Star Eater

Chapter 295 - 295

Chapter 295: Chapter 295

Arthur's Point of View


There was a banging on the door as it tried to open. My eyes glanced at it for a moment before they returned to Greigh. Unlike me, he wasn't distracted. His gaze was focused on me and solely on me. Watching. Waiting. Wanting an answer. Unfortunately, it wasn't one that would be satisfying for him.

"I don't know." I told him simply before my energy dropped.

The door was essentially ripped open as in came a seething Alwin. "What're you doing in here!?" His body was tight and ready for any confrontation.

Standing without looking at him, my eyes studied Aydalia one more time. "Easy, General. I was having a private meeting with Captain Greigh." Readjusting myself, I turned to him. "I promised your sister I wouldn't leave until someone showed up. You can verify with her if you want or Greigh."

Alwin's anger was understandable but still annoying. "Why did you block the door?"

Greigh answered for me. "He didn't. Sir Arthur merely put up his energy so we could talk in private. I had some questions for him, and with the representatives here, it was likely for the best." Alwin seemed to calm more at the Captain's words than mine. "It was for privacy's sake only. He didn't touch Lady Farro."

"The Priestesses are looking for you." Was all he said before he moved next to his mother and ignored us.

"Greigh." I gestured for us to leave, and he quickly followed.

"I'm sorry, S-"

"You don't need to be." I cut him off.

"I should've found you at a better time." He told me as we walked.

The two of us left the medical wing once I knew Cassidy wasn't still there. "There isn't going to be a good time, Greigh. Regardless, I hope I've answered most of your questions." Once we were alone in one of the many corridors, my arm shot out and stopped him. "You need to know that a few people have discovered this information on accident."

My Captain nodded. "Don't worry, Sir. No one will hear it from me or Ziah."

"See that they don't. I'm placing my trust in you, Greigh." Placing my hand on his shoulder, I looked him in the eyes. "You've followed me in trust and loyalty. Questioning me when you were unsure yet following my orders even if you disagreed with them."

"You explained yourself well at those times with logic and facts. To my knowledge, everything you've done is within the law. It may be bent here and there," He replied before he gestured to the Temple itself. "But it's not like you're the only one who does that. Better if it's you with a real purpose that helps the people and Lestrania as a whole."

"I'm glad you feel that way. Honestly, you remind me a lot of Aerowyn in several ways. Maybe it's why I feel comfortable around you, and why I trust you so." He smiled slightly and my grip tightened on his shoulder. "However, that being said, I've also been betrayed by people. Aydalia was just one of many."


"Do not disappoint me. This isn't a threat. You and Ziah will have a choice to make. You will be the ones to draw the lines in the sand. Eventually, both of you will likely have to choose a side." Patting his shoulder, I turned from him. "It doesn't have to be me. I just hope that it's a decision you'll be able to live with."

"We'll prove your trust isn't misplaced, Sir." He told me. "If there is a side to choose, choosing someone that isn't you makes no sense. After all, you've been fighting for Lestrania longer than anyone." Greigh then gave me a small bow. "However, I'll talk to Sergeant Ziah about this."

Lifting my hand as I headed toward the throne room, I ended with this. "Remember though, never tell this to either Priestess. Their memories are still being affected. The last time I revealed a small tidbit about the past..." I trailed off for him.

He continued for me as he followed right behind me. "She got a horrible nosebleed and fell unconscious."

I nodded. "Good. Now let's see what the pretty High Priestesses want." The words left my mouth as I opened the doors.

"Pretty, are we?" Elincia inquired.

Inside was a collection of people I tolerated. The one who stood out most was a very put-off Elincia. She was holding her hand oh so gently. Arceana was next to her, because why not. Also, their thrones were beside one another. Lucia, Typhon, Kheri, and a horribly ragged Ventari were also present.

Greigh followed me inside as I gave my flippant reply. "I haven't seen a single Elf that was ugly. Given that you are the upgraded version of them or an Elf 2.0."

I was midstride when it happened with Greigh beside me. Before me, everything shifted. Everyone seemed to freeze as the world became darker. A sickening green magic filled my vision like a mist or haze that floated all around me. My eyes flickered to Greigh, who was frozen midstride. Slowly, my hand grabbed Defiance as I looked to see everyone else in the room in a similar state.

"It has been a long time..." A voice I had heard once before called out. "And finally, I can speak to you." It gave me chills as I looked around cautiously. "Had I known it would be this difficult after our first meeting, I would not have sent you away as I did. Then again, you were trespassing."

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