The Messenger of Death

Chapter 123: ava marine.

Chapter 123: ava marine.

"Alex, calm down," Camron uttered slowly and started to walk closer to where they were. 'It is a crime to touch royalty, I understand why he's angry.' Camron thought that he knew why he was acting the way he did.

"Okay, I won't touch you again." Tammy raised her hands and slowly backed away and Xander watched her as she stepped back. Not long after that Camron arrived beside his friend.


Xander brought out another weapon from the ring. He skillfully used one of the twilight swords to continue what he was doing before Tammy came to interrupt him.

This time he didn't cut through her cloth slowly, it was done in an instant.

The maid's cloth slid off her shoulders and her chest was bare for everyone taking a look at her to see, now everything that was above the maid's navel was open.

Without shame, most of the guys stared at the maid's breast.

Beneath her breast was a tattoo that looked a bit familiar to Xander.

"This sign." He stared at it. "What does it mean?"

The half-naked maid clenched her fist hard, while the silent maid was on the verge of tears.

"I won't tell you anything." The maid whose chest was bare uttered in reply to Xander's question.

"It looks like the one I saw on the bandits that we came across on the way to your house." He turned and faced Camron.

Camron who had been looking away turned his head and looked at the tattoo too. "It does look like the mark that was given to exiled soldiers. But, when sending a soldier into exile, the mark is burnt onto their skins not drawn as a tattoo." Camron explained.

"Are you going to talk or not?" Xander asked the half-naked maid. He placed the tip of the twilight sword below her navel, on the part of her cloth that hasn't been sliced open. He started to drop his hand slowly and the cloth tore as the sword moved.

His sword was just above the waistline of the maid's panties.

"Wait!! Wait!! I'll talk, I tell you whatever you want to know. Just stop, at least leave her a bit of room please." The silent maid finally spoke.

"No, don't tell this bastard anything. It's just my nudity, he can look if that's what he wants." The half-naked maid was against her partner's choice to speak. Her voice was shaky as she spoke to her partner, she sounded like she was about to cry.

"Please, cover her up." The silent maid pleaded. She could still feel the eyes of the shameless horny men in the room on her partner.

She felt very uncomfortable for her friend. Tears slipped down the silent maid's eyes. There was a limit to what she could tell them, even if they were going to die she felt like they should at least die with some dignity.

Xander nodded his head. As soon as Tammy saw Xander approve of her request, she wasted no time in using the nearest table-cloth to cover up the nudity of the maid.

Tammy turned back and looked at all the males that had been looking at the maid's nudity. "Fu*king dogs." She cursed at them.

They turned their attention away and some acted like they weren't looking while some began scratching and pinching their nose. 

The silent maid sniffed and cleared her throat as she blinked away her tears.

"My name is Ava, Ava Marine. A few years ago I was working as a normal maid in the central district of the capital city. I and my family had been sold to a wealthy and influential family right from the time of my grandfather's era.

This family controls the fate of our lives and we have no choice but to obey their commands. About 3 years ago, after the exile of the rebellious regiment, we maids were forced into joining the syndicate that the exiled soldiers created.

Our jobs were to report the happenings in the syndicate and also complete tasks that were given to us. Those who were not exiled but chooses to join the syndicate will have the mark drawn on their skin as a sign of recognition."

"The central district? That's where the ancient bloodline families reside." Camron mentioned.

"Forced? How were you forced?" Tammy asked.

"I used the word forced because we had no choice, but the truth is that they gave us something to hang on to, something to make sure that we stay loyal to their cause until we have completed the mission. If we did everything as they told us to, by the time the whole fiasco has ended, they promised to grant our family freedom and annul their ownership over our lives. Were we wrong for trying to attain what we weren't even born with? Freedom is what I have only ever dreamt of."

She began to shed tears as she raised her eyes and stared into that of Xander's. She stared at him with so much hate and resentment in her eyes.

"It was the same case with my sisters, the ones you massacred last night." She closed her eyes, trying to stop the outflow of tears.

Everyone else in the room looked at Xander, except for the members of the seraphim team. After hearing a bit of the maid's story, they too felt like what Alex did was going overboard. He could feel their eyes on his back and he guessed what was on their minds.

Xander waited for her to open her eyes before he spoke. "For every action you make, there is a reaction. Whether you had a good or bad reason for doing anything it wouldn't change the fact that you still took action and did it. If I hadn't killed them last night, would they have left me to live? What is good for the goose is also good for the gander."

The maid knew that Xander wasn't wrong, it didn't matter if they had a good reason for doing what they have done, what they are going through now is the reaction from their actions, this is their fate.

"I'm sorry." She uttered as she tried to get her composure back. Her partner was already crying on full force, she knew that their fate would be ending very soon. 

"She is not telling us this so that you can feel pity for her and play the blame game. She was just letting off some steam. Also, your pity is useless, because either way they still have to die today." He added with a face devoid of any kind of emotion.

Hearing Xander's reply, everyone that felt like he had gone too far couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Wait, What!? You are still going to kill them? Even after they tell us what we want to know?" Tammy spoke up.

"Alexander, it is good to show mercy even to your enemies." Sravya joined in and tried to change Xander's mind.

"Mercy? Killing them is the best kind of mercy I can give to them at this moment." He replied nonchalantly.

"I dare you to try and kill them." Tammy lost her cool and was ready to start a fight with Xander. Several people rushed over to her side and tried to calm her down, while the members of the seraphim team went and stood behind Xander showing the rest that they were behind their teammate.

"He's right, killing us is the best kind of mercy to be shown to us. Even if you let us go, we would still be killed by those that own us. After failing the mission and losing so many of our sisters, even our families would be killed if we head back

Even if he looks like he has no emotion or care for anything, he is the most reasonable and merciful here." The silent maid pointed out.

At this point, Tammy felt like she had been used. She let her emotions get the better part of her and she failed to reason properly because of that, so did Sravya.

"Tammy, I am disappointed." Xander turned and faced her for a second before he turned and faced the maids again.

'Disappointed? What gives you the right to be disappointed at me?' She thought to herself. After hearing that, she too felt disappointed at her actions.

"What were you girls planning to do if you were successful last night?" Xander questioned.

"We were told to take the girls to a shack in the mountains and wait for orders. That's all." The silent maid answered.

"Why did you wait till last night before you staged the kidnap? I mean there were several good opportunities that you girls could have taken advantage of." He asked.

"Because our fathers are going to cast their votes today," Jayda spoke after doing a bit little thinking.

"I thought that was going to take place 2 days from now, when did they change the time?" Camron wondered.

"They didn't change anything, they told the public that it was going to happen 2 days from now, but only a few knew that it was going to take place today," Miriam explained.

"True, if we had done this earlier then we might have been successful. But also, if we had done this earlier then we would be giving the authorities an opportunity to search for the daughters. They would lock the city down and search everywhere. We had to wait until it was almost time for them to cast their votes." The silent maid stated.

"You haven't spoken the names of your masters." Xander pointed out.

"The family we work for is the K-"


Caught unaware and unprepared, the parlor was raided by arrows that shot the maids down.

"Damn!!" Xander cursed out.

"Protect the clients and take them out of the mansion quickly. Staying here isn't an option anymore. Move, move, move." Xander commander and because of the authority in his voice they couldn't help but do as he ordered.


Every arrow that approached Xander was shot down by streaks of lightning that seemed to have eyes of their own. He didn't need to control it, for it moved on its own accord.

"All that effort, gone down the drain"

His eyes began to glow.

The rest were evacuating the mansion while the rain of arrows only got heavier.

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