was just his sister that was giving him attention, but why is the other one talking to him?" He muttered.

"Why didn't you complain when they were talking to Alex?" Adrian asked.

Drake glared at him and scoffed. "You expect me to compete with that pretty boy? I know my place."

"We had a boost from a pill that we found on our way back." Camron lied. He didn't want to mention Alex because he didn't want them to have thoughts about him.

"All of you?" Andrea exclaimed.

"No, just three of us. Me, Alex, and Drake." He pointed at Drake, making his presence known to the girls. They threw a glance at him then resumed acting like he didn't exist.

"What did I do wrong in this life? I have always been good." Drake started feeling depressed. They didn't even say anything to him, even after he was introduced

Alex had been listening to them talk but he wasn't paying attention. He had his hand under his chin and a frown on his face.

['If we agree to go for this mission, then I wouldn't able to kill Vincent and co till I'm back. I have already postponed this for long enough.'] Alex complained.

['Patience rabbit. They wouldn't be going anywhere, although the longer we wait, the stronger they get, we still need to focus on the main goal of coming here that is, getting stronger. We need those merit points and martial skills. While they are getting stronger, we need to get stronger too; that way it might not be an issue to kill them with our hands instead of the poison.'] Al mentioned.

['We all have the urge to kill Duna and Vincent, we just have to wait a little bit more. Besides, I think that there are other reasons why they want us on this mission with them.'] Xander pointed out.

['And what do you think might be the reason?'] Alex asked.

['You'll just have to ask them and find out.'] Xander replied.

"Alex" Andrea called out. "Alex!" She called again.

"Yeah." He responded, Alex was too absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't hear her call him the first time.

"You don't have to think too much before you accept our apology," Andrea stated.

['A new mission it is.'] Alex decided.

"Why are you asking me? I'm not the captain of the team, Camron is. He makes the decisions, and whatever his decision is we'll follow."

"Oh, it skipped my mind," Andrea muttered and turned to face Camron. "Cam, what do you say?" She asked.

"Well" He looked at Alex, wanting to know his thoughts on it.

"Why are you looking at me? You make the choice." Alex turned his back at him.

Camron sighed and facepalmed himself. 'You bi-polar rich kid, I wanted to know if you were okay with it. Forget it, don't blame me for accepting the mission.' He thought and a smile crawled up his lips.

"Sure, why not. You guys are okay with this too, right?" He asked the rest of his teammates.

"We are fine with it." Emma and Katherine looked at each other and said.

"I don't care anymore, no one cares for me," Drake answered, but his reply was still ignored.

"I'm okay with it," Adrian answered.

All of them turned to look at Alex waiting for him to give his reply. Alex said nothing and started walking back the path from which they came from.

"Where are you going?" Camron asked.

"To get ready for the mission, where else? Do you think my vote stills counts after the rest have already voted for it? You guys should also go and get ready too." He answered as he continued to walk back to the guest inn.

Andrea and Arabella grinned at the way Alex agreed to join them on the mission. "We'll be leaving tonight. And don't worry about class, we'll go and get a pass for your team now!" Andrea mentioned. The joy in her voice could be heard.

"Drake, we should go and get ourselves new uniforms, don't you think so?" Camron snapped Drake out of his depression.

'Maybe that's why no one notices my existence. I'm still wearing this brown uniform when it is clearly below me. When I get a blue one they will surely notice me.' Drake thought to himself, imaging himself dragging the attention of every girl he walks past in the school.

Still in his imagination, Alex walks by and steals all the attention that he had stolen. "Noo!! What are you doing in my imagination pretty boy?" Drake exclaimed and ran to the nearest tree.


He hit his head on the tree and said; "Get out, get out, get out!!" He kept on hitting his head on the tree.

"Uh, is he okay?" Andrea asked as she looked at Drake weirdly.

"The real question is, is he going to be okay after hitting his head on the tree that much?" Adrian wondered.

"Haha," Katherine made an awkward laugh. "Don't worry about him. When he was given birth to, the nurse's hand slipped and he hit his head on a rock. Ever since then, Drake has loved hitting his head things." She said naturally with a smile on her face. She looked like she was saying the truth.

Camron decided to drag Drake away, while his sister and Andrea left.

['Here I was thinking that I was going to have my name in the attendance today. My dreams of being a model student are fading away.'] Alex faked a sigh.

['Your false dreams you mean. The only dreams you've had for as long as I can remember are wet dreams and nightmares.'] Al commented.

['You should learn how to shut up, mutt.']

['And should learn how to make me shut up.'] Al retorted.

['Moving onto important things. From the way Andrea sounded when you agreed to go for the mission, Xander was right, there is another reason why they want our team to join them on the mission.'] Al pointed out.

['To be specific, they want us on this mission with them. Not the whole team. Andrea didn't get excited even after the majority of the team already voted to go, she only became that way after you agreed too.'] Lex stated.

['Well then, we'll just have to wait and find out what they want from me.'] Alex ended the conversation with his alters, with that

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