The Messenger of Death

Chapter 130: the prime minister & the mayor

Chapter 130: the prime minister & the mayor

"Wait," Jayda ordered and quickly jumped down from her horse. "I'm here to meet my father." She walked to the front.

"Miss Jayda, it's you. Forgive me, I didn't see you." The soldier that threatened them apologized.

"I'm glad that the rumors about you and the mayor's daughter being kidnapped are false. What brings you here?" The soldier asked.

Al looked at the facial expressions of the soldiers. He was checking to see who amongst them was a rat. He tightened his grip on the bow, ready to take action when needed.

"I'm here to meet my father."

"I'm sorry Miss Jayda, he asked us not to let anyone in until he and the mayor cast their votes."

"They haven't voted yet?" She sounded hopeful when she asked.

"Not yet, everything was put on hold when the unnatural lightning appeared. That was when the news of your disappearance reached the House of Representatives and your father began to panic." The soldier answered.

"I need to meet my father now, it's important." Jayda insisted.

"I cannot let you go inside with this entourage, I will get scolded by my superiors for disobeying orders."

"You don't need to let everyone in, just me, Himari, and Jayda," Al interjected.

The soldier looked at Al for a moment and assessed him. Al returned the bow to his ring and raised his hands, showing that he was harmless. The soldier in charge probed into his core and Al smirked at him. Not because the soldier was probing into his core but for another reason.

"Someone come and escort them in." The soldier commanded.

An average height man at the late-stage of the nascent realm, standing at the farthest side of the barricade, willingly left the line and ran towards the soldier that called.

['Got you.'] Al uttered.

['Who?'] Alex questioned.

['The guy that volunteered. If he didn't have bad intentions he wouldn't have rushed out like that, especially when he was standing far away from us. I think he was the second person that was probing into my core when this friendly soldier here was probing into it.'] That was why Al smirked when his core was being probed.

He could feel two consciousness and that confirmed that there was a rat amongst the soldiers there. He came down from his horse. "You guys stay here and wait for the good news. And don't worry about anything, nothing is going to happen when we have these good soldiers here to help us." Al raised his brows and used his eyes to tell Camron to watch the soldiers here.

"Alright, go ahead." Camron nodded his head. He understood what Al was telling him to do.

The soldier opened the barricade and Al, Himari, and Jayda were led into the building by the soldier that volunteered.

Al grabbed Himari's and jayda's hands and pulled them closer to himself. "This soldier is working for the orchestrator, be on alert and ready for anything." He whispered into their ears. To make it seem like he wasn't doing anything suspicious, he bit Jayda's earlobe and kissed Himari's cheeks.

The soldier took a glance and saw that Al was acting lewd. All he did was to shake his head and mumble some complaints to himself.

Himari and Jayda couldn't help but blush furiously at what Al did. They weren't angry at Al, it was the other way around. The two of them knew that he only did that to cover the fact that he was whispering to them, but they also wished that he didn't have to need an excuse before he could do something like that.

The shady soldier took them through different halls, and it felt like they were walking in a circle.

"It is meant to take this long?" Al mocked the soldier.

"I'm sorry but this place is just that big." The soldier faked a smile and made an awkward laugh.

"Or you are just trying to buy time for your boss, you can drop your act now, I know who you work for," Al mentioned with a knowing smirk on his lips.

The soldier stopped walking. He quickly unsheathed the sword on his waist and slashed it, Al.


Al blocked the sword with his bow and quickly pulled the string of the bow. An arrow manifested and the tip of the arrow rested on the chest of the soldier.

"Ahh!!!" The soldier grunted in pain. He looked down at the blazing arrow on his chest and he was shocked to see that Al had such skill.

"Straighten up little soldier and keep your cries in your mouth or else I let go of the arrow in my hand, and trust me this would blow your heart out even at close range." He threatened.

The heat from Al's arrow was melting the armor of the soldier. It melted the iron on the chest of the soldier and burnt the piece of cloth there. Soon the heat began to burn the skin on his chest and smoke started to rise slowly.

Al brought his lips closer to the soldier's ear and said; "Take me to where the mayor and the prime minister are or else you will die, in 5, 4, 3..."

As Al counted down, the man could feel his voice vibrate on his skin and he gulped. "Wait, wait, please don't. Don't kill me, I'll take you there." The soldier valued his life more than his loyalty to his employer.

"Turn around slowly and take us there. If you try anything funny," Al pressed the tip of the arrow on the chest of the soldier, and the pain that he was feeling intensified.

"Arrgh!!! Okay, okay. I promise I won't try anything funny. The eyes of the soldier were tearing up already.

The soldier slowly turned around, and as he moved, Al's arrow glided on the remaining part of his armor that was still intact. It left a trail of burn marks on it. When the soldier was done turning, he pressed the tip of the arrow against his back.

"Move," Al commanded.

The soldier led Al and the girls to where the mayor and the prime minister were. They stopped in front of a white door that had the words 'Conference room' writing on the top.

"They are in there, I swear." The soldier pointed at the door.

"One of you should open the door slowly," Al said in a hushed tone, just in case there was someone that didn't want them there in the room.

Jayda went ahead and did what he asked. She opened the door slowly.

"Dad," Himari called out when she looked into the room and saw her father, the mayor, sitting next to the prime minister in deep thoughts.

"Chubby Mari," The mayor whispered in disbelief. "Am I seeing things?" He asked the prime minister.

"If you are seeing things then so am I." The prime minister said as he saw Jayda by the door.

They ran and hugged their fathers.

Al kicked the soldier into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Who are you? Were you the one that kidnapped my daughter!?" The mayor got defensive when he saw that Al kicked one of the soldiers that were meant to be guarding this place.

"Dad, calm down. He's from the Severance academy. He is one of the people that have been protecting us for the past few days." Himari blushed as she explained to her father. She felt embarrassed by the way her father acted in front of Al.

"Oh, I thought that he was, you know, cause he kicked the soldier in." The mayor said. The mayor had the same features as his daughter and the same chubby looks. His height was average and he had a bar head.

Same with Jayda, she and her father had the same color of hair and the same reverse triangular jawline. The prime minister was taller than Al.

"What's all this about, we were told that you have been kidnapped. Where is your sister?" The prime minister asked with a worried expression on his face, he almost regressed into a state of panic.

"She's fine, after the mansion got attacked and destroyed, we took refuge in the Avanti manor. Miriam is there now." Jayda explained to her father.

"Got ahead and explain to them why you are here." Al interrupted their reunion.

"Alright. Here's what we found out" Jayda proceeded to explain the sequence and evidence of what happened and who was behind this.

"Why didn't we think of this?" The prime minister was a bit annoyed at the fact that they missed something like this. They had been so bent on proving their innocence and protecting their families that they couldn't even think straight.

"So the governor is in on this? No wonder he wasted no time in voting for the reform of the votes. That bastard!!" The mayor bellowed.

"Why are you guys here instead of voting?" Himari asked.

"Because we were told that you girls had been kidnapped. We received a message from an anonymous person, saying that we should meet in this room." The mayor answered.

"That means that the person will soon be here," Al interjected.


He kicked the neck of the soldier and knocked him out. "He's working for the anonymous person. I'll be standing outside waiting to see who comes here. All of you are to exit the room when you hear my voice. It will be good to see the shocked expression of the orchestrator of this whole issue." Al mentioned and left the room.

Soon as he left the room and closed the door behind him, the lights in the hall went off.

"System, night vision."

*Night vision activated.

Al looked to his left and saw that a person was standing at the end of the hall. The person looked like he had the head of a goat and the body of a man, in cloths. There were horns on the person's head and the person's head was bent.

The person raised his head and stared at Al. A yellow glow flashed in the person's eyes

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