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Chapter 881: Lords and ministers are making up

Chapter 881: Lords and ministers are making up

"Wang Qing's family, what do you think Kun Wuguo has in this announcement to the world?"

The Lord Jiangyang pondered for a moment, but was still puzzled, and asked the Prime Minister!

The prime minister's surname is Wang, his name is Ba, and he is a veteran of the Five Dynasties of Jiangyang State!

Because he has served successively for the five heads of Jiangyang country, and has always stood firm in the position of prime minister!

Plus he lives for hundreds of years!

Therefore, all the courtiers of Jiangyang secretly gave him a nickname called "The Eighth Thousand Years"!

Hearing this, the Wang Ba grabbed his beard and started thinking!

There is constant friction between Jiangyang State and Kunwu State, and the situation in the two countries has already reached a volatile situation!

Originally, after the death of King Kunwu, Jiang Yang had already planned to invade!

But because it was later reported that the titled king Taoist bandit, it seems to have the meaning of blessing my country!

Jiang Yangguo had no choice but to dispel the idea of invading Kunwu country by force!

After all, Daoist bandit is quite famous among the titled kings!

King Jiangyang is not sure that he can beat the Daoist bandits!

Now, although Daoist bandits have broken up with Kunwu country!

But Jiangyang State's army has long been disbanded and returned to the frontier!

Therefore, I am no longer prepared to conquer Kunwu by force!

However, Jiangyang State has never given up on Kunwu!

Therefore, Kunwu Country suddenly came to such a play!

Whether it is the king of Jiangyang or the prime minister of Wang Ba, it is natural to figure out the intention of the Kunwu court!

Prime Minister Wang Ba thought for a long time, suddenly raised his head!

"Lord, the old minister has figured out what Kunwu means!"

As soon as this remark came out, King Jiang Yang was overjoyed!

In terms of force, Prime Minister Wang Ba is naturally not his opponent!

But in terms of resourcefulness and strategy, he really can't compare to Wang Ba!

After all, the other party is the "eight thousand-year king" who assisted the four ancestors!

As the saying goes, the old man is good, this old guy is good!

Therefore, King Jiangyang still trusts the prime minister's words!

"Love Qing and talk about it!"

Hearing this, Wang Ba nodded slightly, and said in a deep

"The Lord has analyzed it just now!"

"Kunwu will never find the titled king for protection!"

"It stands to reason that the current Kunwu Chaotang should be panicking, after all, they are not far from the country!"

"But now, the Kunwu court is suddenly so high-profile, and it's still a big thing to tell the world!"

"The old minister thought there was only one possibility!"

Having said that, Wang Ba paused slightly!

Wang Jiangyang was listening attentively, but when Wang Ba stopped suddenly, he couldn't wait to ask!

"What is possible?"

"Therefore, the suspicion formation, bluffing!"

Wang Ba stroked his long beard and said confidently!

As soon as this remark came out, King Jiang Yang fell into contemplation unconsciously!

So the suspicious array?


It seems...that makes sense!

Under the irreversible situation, Kunwuguo wants to delay the possibility of extermination!

It seems that there is only this way!

Didnt you see that it is really useful now?

The nations of Qingyang County are now speculating about the meaning of Kunwu's move?

Without knowing the exact situation!

No one will rashly bring up the proposal to remove Kunwu from the country!

In this way, the goal of Kunwu Kingdom has not been achieved?

Although it is a matter of time before the country is removed!

But the later the better?

"Wang Qing's words... quite reasonable!"

King Jiang Yang nodded, his face showed a look of approval!

Seeing that his own country's lord believed in his own words, Wang Ba slightly smiled reservedly!

"Kunwu country wants to spread the suspicion. In the eyes of the old minister, it is not only the purpose of delaying the extermination!"

"They have other intentions!"


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