The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 418

Chapter 418 - The Mature Loach

Su Ming hung up the phone and continued his work in the field.

Initially, his shearing was clumsy, but he quickly became adept at it. Before long, he had filled two bags with cotton candy.

This cotton candy, a product of the System, was unlike the usual kind—it wasn't sticky or prone to melting.

It was as fluffy as actual cotton.

In under two hours, Su Ming had sheared the wool from two sheep, amassing a total of four bags of cotton candy.

He decided to keep one bag of cotton candy and exchange the other three for points.

“Congratulations, Host, on successfully exchanging for points. You have earned 300 points!”

Su Ming used these 300 points to upgrade the Level Two pasture to a Level Three pasture.

“Pasture is upgrading. Time required for upgrade: 24 hours!”

Su Ming also reclaimed the two sheep, earning an additional 200 points.

To upgrade to a Level Three fence, he needed 300 points, but Su Ming only had 240 herding points, leaving him 60 points short.

After some thought, Su Ming decided there was no rush. He would consider upgrading the fence after the next harvest.

Since the pasture was in the process of upgrading from Level Two to Level Three, he couldn't plant new grass for the time being.

Su Ming stored a bag of cotton candy in the hallway and then headed directly to the aquatic product area.

Ten mature loaches swam back and forth in the water.

Dressed in his water gear and armed with a fishing net, Su Ming dove into the water.

He carefully scooped up a loach. It was an ordinary, long, and slippery creature, but as Su Ming lifted it out of the water, it transformed into a Crackled Electronic Cigarette, and the System's notification chimed in.

“Congratulations, Host, on obtaining the Crackled Electronic Cigarette! This electronic cigarette offers supreme enjoyment and features an electric shock function. It can render a person unconscious instantly, without pain or side effects. This electronic cigarette is for the Host's use only!”

At first, Su Ming was curious about what made this electronic cigarette special. But upon hearing the full explanation, he realized its value. In the face of danger, this electronic cigarette could be his ticket to a swift and safe escape.

Su Ming pondered for a moment and decided to keep five Crackled Electronic Cigarettes: one for his mother, one for his sister, one for his future wife, one for his future mother-in-law, and one for his future daughter. Suddenly, he wondered what he would do if he had a son in the future. His solution was simple: he would find two more wives, confident that at least one of them would bear him a daughter.

Su Ming scooped up some loaches and exchanged five of them for points.

“Congratulations, Host, you have successfully exchanged for points. You have earned 500 points!”

Su Ming was pleasantly surprised; he hadn't anticipated receiving so many points.

The wooden house in the aquatic product area had been upgraded to Level Three, making it incredibly sturdy. Iron windows and doors had been installed, and an iron fence now surrounded the area. The pond itself had undergone a transformation, becoming much more refined.

Furthermore, the equipment had been upgraded to Level Two. Perhaps this was the reason why five loaches could be exchanged for 500 points.

After checking the points in the aquatic product area, Su Ming immediately upgraded the wooden house to Level Four and the equipment to Level Three.

“The wooden house is currently upgrading. Time required for upgrade: 24 hours!”

“Equipment is currently upgrading. Time required for upgrade: 36 hours!”

Su Ming noted that the higher the equipment level, the longer the upgrade time required.

Upgrading the plantation area was challenging and demanded a significant number of points, but the output was of high quality and quantity. On the other hand, the other three areas were easier to upgrade, though the quality of their yield was more average.

Su Ming speculated that this might be connected to the animals he was raising, as he had only been farming ordinary species so far. Moreover, the System had yet to introduce any high-level items.

Nevertheless, Su Ming was not worried; his expertise lay in cultivation. He placed a greater emphasis on the produce from the plantation area.

After leaving the aquatic product area, he set the five electronic cigarettes beside the marshmallows and then made his way to the breeding zone. Upon inspection, he saw that the bamboo rats were not yet mature.

Carrying his items, Su Ming returned to the villa, carefully storing the electronic cigarettes and marshmallows.

He then fetched a hotpot meal from the kitchen, savoring it along with a refreshing beverage. Satisfied and content, he settled down to immerse himself in video games.

At midnight, Su Ming logged onto the online mall, and was greeted by a burst of dazzling green. A Level Two crop had just been listed!

Upon closer inspection, Su Ming realized it was the Dangerous Sweet Potato from the plantation area. He paused, finding the name of the plant oddly peculiar.

Could the Dangerous Sweet Potato actually be a bomb once it matured?

Nevertheless, Su Ming didn't dwell on it too much. He trusted that the System would protect him.

Regardless of the potential dangers of his crops, they would cause him no harm.

There were only ten Dangerous Sweet Potatoes available.

Each one was priced at 200,000 points.

Without hesitation, Su Ming purchased all ten seeds.

He browsed the other sections of the mall, noting that the rest of the items were quite mundane. He picked up a few things at random.

After shopping, Su Ming turned in for the night.

He slept in until the sun was high in the sky.

Groggily, he opened his eyes and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Settling onto the sofa, he checked his phone and realized it was already noon. He stretched leisurely.

Something then jogged his memory.

If he wasn't mistaken, his land should have finished upgrading.

In a rush, Su Ming dashed to his fields and, as expected, found that his six acres had been upgraded.

It was perfect timing, as he had just acquired the Dangerous Sweet Potato the night before.

Su Ming headed straight for the farm equipment and began plowing with determination.

He meticulously cleared the weeds from the plantation area, then got down to the business of planting.

He planted two Top Grade orchids and the ten Dangerous Sweet Potatoes, adhering to the rule of two crops per acre, which meant even lower planting density this time.

Would these crops yield something extraordinary?

Su Ming was hopeful.

He watered the soil and scattered Blessing Potion over it, a practice he had always followed.

Whether this ritual would enhance the chances of yielding Top Grade crops, Su Ming couldn't be certain.

But he couldn't deny that his recent harvests had been quite rewarding.

Once the watering and fertilizing were complete, Su Ming dusted off his hands with a sense of accomplishment.

“The Dangerous Sweet Potato has been successfully planted! Harvest time: 72 hours!”

“The Top Grade Orchid has been successfully planted! Harvest time: 72 hours!”

The System's alert echoed in his mind.

Three days to maturity?

Moreover, he noted that after watering and fertilizing, there was no indication that the maturation time for the crops had been reduced.

Perhaps these crops are truly something special!

Su Ming wasn't in any rush.

Once his work was done and he found himself with nothing left to tackle, he clasped his hands behind his back, ready to take a leisurely stroll.

It was, after all, a rare slice of free time for him.

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