Star Eater

Chapter 291 - 291

Chapter 291: Chapter 291

Cassidy's Point of View


Arthur stayed inside longer than I expected. I had closed the door for him. He might have even remained there if he wasn't called out. While I remained by the door, many people tried to enter, but I shook my head. Austin, Ayda, Alwin, and I have all had our time. Even Typhon visited and had a chance to grieve. The only one who hadn't was Arthur. After all, his immediate response was to go off to find answers and likely picked a fight with something in the forest.

It wasn't until Arceana herself, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess along with Austin, that I gave the door a few knocks to prepare Arthur. They seemed to notice my warning signal as they eyed the door. Given that the group was heading towards the room, it was all I could do for him. Lady Leiflan seemed to smirk at that while Austin ran into my arms for a hug.

While I heard a few sniffles, my attention moved to the three others. "Thanks."

"Are we to assume someone is inside?" Lady Leiflan inquired.

Arceana looked to the door and then back to me. "Arthur is-" I began, which triggered an immediate reaction from Austin.

His head whipped up to me. "He is!?" The boy opened the door without any warning to find Arthur reaching for the handle himself. "Arthur!" Austin cried before slamming into him and wrapping his arms around him. "Please!" My brother pleaded. "Do somethin!"

"Austin!" I yelled as the other three also looked just as surprised by the outburst.

Moving to him, I went to pull him off of Arthur as he shook his arms. "Please! Grandpa!" He choked up and had a hard time finishing his sentences. "You can do somethin, can't ya?"

Grabbing his shoulders, I pulled him away from Arthur, but he held onto Arthur's wrists. His arms flapped as I tugged Austin from him. However, it clearly affected him if the look on his face was anything to go by.

"No one can revive the dead, young Austin." Arceana whispered.

"Arthur isn't just anyone!" My brother shouted.

This surprised all of us. "Austin!" I chastised.

Raising a hand as he stepped out of the room, Arthur looked at my brother. His shoulders deflated as he took a knee in front of Austin. Letting him go, the rest of us held our breath to see how he would respond. After all, Arthur wasn't known for mincing words. Especially given how low on energy he likely is.

Resting his elbow on his knee, Arthur spoke softly. "It's true." He began, and all of our eyes widened. "I am not just anyone. There is also a chance that I could revive your grandfather."

Arceana gasped, horrified. "Arthur!"

Giving her a small glare, he replied. "I am in no mood for your assumptions." His response carried an underlying threat.

"Ah knew ya could do it!" My brother cheered, but the look on Arthur's face wasn't joyful. "Yer like a god!" His expression was filled with pity before it quickly took a dark turn at his words. "If anyone could do it, Ah knew it'd be you!"

Arthur's Point of View


If I had the same or similar powers of the Star Creature, then it's possible I could revive someone the same way she did to me. Yet, I would never want to do so. I'd be wary about sending someone to that void even if they were my enemies. Not because of the powers they might acquire, but because of how torturous it was. I, myself, never want to return to that time. An unfathomable fate that would make one suffer timelessly.

"Listen to me, Austin." I began. "Yes, there is a possibility that I could bring back Grandpa Reed." My hands went to his shoulders. "However, he would suffer horribly. His life would be a shell of what it once was, and the man you called family would no longer remain." Austin's expression fell at that. "He would be cursed to a cold existence before he would ever return. Changing him, morphing him into something unrecognizable. Is that what you want?"

The boy's head hung in shame. "No." Was his sad, soft response.

A wave of relief washed over me. While I would be tempted to try such a method, it wouldn't be on someone I was close to. Even with Austin begging me, I probably would've still declined. Augustus was a friend. One that I wouldn't want to be forced to go through what I did. With Austin seeing reason, my concerns for him subsided. I didn't want him to hate me for denying him his request.

Standing, I placed one hand on his head while he kept it down. "A god is a fitting term for me. Not because of my power or abilities, but because I'm just like them. Cruel. I'm not a god, Austin. However, I would be closer to a god who watches than a hero." He looked up at me. "I'm sorry I couldn't be either to you." A moment later, he wrapped both arms around my waist and sobbed into my stomach.

My eyes turned to Cassidy, who looked like she was on the verge of crying. Her face was contorted in pain with a wrinkled nose. She hugged her brother before wrapping an arm around me as well. It wasn't a moment I wanted. I could feel Cassidy shaking as she hugged the two of us while my arms hung there.

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