The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 108.1

Chapter 108.1

Although Feng Zhao temporarily retreated to Hongnong and the rest of the Qiang people in Huangshui were also successively willing to join, the situation in this area was complex. Feng Zhao ruled here for many years with the support of Xing Xun. They may reassemble at any time to counterattack. There was also the Shaodang tribe of Qiang waiting in the wings.

Wei Shao was very busy.

After the first battle, he intended to return to Jinyang as soon as possible to see Xiao Qiao. After all, he missed her a bit. Actually, he didnt plan to leave immediately. But when he heard the news from Gongsun Yang, he became so angry that he couldnt delay any longer.

How could they hide such an incident from him?

He would have overturned the table and become furious when he heard the news if the person spoke wasnt Gongsun Yang but another person.

Almost a month ago, he received a letter from her. Now he knew that just a few days before she wrote that letter to him, she had just experienced a shock and danger. But even in her letter, she did not mention half a word to him. She only told him in a light tone that she had inadvertently saved the grandson of the leader of the Beihe tribe and had sent him back home.

They kept it all from him! She didnt even mention a word to him!

With anger, heartache, fear, and a vague disappointment, Wei Shao set out on the road back to Jinyang that day.

A few days later. On a starry night, a group of people entered the gates of Jinyang city with fast horses and headed straight for the government office in the citys north.

The guards in front of the government offices gate were surprised to see a group of people and horses parting the misty night and galloping in this direction. With only a few dozen feet left, the line of people still has no sign of turning.

The guards leader gave an order, and they immediately formed a bow formation to release arrows to force the group to stop, but they rolled up to the front.

The guards leader recognized that the man on the forefront was none other than the Marquis. He hurriedly ordered to open the road. The double red doors of the government office then opened wide. The soldiers greeted him with a military salute.

The war horse under Wei Shao finally halted, its body drenched in sweat, snorting heavily and continuously. Once he released the reins, it fell to the ground with its two front knees bent.

For more than half a month after returning from Huangshui, Mr. Jia personally led his men on guard every night. He was patrolling outside the inner courtyard when his men came to report that the Marquis had entered the gate and was coming to the second door.

Mr. Jia was startled and turned to greet him at a fast pace. Just as he arrived at the second door, he saw a familiar figure striding in from afar.

Immediately, Mr. Jia knelt on one knee at the bottom of the five-story stairs and shouted. I, General Jia, welcome the return of Marquis!

Wei Shao did not seem to hear him at first, not even stopping for a moment, and strode past him. In the blink of an eye, he was already away for about ten steps.

Mr. Jia did not dare to raise his eyes, but when he felt a breeze swept by the corner of his robe, he dared to raise his eyes and saw the Marquis back.

He put his hanging heart down.

He slowly breathed out. He was getting up from the ground when the Marquis paused and turned around towards him with great strides. He was so worried that he knelt again.

Wei Shao returned to Mr. Jia and said coldly, Is the Lady inside?

My Lord, the Lady is here.

Before I left, what did I instruct you to do? His voice sounded like a stone, hard.

Mr. Jia couldnt stop kowtowed: Marquis commanded that the priority should be to protect the Lady! It is all my fault! Please punish me!

Wei Shao took a deep breath, and his voice became colder: What happened that night? Tell me the details! Dont leave out a single word!

On that day, he chased Chen Rui mistakenly. The next day he felt something was wrong and came to his senses and turned back. After it had passed, he naturally questioned Mr. Lin about the details. He didnt mention the incident details to Gongsun Yang on that day. Now, the Marquis asked him, so he didnt dare to conceal it anymore and told the story from the beginning.

Gong Sun Yangs knowledge of that night was only partial. The story was even plainer when it reached Wei Shao through his mouth.

Wei Shao only knew that Chen Rui sneaked into the inner courtyard in the middle of the night through the waterway in the backyard pool, intending to abduct Xiao Qiao, but was later intercepted and shot dead on the spot. The rest of the details are unknown.

It was because he didnt know, so he was more worried and rushed back. When he understood that Chen Rui broke into Xiao Qiaos bedroom in the middle of the night and Xiao Qiao delayed him for some moments, deliberately alarmed Chun Niang in the side room, and then when Chen Rui forcibly took her away, she struggled to shut him out of the door, and only then did the guards on duty come in and shoot Chen Rui, cold sweat stained his hands. He was shocked and angry beyond words.

After finishing the story, Mr. Jia hesitates about telling the Marquis about the last scene. When he raised his eyes, the two shadowy gazes of Marquis stared at him, and he shuddered. If he doesnt say anything and hides it, other people may say something. Even if the other people dont say anything, the Lady will tell Marquis what happened.

Remembering his words a few moments ago, dont leave out a single word, Mr. Jia did not dare to think otherwise and added with a strong heart: There was an unexpected situation at the end .

Wei Shaos body was motionless.

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