The Messenger of Death

Chapter 129: sniper

Chapter 129: sniper

"What was that?" Camron asked with a stupefied expression on his face, he looked at the bow in Al's hand.

'It looks like a normal bow to me, what did he just do?' Camron pondered.

Al placed another arrow in the string and let go after aiming at the same person that he intended to take down with the first shot.



The same thing reoccurred, the arrow broke into dust before it could go anywhere.

['What the hell? Is there some kind of problem with the arrows?'] He thought to himself.

['It seems like everything we got from the Dragnels is above normal.'] Xander commented.

He didn't think that the arrow had a problem, to him it was the bow that was causing such to happen.

"Alex, how are you doing that?" Camron asked, while Reginald just stood there, marveled at what he saw. But he didn't show it on his face.

"I don't know," Al answered shortly.

['The bow is the issue here, not the arrow. I think it will be better if you switched to the bow that Reginald brought.'] Xander suggested.

['I don't believe that I can't use this bow.'] Al challenged himself.

['Here we go again, and he says that I'm the mad one.'] Alex uttered but was ignored by Al.

He raised the bow this time and pulled the string with his finger. Al stayed in that position for quite a while.


An arrow made of flames began to materialize slowly. Al had been visualizing and trying to make this the whole time that he stayed still. It took time because it was a bit difficult to do. The arrow was longer than that of a normal one.

"Woah!!" This time it was Reginald that exclaimed.

To use the fire element was one thing, and to have such intricate control over the element was a whole other thing on its own. What Al just did was to display his control over the element.

['How did you do this without setting your body on fire?'] Alex asked.

['I have told you times without number, you and I are on different levels. Compared to me you are but a child, my control over the element is better than yours.'] Al boasted.

[I-I forget it.'] Alex kept quiet, he had no retort to that because Al was holding proof that the difference between the two of them was huge.

"Now let's test this out." Eager to see what the arrow that he made could do, he let go of the blazing arrow.



This time the arrow didn't explode right until it hit its target. The arrow hit the target on his shoulder and exploded, taking half of the man's chest with it. The bush the man was lying in started to burn.

"Goddamn," Al exclaimed.

['This isn't an arrow anymore, it's like a long-range pump-action shotgun. This sh*t erased the motherf*cker's ribs out.'] Alex commented.

"Young master, how is he able to see from this distance? Is his primary weapon a long-distance weapon?" Reginald whispered and asked Camron.

"Haha, I don't know, I never really asked which weapon he preferred to use. As for how he can see for this distance, well, let's just say that he ate lots of carrots." Camron chuckled at his reply. It was the same reply that Alex gave him in the Agelong forest when he asked how he could see things that the rest couldn't.

The remaining spies that were hiding at the entrance stayed in their positions, they couldn't tell what happened. All they knew was that part of the top half of their comrade had been blown off.

Al quickly made another arrow. This time it took about 10 seconds for him to make another one. He aimed at the spy that was hiding behind a thick tree.

"Still not running away after seeing your friend die, do you guys think that the first shot was a lucky shot?"



The arrow passed through the trunk of the tree and blew the spy's head off.

Now the rest could tell that someone was targeting them, they started to fidget and change their positions constantly.

['Fools, the system already got you marked.'] Al thought with a smirk.

He watched as the red dots in his view continued to move.

"A moving target is more fun anyway."

Al pulled the string and within 2 seconds he made another arrow and shot it at one of the spies that were in the process of changing his position.


"Dick shot!! Hahaha." Al laughed at the person that he just shot. The arrow hit the spy on his nether region and blew everything that was there, off.

['Nasty.'] Alex commented.

"Hahaha." Al laughed at Alex's comment. "Time to get serious." His facial expression change to a focused expression.

-Twang!! Twang!! Twang!!!

Al began shooting rapidly, now making an arrow wasn't a problem to him as long as he had the energy to do so.

-Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

Continuous exploding sounds filled the air. The arrows hit their targets before they could react.

Al's accuracy was scary and horrifyingly on point. He shot at multiple people rapidly without breaking a sweat.

He turned and returned his bow into his ring.

"Sir Alexander, your archery is spectacular to spectate." Reginald bowed as he praised Al.

"You Reginald, you are good at sweet-talking. I wish I had someone like you beside me." Al joked.

"If you want a butler then I can recommend one for you, my father would also be happy to help with that." Camron chipped in.

"Don't worry about that. It's time to leave, go tell the rest to move out now. I will be joining them." Al directed.

"Why do you want to go too?"

"Because I haven't had my fill of killing yet, besides I can help them eliminate threats before they approach them," Al answered.

"Alright, I'll leave with you then." Camron decided

On their way to the house representatives, 7 people were riding on the back of a red colored house at breakneck speed. These 7 people were Al, Camron, Sravya, Tammy, Neko, Himari, and Jayda. Al had the bow in one hand as he rode on the horse. He was hoping that they get ambushed by someone, using the blazing arrows to kill people gave him joy.

['I thought you hated killing.'] Alex blurted out.

['I thought that I did, until we met cultivators. This is exhilarating.'] Al replied.

"System mark any suspicious individual that is 10km of my range." He whispered.

['Wait, what if you hit someone innocent.'] Alex asked.

['Don't try to be a goody-two-shoes rabbit, the real question is why anyone innocent would be here?'] Al dismissed Alex and watched the system mark 4 individuals that were hiding inside an abandoned building approximately 7km away from where they were.

He raised the bow, drew the string with all the fingers on his left arm, and aimed at their position and 4 arrows manifested in between his fingers, then he let go of the string.


4 headshots. The arrows hit their targets at the same time and blew their heads off.

Neko's mouth dropped and stayed like that for a few seconds. "F*ck, what can't he do. I freaking give up, he can be a God for all I care." Neko whispered to himself.

'Such control over the element, at the nascent realm. He really is a talented individual.' Tammy thought with her eyes wide open.

Tammy made up her mind to try and get on Alex's good side, and Sravya, she already had respect for Alex. If it wasn't against their school rules to be in relationships then she might have already made her move on him by now.

Time after time, he had done things that showed the rest that they were different levels, regardless of their cultivation realm.

'If he was at the same cultivation realm as they were then what kind of things would he be able to do then?' This thought ran through their minds.

['Never bring mediocrity to an Al fight, you will die before you know what's going on.'] Al praised himself.

['Cocky bastard.'] Alex insulted.

['Hahahaha.'] Al laughed at his jealous antics

Al had killed every suspicious person on the way, just as long as the system marked the person then he will surely shoot the person down, regardless of whether they are actually guilty or not. He didn't care about that. As they closed the distance and were almost at where the House of Representatives is. The system stopped marking targets for Al to shoot down.

"Hmm, it seems like that's all of them," Al mentioned.

"We are almost there." Jayda pointed out. From where they were they could spot the guards of the place. They looked like military men as they were in the same uniform that the members of the 9th platoon of the Kawataro regiment, wore.

"Stop right there." One of the men in the military bellowed at them. The remaining guards raised their weapons and pointed them at Al's group.

"If you come any closer then we shall end your lives without thinking twice." The same man that told them to stop threatened

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