The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 221: Lan Yan's Boyfriend.

Chapter 221: Lan Yan's Boyfriend.

Haru flew up high into the sky above the city before pulling out his phone to look at a map to make sure that he was heading in the right direction. He wasn't too familiar with the layout of china so he had no idea which way he would have to fly in if he was trying to get to Beijing. 

As he looked down at his phone he realised that Suyin had tried to call him the night before. After the last time he had forgotten to call her she made sure that she would talk to him every single night before he went to bed.

Haru worried that it would affect her work life if she worried so much about him but it was nice to keep in touch with her. He quickly called her back as soon as he saw it to tell her that he was heading to Beijing. 

Although he wasn't sure if he should tell her about the trouble he had gotten into with the demon clan because he purposely avoided telling her that other races existed out in the universe. He figured it would make him look crazy so he decided to hold on to the secret for a little longer and hope that she didn't get involved in anything that was going to happen when they arrived on earth. 

When the call connected the first thing that Haru heard was the voice of Suyin's manager yelling in the background. 

"Hello, my love. How are you doing? You didn't answer last night. Is everything okay?" Suyin asked as soon as she answered.

"Seriously? We still need to film the choreography, can't you call him later!?" Suyin's manager yelled out but she simply ignored him and walked further away. 

"Good morning sweetheart. It's nothing to worry about. I was just dragged to a party with my cousin. The music must have been too loud and I didn't hear my phone." Haru replied with a smile. It had been a few days since they had last called and he missed hearing her voice even if it was followed with constant worrying. 

"Is that so? Well, I was just calling to let you know that I should be coming to Shanghai in two weeks. We're currently in Beijing for the time being. You would be surprised how many meetings you have to attend in this line of work. 

If I would have known about this then I would have just gotten a regular job. I just want to sing. Is that too much to ask for?" Suyin sighed after telling Haru something that he really didn't want to hear.

"You're coming to shanghai in two weeks?" Haru asked again to make sure that he had heard her correctly. 

"Yeah Is something wrong? You don't sound happy about it" Suyin asked with a worried voice. 

'Why now!? Why did she have to plan to come to Shanghai in two weeks? I don't know for sure when the demon clan will come but I don't want her to get caught up in anything like this.' Haru thought.

"Mhm Everything is fine. I'm just surprised and excited that you will be coming over. You can stay with me at my house if that's okay?" Haru asked. The barrier that he had made around his house was strong enough to withstand Haru's full strength and Lao had assured him that it would be virtually impossible for anyone on earth to break. 

If she stayed at his house he would be certain that she could remain safe at least.

"I can't wait! By the way Why is there so much wind in the background? Are you going somewhere?" Suyin asked with suspicion. 

"Oh yeah. I have to go meet a few friends in Beijing. If you aren't too busy do you want to meet when I get there?" Haru replied. He had forgotten to mention that he was actually heading in here direction right now.

"What time do you expect to arrive? I will meet you at the station." Suyin replied quickly, sounding excited. 

"I shouldn't be long. Maybe around half an hour at most." Haru replied. At the speed he was travelling he it wouldn't take long to travel from Shanghai to Beijing. It was certainly a lot faster than it would be if he took a bus or a train.

"Half an hour? What time did you set off? You must have woken up pretty early." Suyin looked down at her watch to see that it wasn't even noon yet.

Haru had yet to tell her that he could fly and she assumed that he was travelling on a train. But even if he had set off at the crack of dawn he wouldn't be able to arrive in Beijing by lunchtime. She was confused by the time but Haru was quick to change the subject.

"Yeah, You don't have to drop what you are doing though. I actually have to meet with someone first so we can meet each other in the evening if that's okay?" Haru asked to make sure that she was okay with it. 

He knew that she was excited since they hadn't seen each other in a few weeks but he needed to gather as many allies as he could before he could have fun. 

"That's fine, I actually have to go to the birthday party of my manager's niece. It's some rich family that wanted to hire me to sing but I told them that I will do it for free." Suyin bragged in a joking way. 

"You did what now? I would have robbed them for every penny they have." Haru announced over dramatically. 

"Exactly, You're a villain! Imagine how my fans would react when they hear that their idol has been captured by such a bad man!" Suyin said which was followed by her manager shouting and banging on the door. 

"Suyin! Please come out! We have to finish the filming before we head to my sister's house." The manager announced. 

Both Haru and Suyin laughed before saying goodbye to each other after agreeing that they would meet each other in the lobby of the hotel that she was staying in.

Haru pulled the map back up on his phone to see that he had drifted off course a little bit after talking with Suyin but he was getting closer and closer to Beijing and before he knew it he could see the city over the horizon.

He decided to land just outside the city so that he wouldn't bring any attention to himself by flying into the heart of the city and being seen by thousands of people. 

He then made his way out from the wooded area surrounding the city and began to walk toward the centre. He didn't have a plan in mind but he knew a few people that lived in Beijing so he decided to do an Internet search to find out where the Lan company was. 

And it didn't take long. As soon as he typed the word Lan the company was suggested to him and he was given the address. It was quite far away from the side of the city that he ended up on so he decided it would be quicker to use a movement technique.

He used the same one that he had used when he was in front of Meiling and moved faster than the human eye could perceive until he reached the building to the Lan company less than a minute later.

He made sure no one was looking before he stopped using the movement technique and reappeared and then looked around at the mid-level skyscraper.

It was nowhere near the tallest building in Beijing but it was still large enough to show that they were obviously one of the highest-earning companies in the area. Haru entered through the doors and walked to the receptionists on the first floor. 

"Can I help you?" A young man in his early twenties asked Haru as he stood in line.

Haru looked over at the man who was sitting behind the desk before walking over with a smile on his face. 

"Yeah, I am here to see Mr Lan," Haru announced as he walked over. The room fell silent for a few seconds as everyone nearby checked him out for a few moments. It wasn't every day that someone claimed that they were there to see the boss. 

The receptionist looked at Haru for a few moments before responding. 

"Mr Lan isn't here at the moment. Can I relay a message to him?" The man asked while picking up a pen from his desk. 

"A message? I don't have a message It's something that can only be discussed in person. Can I trouble you to call him and let him know that I am here?" Haru asked.

"You want me to call Mr Lan directly? What did you say your name was again?" The receptionist asked nervously. No one had ever asked him to call the boss before and he knew that Mr Lan was quite short-tempered. 

He didn't know what to do. 'If Mr Lan is indeed expecting this young man and I refuse to call him then I could lose my job. But if he isn't expecting him and I disturb him then I could lose my life' The receptionist began to sweat nervously while looking at Haru. 

"Just tell him that Lan Yan's boyfriend has come to see him. I'm sure he will come if he knows that." Haru scratched his head before replying. 

The room fell silent once again as soon as Haru stopped talking.

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