The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 417

Chapter 417 - You Really Are a Fool

Su Ming rubbed his nose and tossed the marshmallows into the pocket he had prepared earlier.

As Su Ming sheared the wool, he noticed that cutting more wool resulted in a larger marshmallow, while cutting less produced a smaller one. Furthermore, he could split the marshmallow to adjust its duration of effect based on its size. The Silent marshmallow's effect lasted a minimum of one minute.

Holding another large clump of cotton candy, Su Ming pondered for a moment. He then gently tore off a small piece and popped it into his mouth. Delicious! Unlike ordinary cotton candy, which is made from refined sugar and can make one feel sick if eaten in excess, this marshmallow was not only sweet but also refreshingly cool. It was sweet without being greasy. Su Ming nodded in approval.

Aside from its unique function, this cotton candy made a great snack for idle moments. Having already indulged, Su Ming decided to test its capabilities. He wondered how he should proceed when suddenly, his phone rang. Checking the caller ID, he saw it was a spam call. The moment Su Ming touched the phone, it muted itself, leaving him quite astonished.

Answering the call, a menacing voice on the other end demanded, “You're Su Ming, right?” Su Ming was taken aback—how did this person know his name? Then it dawned on him; it wasn't uncommon for telecom companies to compromise their customers' privacy. “Yes, that's me,” Su Ming responded.

But it seemed the caller hadn't heard him and repeated the threat. “Listen, don't think your silence will stop me. My son—no, your son has been kidnapped! Prepare 1 million RMB for his ransom immediately, or I'll kill him.”

Son? Su Ming paused, perplexed. He wasn't even aware he had a son; after all, he was still a virgin. Were people still using such antiquated scams? Su Ming replied, “I don't have a son.”

The person on the other end of the line continued to bellow, “Are you giving us the silent treatment? Can't you hear me talking? Don't act like you didn't hear me. If you don't cough up a million yuan, I'll kill your son.”

Su Ming responded with resignation, “I did speak to you; it's just that you couldn't hear me.”

Suddenly, Su Ming felt as though he was in a single-player video game, conversing with a non-player character.

“I get it. The amount I'm asking for is too much for you to handle, isn't it?”

“Fine, I can lower the price.”

“A final offer! 500,000 is the absolute minimum!”

The voice on the other end softened noticeably.

Su Ming was taken aback by the other party's willingness to negotiate. Then it dawned on him: since the person on the other end couldn't hear him, he could say whatever he wanted, right?

Cautiously, Su Ming tested the waters, “Son?”

No sooner had he spoken than the person on the other end responded promptly, “Yes.”

How did the person on the other end hear his voice?

And he even confirmed that he was his son. That was utterly absurd.

“I've already shown you my good faith. Fine, I won't take 500,000 yuan, but surely you can afford to give me 100,000 yuan, can't you?”

Su Ming was at a loss for words.

This scammer lacked any semblance of professionalism.

The voice on the phone prattled on, “Bro, don't tell me you don't even have 100,000 RMB? How about 20,000 RMB then? Life isn't easy for me out here.”

Su Ming stroked his chin and then declared, “You're a scoundrel!”

The person on the other end kept babbling away.

They still couldn't hear Su Ming.

Su Ming wasn't one to curse others.

But these con artists deserved a good tongue-lashing!

Since the scammer couldn't hear him, Su Ming decided to sharpen his verbal skills.

He unleashed a torrent of expletives.

The price had even dropped to 200 RMB.

“Brother, surely you have 200 RMB, right?”

“Why not consider this money as compensation for the time you've spent on the phone with me?”

“Why don't you just give me 100 yuan? I could use that money to grab some barbecue and a few beers, sound good?”

“Huh? Are you still cursing at me?!”

Su Ming was taken aback; he hadn't expected the scammer on the other end of the line to hear his words.

He had only consumed a bit of the Silent Marshmallow.

But its effects lasted a mere minute.

He had forgotten that detail.

Clearing his throat, Su Ming said, “Look, I know it's tough for you too. Send me your account details, and I'll wire you some cash.”


A voice brimming with surprise echoed from the phone.


“Great! Hold on, I'll send you the account number right away.” And with that, the call ended.

Soon after, Su Ming received a bank account number. He noted it down and immediately called President Chen to help him investigate.

Despite having finished his workday, President Chen didn't hesitate to head straight to the bank after Su Ming's call. To his surprise, he made a discovery!

Typically, fraud rings use virtual accounts for their schemes, making it impossible for their victims to track them down. But this individual had used their actual personal information to try to defraud Su Ming.

Su Ming couldn't help but smile at the scammer's foolishness.

Next, he briefed Captain Wu on the situation.

Captain Wu was equally astonished; he too hadn't anticipated the scammer's blunder of using real personal details.

Captain Wu was confident that he could easily wrap up the task Su Ming had handed him.

Without delay, he contacted the police department local to the bank card.

The foolish scammer, elated after the call, thought telecommunication fraud was a breeze. He believed he had nailed it on his first attempt.

Then, he received a bank notification. To his astonishment, he had only received a single cent!

While he was still confused, his door was abruptly kicked in.

The police rushed in and swiftly apprehended the scammer.

He was dumbfounded. “My God! Are the police always this fast? How are they so efficient? I barely started my first deal, and they've caught me. I thought everything was perfect,” he thought remorsefully, vowing never to engage in illegal activities again. Moreover, while marveling at the might of the imperial court's police, he was desperate to understand why he was caught. After all, he had spent ages talking to Su Ming, even enduring a scolding, only to end up with a single cent, shiny handcuffs, and a five-year sentence. He had seen others make millions from online scams. It was all lies! All of it! Those damned deceivers, deceiving even their own kind! In the end, the fool remained clueless about his capture, even after his release from prison.

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