The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 107.3

Chapter 107.3

When the Marquis mentioned it again the second time, Gongsun Yang could still persuade him. But when Gongsun Yang persuaded him for the third time, he felt that the glances Marquis gave him were why are you so nosy?

Gongsun Yang had to invite the Lady to come.

He still remembered clearly, until now, the next day after the Lady arrived at the camp, he yawned out of his tent at the same time as Li Chong and Zhang Jian. The three of them met outside the tent of the Marquis looked embarrassed but made an expression as if nothing had happened. At last, the three unanimously laugh haha and cover up it.

Blame himself for being thoughtless. Gongsun Yang only wanted to let the Marquis stay to recuperate from his injuries, so he invited her to accompany him. But he forgot that the Marquis was in his prime, so how could he resist a short separation is better than a new marriage?

To prohibit prying eyes and eavesdropping, when setting up the camp, the Leaders tent had always surrounded by an open space of at least ten feet square. That night, the closest tent to the Marquis, were the three of them. But Gong Sun Yang still heard unsuitable sounds from the Marquis tent. At first, he thought it would be over soon and turned a deaf ear to it. However, whenever he thought it was about to finish and ready to sleep, the murmur of the Marquis came into his ears again, and he couldnt sleep because he was too old to listen to it.

He did not know how Li Chong and Zhang Jian slept that night. Anyway, he later did not sleep, get up and light the lamp, sit, and read military books. Finally, when he turned to the seventh chapter, his ears were completely quiet.

Gongsun Yang assisted Wei Shao for many years. He thought he had almost understood the temperament of the ruler.

He was grumpy, easily angered, and ruthless. But he also knew his mistakes and would change. As he grew older, his restraint became firmer, and he became profound.

A military camp was a place of dignity, and the rules were as many as cattles hair. You might suffer consequences just because you run around noisily. These rules, however, are for non-commissioned officers and junior officers. The higher the military rank, the more privileges they enjoy.

Let alone the Marquis position as the Leader?

He could sing in the tent night and day, and no one would find it wrong. But the Marquis has always set an example, especially the most standard rule, women are prohibited in the camp, he has never crossed the line.

He remembered that three years ago, on the way to an expedition, Wei Shao learned that an officer had secretly brought a woman along in a supply wagon and immediately ordered to search all the women and killed them on the spot. Since then, no one dared to break the order again.

Such a ruler, now he actually will make such a big noise in the camp. He naturally didnt intend to do so. It was because he was unintentional that made it even more evident that the Lady was exceptional in his heart.

It was also why Gongsun Yangs scalp immediately tingled when he heard Mr. Jia say that Chen Rui had broken into the government office at night. If the Lady had fallen at the hands of Chen Rui, Gongsun Yang couldnt imagine how the Marquis would have reacted.

Fortunately, there was no harm.

Gongsun Yangs heart felt relieved. When he saw Mr. Jia looking at him after finishing his speech, he smiled and said, General Jia, dont worry. Since the Lady doesnt blame you, the Marquis will naturally be fine.

The next day, Gongsun Yang ended this trip to Huanzhong. Yuan Wang personally sent him out of the territory. Half a month later, Wei Shao and Feng Zhao fought at Li Yin in Shang County. The thousands of Qiang soldiers in Feng Zhaos army, having changed their minds before the battle, were no longer willing to be driven into war by Feng Zhao.

Feng Zhao was angry and killed some of the leaders. The Qiang soldiers in the Feng Zhao army had no status and often had their food and salaries deducted. They fought in the front line. During the day, they must build roads, houses, mining, and everything. Their jobs were arduous, and it was difficult to get a promotion, so they had long been discontented.

On the night before the war, the Qiang soldiers privately spread the word that Yuan Wang had joined Wei Shao, and some other tribes in the Huangshui area followed suit. Wei Shao made a treaty with the Qiang. Not only that, the Wei army was recruiting the Qiang soldiers. They promised that once enlisted, the treatment and promotion were the same as the Han Chinese, and so on. The news rolls bigger and bigger.

These Qiang soldiers, all warlike and brave people, were already dissatisfied with their status, and the group sentiment surged. On the eve of the battle, the group converged. When the war began, the Qiang soldiers in the forefront suddenly revolted and turned against Feng Zhao. Feng Zhaos army was shortly disorganized. Despite the struggle to resist, how could he withstand Wei Shaos army when he took advantage of the momentum and attacked in full force? Feng Zhao was finally defeated.

Feng Zhao fled south to Hongnong with a remnant army of a few hundred men. He had no choice but to send someone to Xing Xun in Luoyang to plead guilty and wait for later instructions.

The battle of Liyin was a great victory. Wei Shao was busy for two days. After handing over the post-war matters, he intended to return to Jinyang first.

The day Gongsun Yang returned from Huangshui, he told Wei Shao about the Ladys rescue of Yuan Wangs grandson, which helped him make a successful alliance. However, he didnt mention the matter of Chen Rui breaking into the government office at night, which he heard from Mr. Jia.

At this moment, while looking at him, Gongsun Yang slowly said it out. When he finished, he looked at Wei Shao. Seeing that his face suddenly became stiff and his gaze became fierce, he hurriedly said. Dont worry, Marquis. According to General Jia, the Lady is safe and sound

Military advisor! Why didnt you say anything to me at that time? Wei Shao suddenly interrupted his words. His voice was as stiff as his face.

Gongsun Yang was startled and explained. Dont be angry, Marquis. At that time, the great war was imminent. I was afraid that Marquis would be distracted

Wei Shao did not wait for him to finish and immediately stood up furiously, ignoring Gongsun Yangs call in the back. Without saying a word, he strode towards the outside.

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