Star Eater

Chapter 257 - 257

Chapter 257: Chapter 257

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

When I returned, Augustus looked at me with a blank expression. "Ya kill her?"

Sitting down, my head hung. "No. Part of me wishes I did. I couldn't even bring myself to ask her what she saw." Clenching my fist, I felt it shake in anger. "I'm ashamed of how much self-control it took for me to let her go." My fingers slowly unclenched as I continued. "Almost makes me miss murdering people for the little things..."

"Did ya murder people often?"

"Some might've called me a murder-hobo once or twice." I explained. "Probably should've killed Aydalia too."

"But ya couldn't." Reed commented.

Looking over our mismatching mugs, I spoke. "No."

Taking a sip from his cup, he spoke. "That's not a bad thing."

"Maybe not, but do you think I did the right thing?" My question caught him by surprise.

The old man took a moment to think. "Ah couldn't say if this will help ya or hurt ya in the future." He told me, and I frowned. "Aydalia crossed a line. Even if you weren't a high-ranking official, she'd probably be stripped of her title if others found her doing that ta innocents." Taking another sip, Augustus continued. "But as someone who knows her, Ah want ta thank ya for showin mercy. Once upon a time, the two of us were rather close."

"Then I suppose, for the moment, that'll have to do." I replied.

"What do ya think she saw?" Reed inquired as he swirled his drink.

"I don't want to know."

"Think it might've been from your days as King?" He asked softly and in a whisper.

Closing my eyes, I leaned back in my chair. "Honestly, given how she reacted, it's very likely. Part of me is willing to accept that."

Opening my eyes revealed a confused Augustus looking at me. "If yer willin ta accept it, then why are ya so-"

Slamming my palm on the table startled him. "Because it's not just about the invasion of privacy! There are things I don't want people to know. Things I'll never tell anyone." Resting my hand in my head, I explained. "There are those who know of my past here in Lestrania. Even the fucking Demons know, so I'm well aware it's just a matter of time before someone lets it slip."

"If ya know that, then why?"

"Because I don't want anyone knowing about my time before Lestrania." I answered plainly in a dead tone. "Because I hate myself more than anyone else."

Lucia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"I am afraid I must protest." I said as we sat down in a private study. "Sir Arthur is volatile at the best of times. Inviting foreign dignitaries while he is injured might not be the best idea."

Elincia nodded. "Oh, I agree, but we have no choice. Demons brazenly attacked Helmsforth in the open. News will travel, and Lestrania will become the center of attention for the foreseeable future." She explained. "Inviting other nations to come here, see us and Arthur, will ensure more safety than if we had sent no word."

Queen Ventari was sitting next to me. "I'm afraid I must press the issue in Lady Lucia's favor. I met your Knight, and part of me is nervous to see what might happen with so many foreign representatives in one place." She stated as she gestured to both Priestesses. "He didn't listen to Lucia. I doubt he listens to either of you. Are you really willing to risk open war with whoever you might invite due to his poor social skills?"

My head snapped to her. "Sir Arthur is reckless, I admit, but he would never put us in danger!" All three of the rulers looked at me, somewhat surprised. "However, since we are on the topic. Would it matter?"

Priestess Arceana rolled her scepter in her hands while she prodded me to explain further. "What do you mean?"

"We all know how powerful Arthur is. I cannot imagine a nation declaring war on us and Arthur just leaving them be." I answered.

"What do you think Arthur would do?" Elincia questioned.

"I would say it depends on his mood. He might destroy the entire nation, or he might just go for the current rulers. It is impossible to say."

Ventari let out a frustrated growl. "One man alone can't win a war!"

Arceana, Elincia, and I all looked at each other. "I suppose it would depend on the war." Priestess Arceana stated and gestured to herself. "If Elincia and I were to enter battle against most other nations, most battles would be easily won. Even a war would likely have a clear outcome." Then she fiddled with her scepter again. "It is why the Dragons and Lestrania have refrained from going to war. Neither side wants to figure out which would win."

"We are a deterrent." Elincia told the Dwarven Queen. "Arthur is not. Part of me wants to say he is a means to an end, but I have no place saying that. Since you have awoken, I am positive you have heard all manner of rumors. Most are true."

"I had the displeasure of meeting him myself." Ventari shot back. "Hearing you say that just makes me more unsure than before." Putting her hands on her forehead, she grunted. "And you plan on sending this man to my Kingdom as an escort? How is that supposed to make me feel?"

"Nothing has been set in stone. Given that Arthur already took care of the Leviathan, it is unlikely you will need such an escort. It was merely a possibility." Arceana answered.

Sighing, the Queen slumped in her chair. "Arceana, Elincia," She spoke softly. "I know you've both done a lot for me already, but I need to get back. I don't care who it is that takes me. I've been gone far too long."

Elincia nodded. "We know how you feel. However, please wait a little longer. Not only have you just woken up, but we are also dealing with our own situation. After the coming meeting, we will discuss your return in a prompt manner."

My eyes lingered on the anxious Queen. "But before anything else, should we not remove Arthur's arm from stasis?" The two sisters exchanged a look. "What?"

"Much like Arthur, we too are still recovering. Even with the boost he gave us, it will be a few more days before we have completely recovered. Should we remove the stasis now, if it is as powerful as you claim, we would likely take our recovery even longer." Elincia explained. "So, Arthur may have to attend the small summit while injured."

"Do not worry, Lucia." Arceana chimed in. "Arthur already told us he plans on removing the curse on his body and getting his arm back. Since he is not one to boast about such things, we can only wait until he does so." Then she sighed. "Especially after we failed to remove his curse."

All of us sighed at the same time. "How many days do you think it'll take until the representatives show up?" Ventari inquired.

"With the urgency we used, hopefully, it will only be a few days." I answered.

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