The Messenger of Death

Chapter 124: a new aoe attack

Chapter 124: a new aoe attack

"Alex, let's go!! The arrows being shot at us aren't normal." Camron urged as he ran for the exit while using his sword to wade off the arrows that were coming for him.

['Should I go and see who the attackers are?'] Xander thought.

['No, we don't know how strong they are. This whole mess is deeper than we think and going to check might be too reckless. Leave with the rest, after we have found somewhere safe we can assess our situation and make plans for the future.'] Al advised.

['Alright.'] Xander listened to what Al suggested.


The lightning that had been protecting Xander got ferocious as the second went by. The arrows that were being shot were getting harder for their force to block.


Three arrows broke through the walls of the mansion and charged at Xander. His lightning struck the arrows but that wasn't enough to stop the arrows, they still pushed through and headed for Xander at a slower speed. They spun after every strike they received from the lightning. 

-Ding! Ding!! Ding!!!

Xander hit the arrows with the sword in his hands and left the parlor

"Miss, get on the horse. Tammy, brothers, protect them as they head for the gates of the mansion." Sravya directed.

Xander stepped out of the mansion and watched the rest protected the clients as they headed for the exit. He joined them as soon as he could.

['These arrows are endless, I have to do something about it quickly. It's hindering our escape.'] Xander reasoned.

The rain of endless arrows approached them with accuracy and a lot of force behind them, to the extent that when they used their weapons to hit the arrows away it made their weapons vibrate and their hands numb.

"Damn!!" Tammy exclaimed as she got grazed on her forearm by an arrow. Xander turned his attention to look at the state she was in.


Tammy hissed and her tongue exited her mouth and divided. It changed into that of a snake. Her eyes turned split and her nose inclined into her face a bit. Little green scales appeared on her fingers. And the sword in her hands was replaced with two fans.

Xander could feel her strength grow and her aura change.


Neko too began his transformation. His eyes also turned split and his ears grew till it resembled that of a cat. Fur started to grow on his face and whiskers grew alongside it. Neko bent until his hands were on the floor, then his fingernails turned to claws.

His strength and aura also had a spike and change in them respectively.

['Seems like becoming a beast tamer would be a good thing for us. The way their demeanor changed, marvelous.'] Xander commented.

['Once we have the chance to, we would.'] Alex mentioned.

The rest of the students from the Beastal school also began morphing into their beast forms. Xander could see the attribute of a dog, porcupine, rat, and ox.


Tammy waved her fans and swayed the wind. Every arrow that headed for her were thrown off course with just a wave from her. Her hands moved and twisted like she had no bones left.

He looked over to where Camron was and to his surprise, his friend wasn't struggling. He found it easy to cast the arrows away from him. With each wave that Camron made, Xander could feel that something was off.

There was unexplainable darkness that accompanied his movement, like a shadow but the shadow was facing the wrong direction.

['Am I the only one seeing this?'] He asked himself.

['No, maybe it has something to do with what I saw in him when the X-ray vision was activated. But that's not important now, we need to leave here first, I hate feeling like something bad is about to happen.'] Al stated 

The monks from the righteous school all used bronze staffs that had rings on top of it, as a weapon. They used their weapon to wade off the arrows.

Suddenly, Sravya bit her index finger and pointed it in front of her, then she began to inscribe with it on the air. Xander wasn't the type that was interested in rune inscription so he couldn't tell what she inscribed on the air.

"Shield!!" Sravya shouted as soon as she stopped writing on the air, and then she pushed her palm forward. As if the blood inscribed on the air could understand her intentions, it shot into the distance and faded into the air


After the blood faded, every arrow that was heading for them stopped in the air like they had hit an invisible wall. Now it looked like they had an umbrella to protect them against the rain of arrows.

"Go, go, go!!! I can't hold this for long, take them and leave this place." She said to Tammy and the rest. They listened to her command and left for exit.

"Alex," Camron called out.

"I'll catch up with you later, I have to stay behind and help shield you guys from this," Xander replied.

"Can you do it? I swore that I wasn't going to leave you behind again when we were still in the Agelong forest, although the situation is different if you cannot do it then I will stay behind with you. " Camron asked to confirm.

"As I said before, I don't do things that are detrimental to me. Go, I'm not weak."

Camron nodded and left. He ran and quickly caught up with the rest and the clients that were riding in top horses.

"How long can you hold this shield for?" Xander walked to her side as he asked her.

"2 minutes at most." She uttered with a bit of difficulty. Since rune inscription draws its power from the life force of the user, Sravya's strength was quickly weakening.

"That should be enough time for me. Once your shield is down I'll take over."

"How do you want to-"


Before she could complete her sentence, loud sounds of electricity sparking interrupted her. Xander's eyes began to glow and slowly his hands and feet were enveloped by rose gold lightning

Sravya was a little nervous being close to Xander at the moment. Dominance was radiating off him and it was getting to her.

Xander was charging and increasing the voltage in his lightning. Unintentionally he raised his hands and looked up to the sky. It was like he was being drawn by something.

Under the sunny weather and the white clouds, little rose gold lightning began to form inside the white clouds.

It attracted more clouds to where the mansion was. Sravya looked up and swallowed hard, despite her strength weakening quickly, she couldn't help but want to stand strong and tall under these clouds.

It was like a spell, putting fear into the minds of those that were against Xander and also granting those shielded by Xander, self-esteem beyond normality.

['Xander, how are you doing that?'] Al asked.

['I don't know, I only thought of trying a new type of AOE attack. I just started charging myself, then I incorporated the lightning with the QI that's around me. I did it on a whim, I never expected this to happen.'] He replied.


Thunder started to clap and Xander started to levitate against his will. Streaks of lightning shot off random parts of his body and raised him higher with each shot. Sravya watched him as he rose into the air.

"I can't last longer than 10 more seconds." She said.

Xander looked down and said; "Let go, I will take over from here. Put a bit of distance between us, but don't go far I might not be able to move after this."

"Okay, I'm letting go in 3,2,1." Sravya stopped providing her inscription with her life force and the invisible wall disappeared.

The arrows didn't have anything to stop them now and charged at Xander.

"Pour," Xander said lightly, but to the ears of others it sounded like he shouted. His voice was amplified by the lightning.


*High voltage of electricity detected, system shutting down to avoid damages.

The system notified him but Xander didn't even notice for his mind wasn't there.


A curtain of lightning fell and shielded Xander from the arrows, the curtain stretched into the distance. The lightning was stronger than any lightning, Xander had ever used.

Streaks of rose gold lightning fell like the rain, they struck everything in their part into ashes. As they touched the floor, they scorched and created huge craters on the ground.


The lightning destroyed the mansion and everything around it, including the forest. It started a forest fire.

At this point the arrows had stopped raining down, only lightning continued to run amok. This continued until Xander had no strength left.

Slowly the whole place calmed down and Xander began to drop. He had no strength left, as he had exhausted the QI in his core and energy from his bloodline ability.


Sravya caught him before he could reach the ground. The whole area was ridiculed with dust and that was the perfect cover for them to use and escape the scene.

['Alex, let's switch. You can use the energy from the fire bloodline to sustain yourself. I'm empty at the moment.'] Because Xander couldn't use any other bloodline ability except the lightning ability, he couldn't draw strength from the other bloodlines to support himself.


As soon as Alex took over, he could feel the exhaustion that came from his core and a pang that came from his heart, Alex felt like he was about to pass out

"Let me go I can stand on my own now." He said Sravya.

He wanted to activate his fire bloodline but with her being close, he might injure her.


Soon she let go of him and immediately his body was on fire.

"Ahh," Sravya exclaimed, she wasn't expecting that. "You can use both fire and lightning, and you resonate with the two elements so efficiently." She looked at Alex with awe in her eyes.

'We were the ones that were blind, we failed to spot a gem within its rough, never judge a book by its cover.' She thought to herself and sighed.

The two of them left the area.

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