The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 220: Take care.

Chapter 220: Take care.

"You're not people from the association, are you!? Who are you!?" The woman that Lao had captured began to shout in response to watching her colleague burned to ashes right before her eyes. She had thought that Lao and Haru might have been high ranking members that is why she hadn't seen them before but after watching Haru kill a teacher she quickly realised that it wasn't the case.

"The only reason I allowed Meiling to come here in the first place is that I was promised that she would be looked after and kept safe.

Maybe I will have to take this up with Lian too." Haru said to himself before turning back to Lao and the woman who was trapped within his Qi. 

"You were the one who allowed Meiling to come here? But she has no family members left" The woman replied to Haru thinking out loud.

"I never claimed to be a family member. I was the one that found her and decided to hand her over to the association because they promised to look after her. 

If I knew this is how you treated children I would never have let her come here." Haru responded and then looked back at Lao to make sure that Meiling was still sleeping. 

"If you're the one that found her then Are you the man responsible for the destruction of the twilight moon sect?" The woman asked in a panicked tone as she looked at Haru.

She had heard that the person responsible was less than twenty years old and had blue eyes with pale skin, if that was the case then the person she was looking at certainly matched that description. 

But that left the question Who was the blue-haired man that was with him. She had been cultivating in Shanghai for more than ten years but had never heard of a cultivator with long blue hair and strong enough to suppress a manifestation stage cultivator with just one hand.

"Well nice meeting you but we had better get going before anyone else wakes up. I would appreciate it if you tell Lian that this is her fault for not making sure that Meiling was doing okay. 

Oh and if your association wants to look for trouble after this then I don't mind planning another massacre." Haru said jokingly. But as he had already proved that he could massacre a sect, it wasn't far of a stretch to say that he could massacre the association too. 

"I'm ready now let's go." Haru looked back at Lao and without a second thought, he raised his hand up to the large window that looked out over the city and broke the glass. They both walked to the edge before releasing the woman that they had captured and then flying up into the air to head back to Haru's house. 

As they flew higher the sun could be seen beginning to climb over the mountains in the distance and the rays of light beamed down onto Meiling's face, waking her up while they were flying over the city. 

"Huh? What happened?" Meiling asked while rubbing her eyes and then looked up to see that she was being carried by Lao. She then remembered everything that had happened in the hallway and then frantically looked around to try to find Haru. 

As she spotted him nearby she calmed down a little bit but then noticed that the only thing in sight was a sea of endless white. 

She looked around again, this time noticing the mountains in the distance and the skyscrapers beneath her she looked back up at Haru with a look of joy in her eyes. 

"We're flying!?" Meiling asked and then looked at Lao with questioning eyes. 

"Indeed we are. Haru catch. It's your turn to carry her." Lao said and then threw Meiling up into the air. 

Meiling didn't have time to hold on to him and felt weightless for a few moments as she flew slightly higher than both Haru and Lao and then quickly began to drop as she came back down.

"Agh!" She began to scream in fear as she started to fall but as she opened her eyes she noticed that she was no longer falling and was now surrounded by a ball of Qi. 

"This is so much harder. Why didn't you throw her to me? I didn't have time to catch her." Haru complained to Lao as he forced more of his Qi out to stop Meiling from plummeting to her death.

He was getting used to flying on his own but also using his Qi to hold someone else up was much harder and was taking all of his strength to keep them both in the sky. He made sure that Meiling was floating before slowly flying over to her and then taking her into his arms to make it easier for him to fly. 

As soon as he released the Qi around Meiling it became so much easier to control how his body moved and they soon after arrived at Haru's house just as the sun had decided to rain down on the city.

"You can fly! That is so cool!" Meiling praised Haru as he landed and then opened the front door allowing her to enter first.

"Woah this place is awesome! You didn't tell me you were rich!" Meiling shouted before running laps around Haru's living room.

"I'm not rich. This place was just given to me by someone." Haru said before quickly remembering that the house was given to him by the same person who had sold him out. 

"Do you think we are safe here? If Han really is from the demon clan then we are sitting ducks if we stay here." Haru used his spiritual sense to ask Lao. 

"It's fine. If anyone comes for us then they will die without mercy. I can't let my new student be injured by anyone can I?" Lao said while smiling at Meiling. 

'He seems to have taken a liking to her. I guess it's not hard with this much innocence. You would have to be a sociopath not to find her adorable.' Haru thought as he too smiled at Meiling like a father watching his daughter.

Meiling on the other hand was too distracted with looking around the house to pay attention to the two of them as they both discussed what they were going to do next.

Haru had already planned to head to Beijing to recruit more people to join him for the battle that was quickly approaching them. 

"We will come with you," Lao said as Haru told him about what he had planned but he was completely against the idea. 

"No, the condition was that if we went and got Meiling from the association that you would stay here and look after her while I go and take care of things," Haru said in protest but Lao just smiled.

"I never said I would do anything of the sort. You're the one that thought of that. I didn't agree that I would listen to you." Lao spoke in a condescending tone knowing that he had played Haru for a fool. 

"Ah Why do you even want to come with me? It will be boring. All I'm going to be doing is talking to cultivators. There is nothing for you to do even if you did come with me." Haru said but that wasn't what was bothering Lao.

"I just want to help. I have a body now so I can finally make myself useful. And this is an important matter." Lao spoke with sincerity. 

"Exactly, It is important. If I want people to join me then I will have to talk to them alone so we can come to a deal." Haru replied. 

"But if you really want to be of use then I can give you a list of people to go to and ask for their help," Haru suggested.

"Really? You would do that? Then I will make sure that they come here right away." Lao said and then stopped himself from saying as he looked at Haru staring with disappointment. 

"Well, You shouldn't need to drag anyone. Hopefully, the will join me on their own" Haru said and then wrote down all of the names of the people he wanted Lao to bring to the meeting on Friday. 

"Really you want him?" Lao asked, surprised by one of the names on the paper slip that he was handed.

"Well the more the merrier. I need as much help as I can get." Haru responded and then looked over at Meiling who was now looking through a bookcase. 

"Meiling. Come here for a moment." Haru called Meiling over. 

"Hm? What is it." Meiling asked as Haru waved his hand and then knelt down. 

"I'm sorry this is sudden but I have to go somewhere far away for a few days. Lao will look after you and teach you more things about cultivation while I am gone." Haru put his hand on her head and as she formed a sad expression upon hearing what he had to say. 

"But it will be scary. I don't know him very well and" Meiling was about to say but Haru was quick to stop her.

"If you aren't scared when you are with me then you shouldn't even think about being scared when you are with Lao. He is many times stronger than I can even imagine and I know he will protect you with his life." Haru explained to her and then whispered something in her ear while smiling at Lao.

As soon as he took a step back from her Meiling quickly turned to look at Lao and then smiled so brightly that it made his heart stutter. 

'What did he tell her?' Lao thought as he looked at Haru with suspicion. 

"Well then, I will be off." Haru smiled and then used a movement technique to move at a speed faster than what Meiling could perceive but Lao just smiled at him as he saw the speed that he was moving at. 

Haru turned back to Lao while Meiling looked like she was frozen in time.

"I don't mind if you kill anyone by the way. Just try to maintain order and keep my friends safe." Haru said before parting ways with Lao and flying up into the clouds after leaving his house.

"Sure, Take care." Lao smiled to himself before looking back down at Meiling who was awestruck by Haru vanishing.

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