System Change

Chapter 287: Skill Sharing

Chapter 287: Skill Sharing

Just as intrigued, if not more, by what he learned about Silvi, than his own evolution, Derek first looked over his companions status. Oh, when did Silvi turn seven? Well have to keep an eye on that once I get out of here so we can celebrate properly. Im sure she would like some cake.

After that, he moved on to see that her new class and race were properly shown. He still worried a bit about her race having the gluttonous modifier, but they would cross that bridge when they got there. There was still a good chance that it didnt actually mean anything and was only there as a way of describing the bunny. She was gluttonous, after all.

The previous system messages he received were true to their word, as she was sporting the same stats and pools that he was. Actually Her endurance and vitality are both at 1505. Its adding the extra increase from the Void Beast stuff to it. Is that because of the evolution? He made a note to look at that when he pulled his own stats up.

He also went over her skills and saw plenty of new ones for the bunny. The knife skills relating to cooking stood out first, then his eyes landed on her version of Void Creation and the Cook What You Kill skills. Her Void Creation (Cooking) skill didnt have any information about it when he tried to view it, but the Cook What You Kill skill was amazing, and perfect for Silvi. He was sure she wouldnt be too pissed at him for causing her to evolve, no matter what she was doing at the time.

Interestingly enough, he saw that she had already set up two shared skills from herself to him. It seemed he would have access to a level 10 Active Void Shift and a level 6 Void Lightning Bolt. He looked forward to testing those two abilities out, especially Active Void Shift. He really wanted to know how much of a difference it was to his own Void Shift ability.

Finally, he dismissed her status sheet and pulled his own up.


Personal Information







Derek Hunt




Void Monarch (Mythical)

Human (Void)














Stat Points Remaining









Alanah Swan (Crown Restaurant)

Silvi (Bonded Beast)

Stella Brighton (Crown Restaurant)

Francesco Jaccobs (Torith Adventurers Guild)

Rudolph Mckinney

Natalie Savannah via Malorie Stewart

View Contract

View Status

View Contract

View Contract

View Contract

Contract Unavailable


Absolute Nullify Lv. 12, Bare Fist Specialty Lv. 1(View Upgrades), Basic Repair Lv. 1, Chain Lightning Lv. 13, Channel Void Lv. 20, Cleaning Lv. 9, Cure Toxin Lv. 4, Dismantle Lv. 12, Enhanced Movement Speed Lv. 2, Greater Meditation Lv. 10, Identify Lv. 17, Magic Resistance Lv. 20, Multi-Strike Lv. 14, Physical Resistance Lv. 20, Polearm Specialty (Choose Bond), Rejuvenation Lv. 14, Sweeping Slash Lv. 20, Telepathy Lv. 5, Time Prison Lv. 10, Void Call Lv. 4, Void Creation Lv. N/A, Void Sense Lv. 20, Void Shift Lv. 10, Void Steps Lv. 13, Void Storage Lv. N/A, Void Travel Lv. N/A

Skill Points Remaining: 15

Skill Upgrade Points Remaining: 0

Shared Skills from Companion: Active Void Shift Lv. 10, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 6

Skills Available to Share (Please select two to share. These skill selections cannot be changed for one year): Absolute Nullify Lv. 10, Channel Void Lv. 10, Time Prison Lv. 10, Void Call Lv. 4, Void Sense Lv. 10, Void Shift Lv. 10, Void Steps Lv. 13, Void Storage Lv. N/A, Void Travel Lv. N/A


Greater Giant Slayer, Jack of All, Lesser Dungeon Explorer, Lesser Dungeon Traveler, Lesser Enigma, Lesser Enforcer of Oaths, Repetitive Dungeoneer, Minor Slayer of the Unknown, Solo Diver, Magical Glass Cannon, Meat Shield, Lesser Explorer, Offensive Powerhouse

Huh. Derek couldnt exactly say he was disappointed, but things were interesting. He swiped through some of the other notifications he had received, but they were just basically the same new skill notifications that he had received from the other system. He hadnt actually earned any new Achievements from the Great System, which bugged him a little.

Maybe it has something to do with going beyond the systems capabilities? He shrugged. There was no use in dwelling on it. He noticed that his question marks beside his stats had also gone away, just like they had with Silvi. That definitely had something to do with my Human (Void) race evolution. Maybe my body can hold more stats now?

Speaking of stats, doing some quick math, he realized that the two new levels that he had gained had given him 70 free stat points to use. Which meant that each level would grant him 35 free stat points. It wasnt as high as he had expected, but it was still more than his previous 30. Before, it would have been more than enough to max out all his stats, but now that he could go past 1500 points, he was slightly disappointed.

He hadnt received any additional Skill Points, either. Nor did he have to spend his current Skill Points on his two new skills. The other system had just given them to him with no extra fanfare.

And his two new skills, Void Creation and Void Travel, didnt have levels. They would probably work the same as his Void Storage skill. The higher his connected stats, the better he could use them. He also noticed that he was unable to share his Void Creation skill with Silvi and wondered if it was the same for her. Additionally, it seemed like shared skills maxed out at level 10 for both him and his companion.

Next, he dismissed his status sheet and began to think. His first priority would be to figure out which two skills to give Silvi. He had the option, so he wasnt going to waste it. Then, he wanted to bond with the new glaive Tyron was making him, but he had no clue how long that would take.

Derek brushed himself off and turned his Void Sense to the max. He wanted to test Silvis Active Void Shift. With his Void Sense at level 20, he could easily make out the ripples in the void, both near and as far as his eyes could see.

Lets see, when using Void Shift, I go into the void and either move faster than most can detect, or slow them down, Im still not one hundred percent certain on that, then I am able to go through one ripple and come out another. Using that logic, and how he had seen Silvi move while using the skill before, he tried to activate his newly acquired ability.

Nothing happened, but he got the sense of what he needed to do. He focused on one of the ripples off in the distance, then activated the skill again. In a disorientating blur of motion, he disappeared from where he was standing and appeared directly at the spot he was focusing on. Woah! he thought.

Its basically a teleportation skill. Its kind of like what most people think Im doing with my Void Shift, even though Im not. What he also realized was that he kept up momentum when using the skill. So he didnt have to break himself out of the skill to release an attack like he did with his own skill.

For the next half hour, Derek teleported from ripple to ripple, having a blast. Silvi sure did get the fun skill, he thought. Instantly, he knew one of the skills he needed to share with Silvi: Void Sense. With Void Sense turned down as far as he could, Derek could only rely on Active Void Shift to move him in a much shorter range than with it turned up. Void Sense was truly the skill that connected with the others, especially Void Shift.

Next, he played around with Void Lightning, destroying some trees in the process. Overall, it was a fun skill with a small drain on his mana pool. It was nice to have another good void type attack to work with, even if it was only level 6. He wasnt sure if he could level the skill up, but he doubted he could. Silvi would most likely need to level it up herself for it to level for him.

Honestly, he couldnt quite figure out which skill to share with Silvi. Though, at least if he made the wrong choice, it would only be one year before he could select different skills. Going over the available skills, he quickly dismissed multiple of them.

The first skill he dismissed was Void Call. There was no way he was giving Silvi access to a skill that would bring super powerful ingredients directly to her. He trusted her, but not that much. And, after learning of another system and breaking through his previous stat restrictions, he had to wonder if there were even more powerful Void Beasts out there, as they werent connected to the Great System.

So no, he would keep Void Call to himself for now. He also decided against giving her his prison for the time being. Again, she wasnt the most mature creature around. And even though he didnt think she would abuse it, he didnt want to take that chance while he was inside the dungeon for possibly years.

He also crossed out Void Shift and Void Steps. He thought Silvi may have a hard time maneuvering in the Void Shift environment, and Active Void Shift was as good, if not a better movement skill than Void Steps. The only thing Void Steps had over it was the ability to stay in the air for as long as your mana lasted.

This left him with Absolute Nullify, Channel Void, Void Storage, and Void Travel. Now that she had most of his defenses and she had the speed of Active Void Shift, he decided she didnt need Absolute Nullify. Hopefully, she wouldnt be doing much fighting, anyway.

He got rid of Void Storage, as well, as the space inside wasnt as stable as a storage ring, and it was quite possible to ruin ingredients inside it. Its one of the reasons he didnt want to keep the dragon materials in Void Storage for long. Which left Channel Void and Void Travel.

It was a tough decision to make. Channel Void was key in his own fighting, but would Silvi really use it? She didnt use weapons, and she had Void Lightning to go through her horn with her headbutting or Charge skill. Void Travel was an unknown, but the description made it seem super powerful. It also had a warning in the description that was even the description that the Great System provided.

She shouldnt get anyone killed with it, and it would act as a great skill for retreating, Derek thought. Its only for a year. If the skill doesnt work out, I can always give her Channel Void. He made his decision. With a thought, he shared Void Sense and Void Travel with his companion and let out a sigh.

Now that the skill sharing was over, he needed to know exactly how long he had been out of it. If his system time was right, then it had only been around six or so hours. He just wanted to make sure. And he wanted to see how Tyron was doing with the materials. So, with that thought, he made his way back to the smiths temporary camp.

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