Star Eater

Chapter 261 - 261

Chapter 261: Chapter 261

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Curiosity filled the air. Many of the representatives that had shown just witnessed our knight strangling a Dragon. One who seemed perfectly fine with that and got insulted on Arthur's behalf. Even my own gaze drifted back and forth between the two, but both ignored it. The Dragon had even ignored Arceana and I as he only inquired about our knight. When he left, I didn't think he would come here immediately to seek out Arthur.

"It would seem we are all accounted for, so I would like to begin." Arceana started, and I glanced at her as she nodded at me.

"The representatives of this meeting are from the Dragon Clans, the Northern Kingdoms, the Red Kingdom, the Beast Kingdom, and the Magic Kingdom." I stated. "Many different races have gathered here. Dragons, Zugal, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Beastmen along with my sister and I."

"We have eyes, Priestess." The Zugal representative called out from beside the Dragons.

A dull man who was from the Owl Clan. "Then use your ears as well for what they have to say." My eyes widened in a small amount of surprise at Arthur's sharp retort.

It wasn't just me who was surprised at Arthur's response. "I listen to who I please, Human." The Zugal shot back and gestured to our knight. "Don't think I don't know who you are. You tortured our people and dragged them in front of your Priestesses."

"That doesn't sound like me." Arthur retorted as many of us found it difficult to defend him. "Where's your proof? Hearsay from your own people doesn't count."

Glaring at Arthur, the Zugal all seethed. "Such claims are not so easy to dismiss, and I trust the man who told me as such."

Arthur merely shrugged. "Yet you have no solid evidence. I have no need to defend myself from mere rumors, but even if I did admit to torturing your people, what would you do?" Our knight challenged. "Would you reimburse the Rainy Helm for the disturbance they cause? Perhaps you would like to apologize to me, a ranking official of Lestrania, who they were paid to disrupt and hinder?"

Dryritt laughed. "Did you torture his people?"

A small smirk appeared on his lips. "I merely questioned them rather thoroughly and gave them every opportunity to come clean. However, I admit that I went beyond my threshold and went a little overboard on accident." He shrugged slightly as Dryritt shook his head amused.

"You shattered his jaw to dust!"

"Because he didn't listen." A chilly aura began to fill the room as Arthur looked at the Zugal emotionlessly. "He's lucky I let him go at all. Part of me thought about heading to the Northern Kingdoms myself to see if I could whip them into shape." Arthur stated plainly.

The Owl Clan member turned to us. "Is this why you called us here?! To listen to this madman who openly admits to torturing others!?" He questioned my sister and I.

Deciding to answer, I replied. "While this is the first we are hearing about Arthur's methods, the fact of the matter is, your people were interfering with Lestranian business. The members of the Flacon Clan also had dealings with a corrupt Noble named Baron Brightwood." My response was even. "Given that they were hired for the duration, by their own confession, they could have easily been executed for their relationship to him." I then gestured to Arthur. "They were only released due to Sir Arthur's word."

This did not sit well with the Zugal. "I don't have to stay here and listen to such obvious lies!"

"If you did not come here to listen, then why are you here? As it stands, you waste everyone's time." Arthur placed his hand on the table. "I have no patience right now, you overgrown turkey. If you continue this way, I will have you stuffed, and I might literally eat you." My lips curled into a frown at the threat and the gaze he was giving the Zugal. "See if your kind really tastes like fowl or not."

Given the insult, the Owl Clan member stood in anger. "How d-" He didn't get far as he was pushed back into his chair by an unseen force.

My eyes drifted to Arthur since I already knew who was behind it. "Dryritt?" Arthur called out. The Dragon looked amused as he turned to Arthur. "If the Owl acts up anymore, speaks out of turn, or does anything to disrupt this meeting again, would you kill him?" The smile that appeared on both their faces was not something any of us expected.

"If that is your wish," Dryritt replied. "He's here to listen after all."

There were no words for how disturbing this was to me and the others. "Please continue, Arceana." Arthur said as he sat back down.

"Before you do," The Dragon cut in quickly. "I understand that Arthur is likely here as a Human representative, but I am a little confused about these others." Dryritt stated.

"These others are people I have great respect for. Augustus and Cassidy Reed are two who sheltered me and stood by me when I needed aid." Then he wiggled his nub. "They even helped with the rehab when I lost my arm."

Augustus spoke. "We may not be able ta remove the curse on yer wounds, but we can give ya a warm bed and a hot meal."

The gold Dragon gave them a respectful nod. "I see." Augustus returned it.

I looked over to Arceana as I leaned back. "Continue."

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