The Messenger of Death

Chapter 145: mother nature?

Chapter 145: mother nature?

['How is she able to affect the state of the weather with just her mood? Before I told her that I had figured something out for her, she was sad but after I said that I had something in mind for her, her mood changed and so did the weather.

Now if it was only the trees that were moving weirdly, I would have deemed it as her having a tree on her forehead in the place of an element. If this isn't a coincidence and she can affect the weather, then isn't her ability as OP as Lex and Adrian?'] Alex's thoughts were running amok, thinking of many things at the same time.

['I think abilities that are not part of the fundamental elements are likely to make their users overpowered. Maybe that's why they are rare, but we have 2 right in front of us.'] Al agreed with Alex's thoughts.

"Emma, how are you doing that?" Adrian blurted out.

"Huh? Doing what?" Emma was oblivious to the changes that she was causing, so when Adrian asked her that question she became confused.

"Affecting the trees and the weather, just a minute ago it was about to rain, and the next thing we know the path that you were walking on was being illuminated by the sunlight." Drake pointed out.

Emma looked up and saw that the dark clouds were dispersing and then she looked down to confirm if the sun was illuminating the path she was walking on, and to her surprise it was.


Emma gasped and then she quickly used her hands to cover her mouth as it was opened wide. She was stunned by what she just noticed.

"System, X-ray vision."

*X-ray vision activated.

Alex looked at Emma's forehead and saw that there were other things there apart from the tree he saw before. There were little dark clouds over her head that was also dispersing little by little. Then there a light shining on her. From where the light came, Alex couldn't tell. The tree on her head had grown bigger too.

['What the hell is her power? Is it some kind of Mother Nature sh*t?'] Alex wondered.

['Due to my inability to also give an adequate answer, I think I will go with that Mother Nature thing that you just said.'] Al stated.

"Emma, I think your ability has to do with manipulating nature," Alex uttered.

Emma was on the verge of tears as she looked up once again. Her tears were those of joy. She started to giggle as she ran and gave Alex a bear hug.

Alex was surprised as he wasn't expecting anything like that from Emma.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She kept on chanting while she was hugging him.

Alex was about to tell her to let go when he saw from the corner of his, a rainbow forming.

['Her mood is literally affecting the weather. But why now, why is she able to do these things now? How was she able to awaken it?'] Alex began to ponder on this.

['Sometimes you don't need to walk your horse to the river, you only need to bring it to its attention that there is water. In other words, you had already given her guidance by telling her a bit about her ability, which might be able to explain why she can affect the state of the weather now. Even if it was an uneducated guess, it must have moved a lot in her. How she awakened is the real question.'] Xander shed a bit of light on the matter.

After looking at the rainbow for a while, he asked her to let go.

Emma let go of Alex and looked at the rainbow that had formed over the sky.

Camron and the rest were lost for words.

"I didn't think that after I said that we couldn't possibly have two people with extremely unique and rare abilities in our team, I would be proven wrong." Drake looked at Emma with a glint of fear in his eyes.

All of them there could imagine the possibilities that can happen with her ability. What scared them was that they imagined Emma, unintentionally causing a catastrophic natural disaster just because her mood was down.

All of them stayed silent while Emma was admiring the rainbow.

['With abilities like theirs, the school might want to take Adrian and Emma away from our group and put them somewhere better. They would have probably done the same with Camron if he didn't choose to be in the same group as us. The changes in the weather will not go unnoticed by many.'] Al stated.

['Take them away, not to brag, but technically, I made them. They should try taking them away from my group first, I dare them.'] Alex was furious by such thoughts.

['They have already pledged their loyalty to you, do you think that they will leave you when they have only started witnessing a glimpse of their abilities? To them you are the best choice when it comes to their newly found ability.'] Lex spoke up.

His words were reasonable and calmed Alex down.

"Guys," Alex called out to his teammates and brought them out of their thoughts. "Tell no one about Emma's or Adrian's ability. I can tell that there would be a lot of people that would love to have the two of you in their groups." Alex said to all of them.

"Even if there are, I'm not going to leave this group." Adrian frowned as he stated.

"I'm not leaving this group too." Emma blurted

"Eh! Did we stumble upon a love confession?" A voice that didn't come from any of the members of the seraphim team reached their ears.

"System, deactivate X-ray vision."


Camron and Alex recognized the voice. It was the voice of Andrea.

She thought that it was a love confession when she saw the distance between Emma and Alex.

Alex frowned as he looked at her. The target of his gaze changed when he saw another student in a black uniform. That person in black uniform was Arabella.

She stood next to Andrea with a huge smile on her face.

"Bella, you are wearing a black badge, when did you break into the nirvana realm?" Camron was dumbstruck to see his sister in a black uniform.

"Hey, Cam," His sister greeted.

"Since when did make your breakthrough?" Camron ignored her greeting.

"I broke through to the nirvana realm last night." She answered. Her smile was infectious, others around couldn't help but smile at her, all but Alex.

['Where has she been cultivating with the bloodstone? If she has told anyone, I swear she's dead.'] Alex reasoned.

['Calm down, I don't think she's that stupid.'] Al interjected.

Arabella noticed the frown on his face, it only made her smile wider when she saw this. She was trying to reassure Alex that she hasn't done anything wrong.

Alex understood and bobbed his head at her.

"Congratulations, Arabella. We'll be heading to class now." Alex spoke in a stern voice. He started walking away.

Arabella was a bit bummed out by his attitude, she expected him to at least smile at her but he didn't.

"Wait," Andrea called out and ran after Alex. She stood right in front of him.

"Why?" Alex raised one of his brows at her.

Alex's attitude towards Andrea was cold, even his teammates feared that he might piss Andrea off with that attitude of his.

"I know that you are angry that I lied to you, I didn't "

"Point of correction, I'm not angry at you for doing anything." Alex interrupted her.

"You're not?" She was surprised to hear that, then she frowned. "Then why are you being cold towards me?" Andrea asked.

"Was I ever warm with you?" The way Alex said it sounded like he was insinuating some kind of sexual innuendo, but the lack of expression on his face proved otherwise.

['Listen to you throwing statements like that, I'm rubbing off on you real good, rabbit.'] Al commented. Alex flinched internally when Al pointed out the innuendo in his statement. He decided to add something, just in case, his words were misunderstood.

"I'm always cold towards liars, of course, if it was a white lie then I wouldn't have thought much about it." He finished.

Andrea was lost for words for a few seconds. "Nonetheless, I came to apologize."

"Apology accepted, you can leave now," Alex uttered and stepped to the side. He put his hands in his pockets and started walking.

His teammates watched him and wondered if they should leave with him. They were hesitant because Andrea didn't look like she had finished saying what she wanted to say.

"I want your team to join us on the mission that was assigned to my team. Your team will get half the rewards from the mission, and those that participate in this mission will be given a pass to choose any tier 1 tier 5 martial skill of their choice." Andrea stated.

Alex stopped walking when he heard what she said. Although the reward was one of the reasons why he stopped in his tracks he wasn't thinking about that now.

['Did I hear correctly? She said that the mission was assigned to her team.'] Alex had an idea of what that meant.

Back in the organization, when a kill target was assigned to a particular person by the organization, it showed the importance of that assignment. And the rewards were always magnanimous.

"A mission? We should accept it, we still owe the academy 13,000 MP despite our efforts in the last mission." Drake blurted out

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