Star Eater

Chapter 290 - 290

Chapter 290: Chapter 290

Cassidy's Point of View

Temple Garden

Elincia's voice exploded as she began shouting. "You, Arthur Pendragon, are a cruel, lonely individual!" She seethed while gesturing to him. "Never before have I dealt with someone so dismissive of others!" Her pointer finger was put in his face. "You're a vain, arrogant, prideful man!"

You could see the veins in Arthur's neck bulging before he grabbed her hand forcefully and began squeezing. His eyes burned into her as she fell to her knees in pain. Her other hand hovered above his in the hopes of freeing hers, but it was pointless as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes as she whimpered. Biting her lip, her arm trembled in pain as sweat began to pour down her neck.

The Priestess yelped in pain when Arthur pulled her up forcefully. "And you're nothing more than a spoiled child that hasn't changed from that same little girl who used to throw a temper tantrum whenever she didn't get her way!" Arthur shook her as a few tears formed in her eyes, but I was unsure if it was from the pain or his words. "You have no room to berate me when you are no different! In reality, you and your sister are worse!" I could hear the crunching of bones in Elincia's hand from here.

"Arth-" Floyd tried.

Arthur's glare was enough for him to raise his hands and back away. "You've placed yourselves upon pedestals to be worshiped, yet never questioned! False idols are what you are! Neither one of you is holy, and you certainly can't protect your people!" He roared. "You proved that when you couldn't even keep a barrier together and protect Aien and Augustus!" Elincia yelped when he lowered his face to hers while raising her hand. "You are unworthy of the love and adoration you receive." His tone lowered. "The main difference between you and me is that I admitted to everything you've said. I've never denied it."

Tossing her aside, the Priestess cradled her hand in pain while her magic ignited. "Ugh." She sobbed while I moved to her side as magic began healing her bruised hand.

Gesturing to himself, his glare hardened on Elincia. "I know what kind of man I am." He turned to walk inside, but not before ending with, "Can you say the same?" Arthur gave me a small wave. "We'll continue this later, Cass. There are a few things here I need to take care of without a screaming magic slinger all up in my face."

Not replying to him, I looked to my Priestess. "Why'd ya do that?" She frowned as her hand returned to normal. "Even Ah knew that was a bad idea. Ya had no right ta make any demands of him."

"By what right does he get to judge all of us? To label us so?" Elincia asked me.

"Ah'd reckon the same right that he didn't remove ya from yer throne." I replied, and my teacher looked at me as if I had struck her. "Arthur wasn't even addressing you. We were talkin an ya interrupted us." My tone was probably disrespectful, but I didn't care. "Both of us are in mourning. Difference is, he's been out fightin ta protect us for the last few days."

"That's not fair." Floyd defended her.

"Isn't it?" I questioned him before my attention turned back to the Priestess who was looking up at me. "How many times are ya gonna do this?" I asked her as she went silent. "Was this really the time or the place ta do this?" Stepping away from her, I shook my head. "Right after ya said you'd help me..."

My fellow student helped Elincia. "Cass..."

Heading inside, I didn't respond. Everything had been the same old story over and over. Arthur arrives, the Priestesses get upset, arguments ensue, and usually end with some manner of threat or violence. Why did it always end up this way? He wasn't a bad man. Irritating, sure, but he meant well.

As I reentered the Medical Wing, I saw Arthur standing in front of a familiar room. The same room where my grandfather resided. Ayda's father was also there. A few professionals had come and gone to make a few preparations, but it has been slow with the recent attack.

To my surprise, Arthur entered. "I..." I heard him say as I moved closer to the door. "I'm sorry." The words left his mouth in an emotionless tone. "I'm sorry I trusted them to provide safety." It wasn't until the next words left his mouth where his voice became shaky. "Thank you. For keeping her safe."

Leaning against the wall, my head leaned back as I closed my eyes. I just listened as Arthur apologized and thanked them over and over.

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