Star Eater

Chapter 262 - 262

Chapter 262: Chapter 262

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Lucia leaned over to me once I sat down with concern written all over her face. "Would you really eat him?" She inquired.

A small laugh escaped my lips. "No." I answered. "Well, at least, not him anyway. Would I eat someone? Maybe. But that's a special kind of hate to go that far. The guy is a piece of shit, but not that bad."

That didn't really help her. "Is there someone you would eat?"

"..." My refusal to answer unnerved her more until I pointed at Arceana. "She's starting."

Looking around the room at the nondescript people, none of them really stood out in terms of looks. Beastmen were what you would assume. Just like how Zugal are Humans with wings and funny looking feathered ears, they too have different ears, tails, and features. Then again, that could be said about every race I've run into so far. However, it was amazing to me that things could essentially be put into three categories.

Dragons, Zugal, and Beastmen all had animal characteristics. On the other hand, Dwarves, Elves and Humans all were essentially the same. Either just a height difference and pointy ears. Then there was the third group. High Elves, Succubae, Druids, and Demons. Seafolk is beyond me since I haven't met one and who knows what else is on this planet. It just surprises me time and time again that this is how Crevalis is divided.

"Now, without any further interruptions, we called you here today to inform you all about recent events." Arceana started once again as he eyes drifted to me off and on. "Demons have become embolden as of late."

"Demons?" One of the Beastmen who had a black panthers' ears and tail repeated.

Elincia nodded and continued. "While we were away during a private getaway, we were attacked by several powerful Demons." She then gestured to me. "It is how our Knight lost his arm, and it is thanks to him that we are here now. He drove them off, but it came at a price."

I shook my nub at that as many looked at me. "These were Demons that are powerful enough to overthrow entire nations on their own."

"And yet you repelled them by yourself?" The panther questioned.

"No. There is some manner of in-fighting between the Demons. Two offered their aid after testing me, but the real concern isn't that I lost my arm." I explained.

"To take aid from Demons..." Dryritt began with his eyes on me. "That must've been quite the situation."

Arceana spoke and regained everyone's attention. "These were no ordinary Demons. Each was powerful enough that they could threaten our very existence." She replied. "How we survived is because of Sir Arthur. Without him, it is likely we all would have perished."

Elincia then gestured to me. "We performed a mass teleportation spell to return to Helmsforth in the midst of battle while Sir Arthur held them at bay. However, that was not the end."

Lucia finally spoke up to my surprise as she also gestured to me. "Due to a lack of magic, both Priestesses were comatose. Upon their return, however, more Demons lied in wait. They attacked the Temple directly and Arthur, even wounded as he was, drove them off."

Many went around the table to confirm that this did indeed happen. "Several Ghouls, Demons that can pose as any of our kind, tried to attack." Greigh spoke as he stood. "They were quickly killed by General Arthur in a rather brutal manner."

"As much as I love hearing the praises being sung for Sir Arthur, why does this matter to us?" The Owl inquired sarcastically in a more subdued tone, but on edge as he eyed me. "Demons in Lestrania don't affect any of us."

Dryritt replied. "They don't affect us yet, but if Demons have grown so bold to attack with such methods, it's possible they are planning something. This is disturbing." The Dragon grumbled out and he looked to me. "Do you think they wanted to subdue Lestrania first in a more indirect manner?"

I shrugged. "It's certainly possible, but I think it's more likely that they were targeting someone specifically."

His eye twitched as he realized what I was implying. "I see." He then gestured to me. "If they failed, then it's likely their attempts will grow bolder."

With a nod, I replied. "They already have. Demons have been skirting around for quite some time. Whether it be them patrolling the Hollow Forest," Then I gestured to the Vithari Queen. "Or dividing the west from east. It is clear they are planning something."

"And they are organized which is even more concerning." Dryritt commented as he covered his mouth in thought. "Would one be able to compare this to the Demons of old?" He asked me while looking directly at me.

Leaning back in my chair, I studied him for a moment before I nodded again. "Yes, I believe so."

A snarl came to his lips and his features contorted in rage. "Then you think war is coming?"

"I think war is already here. You don't send out the forces they have without some manner of goal in mind, and they've shown they'll attack the heart of Lestrania to accomplish it." I answered.

Dryritt was very quiet, and I glanced around the room to see many looking at us since we were the ones conversing. The Dragon was not pleased if the fire building up in his chest was any indicator. Arceana, Elincia, and Lucia all had their gazes on me. Many others were also wondering my relationship with the Dragon.

Eventually, Dryritt's eyes drifted to Arceana and Elincia for a moment before he looked back to me. "Is there any chance you will be in a more favorable position in the future?" He asked me while he kept his gaze locked on mine. "Your injury must be burdensome." I knew what he was really asking.

His eyes darkened when he saw my frown. "While recovering my arm is doable, I am unsure of how that will affect my position. Apologies."

The clench of his jaw was so intense that you could hear his teeth grinding. "It is fine. After all, one shouldn't be expected to recover so fast after such an injury." Closing his eyes, he continued. "However, I will say this." My frown deepened as he spoke. "Until you can say as much, you should not expect much help from any Dragons."

"I am aware that it would be difficult but thank you for informing me." I replied evenly knowing that they likely didn't care much for Arceana and Elincia. "Should anything change, you will be the first ones to receive word."

Lucia was the one who finally spoke after the room became quiet. "As much as Arthur's injury is a concern," She began as she seemed looked at me confused. "We cannot keep this incident to ourselves."

Alwin finally added his two cents as well. "If this can happen to Lestrania, it could happen to any of us."

Kheri also pitched in. "Our forces were caught off guard since we weren't expecting such an attack. However, we have remedied that and will be more prepared in the future."

To my surprise, Drewes Leiflan even commented. "As such, many of the Lestranian Nobles are now preparing funds for the Priestesses and General Arthur to use to increase our defenses." He explained. "We will be boosting our forces and nation as a whole."

My eyes drifted to two of the Elves that were present. Given their ranks, it was no surprised, but Aydalia and Aien were both here as well. Each seemed to be keeping a close eye on everything, which I thought was odd. However, Aydalia appeared to be overly interested in the Dragons and me.

Elincia finally took back over. "Not for a war with any neighboring kingdoms, but for any more Demons that encroach on our land."

Priestess Arceana then stood. "We invited you here today to suggest you do the same. Not to bring offers of alliances, but as a warning that should the Demons appear in your own lands, you will be able to defend yourselves."

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