Star Eater

Chapter 258 - 258

Chapter 258: Chapter 258

????'s Point of View


"Didn't you want to see for yourself?" Pestilence inquired.

"My wants are far and few between. We wait until something gives." I ordered.

"We can't just wait here. Thanks to you, we now share your burden! If we stay in the same place for too long-" Credo started.

My eyes shot to the side and met his. "Then how long do we have? Surely you can gauge that with your magic."

Credo frowned. "Given that you've come from the far south, I'd say we have four days at a minimum. Maybe a week..."

Poking at the fire, I spoke. "Plenty of time."

My Demon companions sighed. "Look, I get it. This must be a sensitive subject for you, but we can't just-"

"We're staying." I ordered more firmly. "After her previous attempt, we can't be too sur-"

"Even if Thana sends more agents, what do you plan on doing?!" Credo demanded.

Summoning my magic, the two became more nervous. "Interrupt me again, and you won't need to worry about Thana. I'll kill you myself."

Pestilence scoffed as he stood. "So emotional." My glare transferred to him. "We are not slaves to be ordered around. Credo is right when he says it's more dangerous to stay here."

"But we'll be staying regardless." Standing in turn, my sword formed in my hand slowly. "Let me put this a way you'll understand then. Since teleportation is extremely dangerous for the two of you now, your odds of running away successfully are low."

"But not impossible." Pestilence shot back.

"Maybe not, but I suppose I should just come out and say it then." Pointing the sword between the two back and forth, I continued. "If you don't listen to what I say, I'll kill you. Should we run into any issues, and you don't assist me, I'll kill you." The two were practically glaring at me. "If you refuse to help me in my endeavors, I'll kill you. If I want to head to a specific location or wait somewhere else, and you two don't-"

"Let me guess. You'll kill us?" Pestilence asked mockingly.

I nodded simply. "This is not an alliance I wanted because I've dealt with my fair share of Demons before. Until I decide you can be trusted, we follow one plan. My plan."

Credo stood next to his brother as they stared at me. "Very well. We will aid you as we said we would. However, that doesn't mean I won't point out flaws or refrain from questioning you. As Pestilence said, we are not slaves. If you make a suggestion that I think is counterproductive, you will be informed as such."

"Then we understand one another."

"Damn woman." Pestilence grumbled as I sat back down.

The red-haired brother looked at me with a sigh. "So, what is the plan?"

Poking the fire again, I answered. "I've felt some unusual magic heading toward Helmsforth. Its movements have been sporadic."

"Your sensitivity to magic scares me. Is that how you knew about Elincia?" Credo inquired.

I nodded. "And how I've stayed alive this long. If not for creativity with your own spells, I'd likely be able to keep track of you two as well."

The bandaged demon sat down in a huff. "That sounds like a waking nightmare." He commented.

"Sounds like a good time to me." I immediately replied. "Regardless, this magic worries me. It fluctuates from Ghoul to almost nothing randomly..."

"Maybe it's just a unique Ghoul." Credo offered.

"There are those, but I've never run into a Ghoul that was talented at hiding its Demonic Magic without those accursed cloaks."

Pestilence shrugged. "First time for everything."

Looking at the two, I gestured to them. "Then let me ask the two of you. While you were in Thana's service, was there ever a type of Ghoul like that? Even Elves struggle hiding Demonic Magic." A frown came to my lips. "The only person I've met that can hide it is Thana."

Quirking a brow at me, Credo gestured to himself. "And me?"

"And you, for the most part. You leave a trail that is difficult to follow. You know that." He became quiet at that.

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

"Yes, I lost my arm. Can we please get over that already!? I'm gonna get it back!"

"People do not just regrow limbs, Arthur." Ayda stated, and I felt my eye twitch.

"Why are you here?"

She quickly gestured to Rennal, and she answered. "I was coming to check on your condition again and wanted to see if you needed anything." The more manageable Elf replied.

My eyes darted back to Ayda. "And you just decided to tag along?"

The Elven menace nodded. "Indeed. I may also be curious about Typhon's training."

Gesturing out behind the back of the house, I spoke. "Well, there he is! Go pester him. He's doing laps, and I'm sure he'd love the company."

"I do not pester. I examine and hypothesize certain things. Like you getting your arm back or breaking the curse. Both are very unlikely."

With a sneer, I replied. "I thought you said people don't just regrow limbs, but now it's unlikely."

She nodded firmly. "Correct. Your magic is mysterious, to be sure, but if you could have already recovered your arm, I believe you would have done so."

"Maybe I want to lie to myself to feel better. Ever think of that?"

"I have thought of that, and it is another reason I am speaking to you. Accepting one's condition and moving on is an important-"

It may have been my look, but Rennal placed a hand on Ayda's shoulder. "Lady Ayda, perhaps it would be best to let Sir Arthur continue his recovery in peace. Despite your own beliefs, Sir Arthur has been getting better and better day by day."

Ayda looked at Rennal and hummed in thought. "Very well. I do need to speak with Typhon." She then turned back to me. "If you ever need help coping with your new disfigurement, please do not hesitate to ask for me." She then teleported away.

Cassidy finally spoke up with a smirk on her lips. "Well, ain't that cute. She's worried about ya."

Giving Cass the middle finger, I spoke in disdain. "Literally kill yourself." The redhead merely burst out laughing while Rennal looked offended.

"Good, Sir! That is no way to speak to a lady!" Rennal chastised.

Cassidy and I looked at each other before I pointed at her. "Are you referring to Cass?" The regular human punched my ribs since I didn't have an arm in range for her to hit. "Would a lady do that?" I asked back.

Rennal just sighed exasperatedly. "Please do not hit the General, Cassidy." The Elf pleaded.

My eyes scanned for the green-haired elf, and we appeared to be in the clear. "Not that this isn't fun, but why are you here?"

"Ah, yes!" Her blue hair blew into Cassidy's face, which made her spit as Rennal ignored it. "Lord Farro asked me to inform you that your presence will be required tomorrow night at the Temple. For some reason, he was hesitant to tell you."

"I can imagine."

She seemed confused at that, and Cassidy just ignoring it by looking down just confused her more. "Anyway, he requested that you be informed that the last Ambassador arrived today and that both Priestesses want you present for talks."

Cassidy pointed at me, surprised. "They want Arthur there?" Then she looked at me. "That's not goin ta end well."

"Actually, they want all their students there." Rennal informed her. "You and your family are expected to attend as well."

"Uh, why?" The redhead inquired.

"Likely to explain what happened on the Island and in Helmsforth. More eyewitnesses make a stronger case."

"Grandpa Reed is gonna love that." Cassidy said, annoyed.

A smirk came to my face. "I know." I replied, knowing he wouldn't.

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