System Change

Chapter 286: Silvi's Evolution

Chapter 286: Silvi's Evolution

The void matter began to fall away from Silvi. This evolution seemed different. She couldnt remember much about her first evolution, as she wasnt yet the amazing bunny everyone knew her as when she previously evolved. Still, this evolution seemed even more unusual, but she couldnt quite put her paw on what was different.

Once all the void matter broke away and disappeared, she lightly floated to the ground. It was a shame that she couldnt keep any of the void matter her evolution shell. It could have made for a unique spice. Anything was worth trying at least once. She had learned that with the smelly onions.

Raw and alone, they caused her eyes to tear up against her will, and the taste didnt suit her. But when she tried putting it in a savory soup, or when she sauted chopped onions on her stove, the difference was immense and flavorful. Still, they would always be smelly onions, and because of the embarrassment her first one had caused her, she had made it one of her missions to find every dish that went well with them, and kill use as many smelly onions as she could.

But that was for later. After her evolution, she only had one thing on her mind. The most important thing of all her cookies. She panicked and looked around at her kitchen. All the ingredients she was preparing and the dishes she was making were nowhere to be seen. The oven was off, and there was no sign of her cookies.

Malorie, she thought. The beautiful, delicious lady must have finished baking her cookies and stored everything properly so nothing would go bad. She was already showing her worth. Derek had done well choosing Malorie as the person in charge of fetching ingredients. Shes much better at fetching ingredients than my mount Thomas is.

With an idea of where her cookies were, she thought about Derek. He would want her to figure out all the changes that her evolution had caused her. First, Silvi looked around her kitchen to make sure nothing was broken, and was confused when she saw a storage ring on the ground in front of her.

Why is there a storage ring here? Did Malorie put my cookies in it, then leave it for me? That has to be it. Silvi took a quick hop to the storage ring and placed her paw on it before channeling her mana inside. Her confusion grew. The contents of the storage ring were all too familiar to Silvi.

Silvi twitched her nose a few times and her eyes grew wide. It was gone. The storage ring on her nose wasnt there anymore. It was the storage ring on the ground. Why was her nose ring on the ground? What about Silvi moved her shoulders and panicked. She quickly hopped into the air and unleashed a perfect 360 degree spin. There was no flutter from her cloak. It was gone too. And her necklace with the communication crystals wasnt on her neck, either. Everything but her storage ring was gone.

A wave of sadness washed over Silvi. That cloak was the first piece of clothing shed ever had, and she cherished it. It was like her very own chefs hat. Nobody had anything similar to it. It was Silvis. But it was now gone. She inwardly cursed Derek for causing her to evolve and lose something so precious. Will that maniac be mad? Will she make me a new one? She would have to muster up the courage and talk to that crafting maniac. No, she didnt need courage she wasnt scared of Brandi. She was just perplexed at how the girl could work so hard without a tasty treat at the end of the day.

She would also have to find a way to get a new necklace. She didnt like people talking to her in her head. It was confusing and tiring. She needed her focus on what she was cooking, not on some voice suddenly appearing in her head. Thats why she didnt like the Telepathy skill. She much preferred the voices to come from outside her head, where they belonged. Malorie should be able to handle that.

With that weight off her mind, and her relief that at least all the good ingredients and cookware in her storage ring were safe, Silvi did what Derek would have done. She checked her stats.


Personal Information







Silvi Hunt


N/A (Bonded)

N/A (Bonded)

Mythical Void Battle Chef

Gluttonous Void Bunny





















Active Void Shift Lv. 17, Advanced Cooking Lv. 7, Advanced Mage Hand Lv. 5, Advanced Telekinesis Lv. 5, Battle Chef Knife Mastery Lv. 1, Charge Lv. 12, Chop Lv. 1, Cleaning Lv. 15, Cook What You Kill Lv. 1, Cooking Lv. 18, Julienne Lv. 1, Mince Lv. 1, Void Creation (Cooking) Lv. N/A, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 6, Mage Hand Lv. 16, Meditation Lv. 17, Telekinesis Lv. 15, Telepathy Lv. 2

Shared Skills from Companion: None Active

Skills Available to Share (Please select two to share. These skill selections cannot be changed for one year): Active Void Shift Lv. 10, Battle Chef Knife Mastery Lv. 1, Chop Lv. 1, Cook What You Kill Lv. 1, Julienne Lv. 1, Mince Lv. 1, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 6

Silvi hopped up and down in excitement. She knew that evolution was different from before. It almost seemed like it cared about what she wanted. It didnt just take her and conform her to her companion this time. It let her have some say in her path.

She was officially a chef. She even had chef knife skills. She had the sense that all her new skills could be used with both cooking and fighting. Her lack of thumbs was still a problem, but she could deal with that with her Telekinesis and Mage Hand skills. She had both the regular and advanced version of those skills.

She also got a weird skill called Void Creation (Cooking), but she had no clue what it did, and the skill description was blank. It was also a class related skill that she couldnt share with Derek. She would have to experiment with it. It had cooking in the name, so it had to be an amazing skill. It was probably the most perfect skill ever created, and she had gotten it.

She had been mad at Derek for making her evolve at such an inopportune time before. After all, you should never interrupt someone who is hard at work making cookies. That was just rude. But she would have to forgive him. Whatever he did allowed her to become a real cook, and she wouldnt have to give up fighting.

Cooking and fighting were her two favorite things to do, and she had also gotten a skill that seemed to combine the two of them together. She was able to get a description about her Cook What You Kill skill. Anything she cooked that she personally slew would have an increase in its effects. Her mind instantly went to the Void Beasts that Derek kept hunting.

She would have to tag along with him the next time he went hunting. She knew that those meals were both delicious and nutritious, and if she could steal find a way to borrow Alanahs recipe, the meals she cooked with them would be even more delicious.

With all that in mind, Silvi looked at the new skill share thing, and the list of skills she could share. Some of the levels were different on the list than what they actually were, but that didnt matter. She would let Derek figure out what that meant.

What she did know was that Derek didnt like the awesome cooking skills. So, she wouldnt share any of those with him. He wouldnt put them to good use, so he didnt deserve them. He also didnt use knives much. Occasionally, he would throw one and make a head explode, but that was it. He didnt chop or mince.

He also already had a form of Active Void Shift that seemed to be better than Silvis own, but it was different. Maybe they would go well together. Making a smart decision that she would definitely be praised for, she shared with him her Void Lightning skill and Active Void Shift. She got the confirmation and dismissed it.

She looked over her status once again. She now had the same stats as Derek. They were equals. Well, they were always equal, but now the numbers matched too. And looking at those absurdly high stamina and mana stats made the bunny very happy. She would be able to cook for a much longer time with her skills active than before. For once, she actually wished Derek would dump a lot of points into wisdom and increase the mana pool even more.

She wouldnt even mind facing the breakthrough. She welcomed it. If every point he spent was equivalent to extra time using Mage Hand or Telekinesis, she would suck it up. Now, she had even more skills to focus on and level, so the mana was needed.

Maybe she would go do a dungeon and get some good ingredients to level her new skills up. Derek liked leveling skills that way. He called it grinding. Maybe she should grind. Maybe she could find out if elves were tasty or not. She kept hearing about how they were being a problem for everyone. What would an elf burger enhanced with Cook What You Kill taste like? Would it be okay to eat an elf? Derek said she couldnt eat humans, but elves werent human, right?

But all that was for later. Right now, she had many things to do. Most importantly, she needed to check on Malorie and her cookies. So, she reached down with her mouth and scooped up her storage ring, then hopped to the door and pushed it open. Luckily, she didnt have to go far, as Malorie was sitting at the dining table in the room connected to the kitchen.

Silvi! Youre okay. What happened? What was that purple sphere? Malorie asked with wide eyes. And why do you look different?

She hated to do it, but all she had to communicate with right now was Telepathy. I evolved, she replied. What do you mean, look different? Also, talk. Dont use Telepathy.

Oh, the woman said. I guess that makes sense. Your fur is shinier, I guess almost sparkly. And there seems to be a bit more purple to you than before.

Silvi then told her that she needed a new cloak and necklace. And that it probably wouldnt be possible to put the ring back in her nose, so she would need it on the necklace as well.

Ill get it done as soon as possible, Malorie said.

Cookies? Silvi asked again, trying to get to the more important topic.

Ah yes the cookies, Malorie said, then waved her hand, causing a tray of cookies to appear on the table.

Silvi hopped onto the table to examine the cookies. Then she looked up at Malorie and squinted. Where are the rest? I baked twenty. Why are there only eighteen?

Malorie blushed and looked down. I needed to make sure they were cooked well.

Why did you eat two?

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