Star Eater

Chapter 296 - 296

Chapter 296: Chapter 296

Arthur's Point of View


"Who goes there!?" I called out as I drew Defiance fully. "Show yourself!"

An amused chuckle rang out that gave me chills. "I never thought your lack of magic would be such an issue for me. If not for the right conditions, this never would have been possible. I must thank the collection of Demons and my markers that visited you." He spoke.

Turning in circles as I desperately tried to figure out what was going on, he continued to chuckle as it felt like my mind was fraying. "What do you want!?"

"To speak to you. After all, if not for your strange reaction to magic, this might never have been possible. Although, you're looking a little tired." There was a mocking undertone.

"Or you're just making speculation since I'm shouting out randomly." I replied.

"I see you." His voice called with such certainty that my blood ran cold. "I know why you're here, but perhaps we can make a deal. In fact, I'd like to say I know more about you than anyone else here."

Backing away toward the wall to scan the room in its entirety, I responded. "You expect me to make a deal with some random voice? Clearly, you don't know me as well as you claim."

It chuckled again. "Oh, but I do. You see, I was confused about our first meeting. How you arrived in a place that can only be accessed with my magic. So, I looked into it. A being not from this world and one that can travel through space and time. Our first meeting would've gone very differently had I known what I know now."

There were several times I had been afraid since coming here, but this... This was a different kind of fear. It almost reminded me of the Star Creature. Almost. She was at least comforting in a way and meant well. Probably. However, whatever was speaking to me now was something I wanted no part of. The amount of power it would take to perform this feat by freezing everyone...

"Now, about that deal."

"There will be no deal!" I shouted.

It seemed to pause for a moment. "You aren't even remotely interested in what I can offer?"

The mist danced around the room as everyone remained frozen. "I've had my fair share of deals in my time. If it took me being in a weakened state, multiple Demon Lords gathering, along with whatever your marks are to even be able to talk to me, I want no part of any deal you have to offer." Defiance twitched ever so slightly. "My soul was forfeit long ago, and you seem like the kind of creature to seek that kind of deal."

A chuckle rang out. "A soul is a meaningless thing. That's not what I want."

"Then it's a good thing I don't care what you want! I don't even know what you are! Who you are!" I yelled as sweat dripped down my neck. "Plus, trusting someone who says souls are meaningless is something an evil being sealed in another dimension by the heroes of old would say! It's very cliché!"

His mocking tone rang out. "About as cliché as a man caring for the daughter of the woman he loved?" My eyes widened at that. "Lucia looks just like her, doesn't she? I know you're curious. Everything you could possibly want to know can be yours. Every answer you seek, I have."

My eyes narrowed. "When something seems too good to be true, it usually is." I quickly shot back. "Given that I don't even know what it is I'm actually looking for, I doubt you could help me!"

His voice continued to dance around the room as if repeatedly moving closer before shifting farther away. "You doubt a great many things of this world. Even when you first appeared, you had doubts. Doubt defines your entire time on Crevalis." Scanning the area, I noticed a green energy similar to what Aydan used floating about. "What do you have to lose? I thought you were on the verge of abandoning Lestrania. Who is it that really keeps you here?"


Again, he chuckled. "You act as though it's Lucia, Cassidy, and a few select others that keep you here."


"They're just an excuse. You've become attached. It's you who doesn't want to leave. Yet, we both know it would be so simple for you. Look how easy it was for you to just ignore Augustus Reed's death and go about the rest of your day. Who's to say you won't do the same with them?"

Swiping at where I thought the voice was, I roared. "Stop!!!" Practically snarling, my violent reply just added to his amusement. "You don't know me!"

"But we've met before, remember?"

"Your voice is familiar, but I don't remember speaking to any omniscient voices!"

The voice then whispered directly into my ear. "You trespassed and assaulted my statues."

Jumping and floating across the throne room on a Gravity Pillar, I examined where I was previously standing only to find it empty. Only the mist covered the area. Twisting and turning to examine the area, my heart raced in my chest. Even more so than when facing most Demons. Coming to a stop after seeing nothing, my Gravity Pillar lowered me to the floor as it finally clicked.

With my head hanging, the words left my mouth in a whisper of my own. "The library..."

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