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Chapter 880: Lord Jiangyang

Chapter 880: Lord Jiangyang

Things are so settled!

For a time, everyone was happy!

Of course, apprenticeship is not so hasty!

In fact, the real apprenticeship is certainly not so simple!

After obtaining Yehan's consent, the Kunwu royal family immediately announced the incident!

Of course, the Kunwu royal family dare not disclose Ye Han's identity!

Therefore, after receiving this news, the countries around Qingyang were all at a loss and felt inexplicable!

Your little country master has found a teacher!

What is it to tell the world?

Notify the whole country of Cheongyang County?

What about it?

The master of the country is certainly no small thing!

But, a little kid's enlightenment teacher, is it worth making a fuss about, alarming the entire Qingyang County?

This is not a joke, what is it?

For things like this, it is enough to tell your own country!

Also, the whole Qingyang County countries have been notified so seriously!

Under normal circumstances, things that can alarm the entire Qingyang County!

That is, the death of the country's lord, the enthronement of the country's lord, the declaration of war between the two countries, etc.

The lord found a teacher?

Well, most of the leaders of the Qingyang countries ask themselves if they can't do like Kunwu, and they can't wait to make the whole world know this!

"Kun Wu is trying to catch the eye?"

"Or is it that their baby lord found a titled teacher as a backer?"

The Lord Jiangyang next to Kunwu asked his prime minister with a sneer on his face!

Hearing this, the prime minister shook his head!

"Title King? Impossible!"

"There are only fifty-six titled kings in Qingyang "Fifty of them are scattered in various countries!"

"Of the remaining six, four have already announced their retirement!"

"The only two remaining free-body titled kings, one is a guest in Luyang country, which means to return to Luyang!"

"The other one, after being rejected by Kunwu from the salt and iron trade, has openly broke with Kunwu!"

"Where is there any titled king who can protect Kunwu country?"

The prime minister said disapprovingly!

Jiang Yangguo has always coveted Kunwu!

As the Prime Minister of Jiangyang, after the death of King Kunwu, he has focused his attention on Kunwu!

Everyone knows that if Kunwu is not blessed by the titled king, it will be a sure thing to be removed from the country!

Therefore, Prime Minister Jiangyang has been following the movements of the titled kings in Qingyang County recently!

After all, if Kunwu were to find the shelter of the titled king, their Jiang Yangguo would become obscure!

Therefore, Prime Minister Jiangyang dared to make such a vow!

"Is it possible to be the titled king of the outer county?"

Wang Jiangyang pondered for a moment, and then asked again!

After all, but in his heart, he did not believe that there would be a titled king from another county who came to Qingyang County and was found by Kunwu by coincidence!

Sure enough, after hearing King Jiang Yang's words, the prime minister shook his head!

"will not!"

"As soon as there is a deep barrier between the counties!"

"The titled kings of other counties are almost unlikely to appear in Qingyang county!"

"Secondly, with Kunwu's background, they can't afford the titled kings of other counties!"

Qingyang is the weakest existence among all counties in the Wuchenjie!

Even with that, their titled king is completely inferior to other counties!

Moreover, it costs a lot to ask a king for shelter!

With the current background of Kunwu, it is a bit reluctant to invite a king of this county!

Let alone the king of other counties!

So, this is almost impossible!


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