Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 4: The New Life

Chapter 4: The New Life

"Ancestor Turtle, when do I have to start?"

After seeing the determined look of Akash Tagar, The Turtle nodded its head with a smile. The Turtle was very happy, in truth, it has never been this happy in its entire life.

"Come closer and stand on that formation."

Akash realized there was a strange circle type formation which was not there when he first arrived, he moved into the center of that circle without delaying a moment.

The Turtle said.

"This formation is one of my inborn skill called ABSOLUTE REWIND, it consists of 4 different laws. Time Law, Spatial Law, Martial Law and Life Law. The Law of Time reverts your body to the age of 15. The Law of Space prevents any external interference during the process by erecting a special barrier around you.

The Law of Body or Martial Law strengthens your body during the process. And finally, The Law of Life keeps infusing the life healing cosmic aura into your body otherwise the pain would be too much for you to bear. All of your old bones and organs will go against the natural order of life and instead of growing from young to old, your body will revert from old to young.

This abnormal process will without a doubt cause unimaginable pain which could kill any ordinary cultivator, that's where the the Law of Life will keep you alive."

Akash was silent but there was horror in his eyes. The horror of that tremendous pain. He shook his head to calm himself and spoke.

"Alright Ancestor, you can start, I'm ready. I believe you."

Soon, the circle was engulfed with a thick space barrier and the air around it was making a strange cracking sound as if the air itself was being torn apart. The first law of the circle was playing its part and nothing could come close to Akash Tagar with that space barrier around him.

Soon, the change in Akash's body appeared. His skin started the process of shedding, his old skin was pulled off from his body by space sucking force produced by the formation and his body grew new young twinkling skin. Just like the skin of a newborn baby, clean like a jade without any scars, that was the process of the Law of Time.

During the process, his body was facing numerous changes. The skin on his head was peeled off including his white hair. His bones cracked into uncountable pieces and then slowly merged again. Afterwards, it was mixed with a strange force which turned into a liquid making the bones stronger than before. That was the power of the Law of Martial.

In the course of the entire process, the only constant thing was a beige-coloured hue around the body of Akash Tagar. That was the aura of the Law of Life which was instantly healing and healing all the cracks, cuts and life-threatening changes in Akash's body, thus keeping him alive.

The entire process of the Absolute Rewind formation ended, and the old Akash Tagar was nowhere to be seen, instead of the old Akash, there was a young handsome hunk.

A 5'10 feet tall teen with fair skin colour, goldish hair, full and separate eyebrows along with darker eyelashes. While the lower half of his face was thinner than the upper half but the most eye-catching were his deep big blue eyes.

Turtle looked at him as a father looking at his son. Akash was the first and last person who would be chosen as the successor of the Turtle so it was not strange for the turtle to view him as his precious child.

"Indeed, in term of looks, even the Elf and God Race cannot be compared to the Fairy Race."

There was a famous saying that 'there was nothing more attractive than a powerful tamer of the Fairy Race'. The Fairy Race was not as powerful as the top powerhouse races, but they were extremely beautiful. That was the reason why after they lost the war, they were taken in as concubines by many noble Lords and Ladies.

Akash Tagar came out of the formation and checked his body which was as young as his 15 years old self. He felt that the life he had lived thus far was but a dream as if he had been 15 all along.

Soon, his eyes were filled with salty tears because he remembered his old childhood friends who died in the war and the fate of those who survived in it. He then spoke in a sobbing voice.

"Ancestor... being handsome or good looking can... also... be a curse."

The Turtle understood what he meant and replied in an imposing manner.

"Only if you are weak."

Akash ".."

"From today onwards, you are not the same Akash you used to be, rather you will reach the pinnacle of power and in the process achieve the epitome of cosmic powers.

Now that you are of a young age again, I will not delay it any longer. Everything from now on will depend on you."

Akash nodded.

"I will send you to the weakest planet called 'Earth' in the cosmos, where the weakest race called 'Humans' live. I'll do this for two reasons."

Akash looked at the Turtle curiously.

"The first reason is that the Beast's Raids on that planet are growing and they do not have enough power to handle them all. The second and main reason is those human beings are very selfish even though they have the same talent as your Fairy Race.

Despite this, they are very greedy and, excluding some uncommon cases, have never tried to help the common folk of their race who are suffering from Beast's Raids. Which, as you'd expect, resulted in the deaths of many talented seedlings at a very young age, thus making the Human Race the weakest amongst all of the races in this cosmos.

You will enforce the law and order on that planet and find talented individuals for your force. That is the 1st step to your mission. After completing it you should proceed to take control of the entire planet. Following that, the system will guide you on what to do next."

Akash had heard about the Human Race, which is so weak, there has been only one Star Emperor in their entire history. None of them were able to reach the Star God rank and the Ancestor is saying their talent is the same as our Fairy Race. Akash didn't say anything and nodded again.

The Turtle continued.

"You will be sent to that planet now and you won't be able to meet me for a long time after this but you will be able at least hear my voice through the system and I will be watching you from here."

Akash replied seriously.

"I will not disappoint you, ancestor."

"I know, but remember one thing, you have to pay for the system's rewards."

Akash "Ehhh?"

The Turtle replied.

"The system will work through treasures and coins. I made it like this so that my successor would work hard to get enough resources for the rewards. If one could get everything they wanted, served on a silver platter to them, while they only sit lazily on doing nothing, their talent would only worsen. So, my beloved successor, you must work 100 times more because the rewards will be expensive. You can employ any means you can think of to earn money while gathering and building your force."

Akash looked at the Turtle with his mouth agape.

"Ancestor, how could you be so cruel? How can I earn riches, cultivate and train my beasts at the same time? I'm your only successor!"

It seemed as if the teen Akash was about to cry.

The Turtle laughed and said.

"I've done that specifically for your sake, my successor. You cannot be ordinary."

Akash was about to say something in return when he heard the system


He looked at the window.

[Teleporting to the Planet Earth in 10, 9, 8]

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