Star Eater

Chapter 200 - 200

Chapter 200: Chapter 200

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"Doubt is not needed here." Luthi said before standing and moving in front of me with her hand extended. "We wish to aid you in your endeavors."

I eyed it for a moment before I asked, "Why?"

Drewes stood and moved beside his wife as they looked down at me. "Because you are preparing for something. Something big." His gaze drifted to Aydalia. "We were told you think war is coming to Lestrania."

Shifting my focus to Aydalia as well, I stared at her for a moment. "There are several reasons why I think that. Many would've come to a similar conjecture with just the repeated Demon sightings."

"But something about recent events has disturbed you, and rightfully so, all things considered." Luthi commented as she kept her hand outstretched.

"Demon sightings are rare but not unheard of. However, the fact that it has been more periodic over the last year is disturbing, to say the least. Not to mention their bold attempts in the heart of Lestrania." Drewes frowned. "You have built a wall, raised funds for the Town Guard, and increased the defenses through the entirety of the Lowest Rung. There is no doubt in my mind you know more than us."

"Let us help you protect this town and this Kingdom. Helmsforth is the seat of power for Lestrania, but it is not Lestrania on its own. Word of your influence is spreading. Rumors are you have several projects in the works that are spreading to other towns." Luthi pointed out.

Aien stepped beside me. "I do not know how much my word is worth to you, but Drewes and Luthi are good people and better Nobles. They care about the people of this Kingdom. The Leiflan Family are the best of us, and I believe they are worthy of your trust."

Aydalia stepped next to Aien, so now all four Elves were in front of me. "You will need allies in the coming days. We can be those allies."

Standing, the Elves backed away slightly so I could do so comfortably. "All of you have decided to bring this to my attention and not your Priestesses... I can't help but wonder what would make you chose me over them."

Drewes fielded that question before anyone else could. "That is simple." He began. "Neither Priestess is moving to prepare us. You are. Word has spread that you faced a terrible Demon on your expedition to the East. A Demon that would have likely bested either Priestess."

"The Leviathan was a Demon far surpassing any Ghoul. Probably any Ancient Demon as well. There are a few others that would likely be able to best it and the others were two other Demons that I have encountered." I stated as I eyed the group. "Whatever you might have heard, I suggest keeping it to yourself and clearing up such rumors, no matter how true they may be."

Luthi finally put her hand down and stopped only a few inches away from me to look up at me in an aggresive manner. "We know Elincia was barely able to get by during the attack on the Reed Farmstead." I quirked a brow at that. "Without your aid, it is possible she would have fallen. Not only that, but you have prevented their assassination attempt after your Knighting ceremony, but I suspect there is more to that than has been revealed."

Drewes put a hand on his wife's shoulder, and Aydalia pulled her back. "Many are losing faith in the Priestesses. Whispers can be heard all around Helmsforth, and now Lestrania, that you are a hero. Your name is on the lips of many."

I scoffed. "Heroes are a fairy tale." My bitter tone made all of them blink in surprise. "They don't exist, and no matter how much you want me to be one, I'm not. Push your pedestal onto someone else." Moving past the group, I started to leave only to stop when I looked at the entryway with wide eyes. "How are you moving?"

Ty was standing there with his arms limp as he looked up at me. "You're my hero." He said in pain as his arms shook. "My friends are alive because of you." The boy stated with tears in his eyes. "You've saved my family time and time again." He dropped his posher way of speaking as a few tears ran down his face.

Whether it was from pain or him being an emotional child, I did not know. "We've discussed this, Ty, and I have no plans on changing my mind. I told you what I was before you agreed to become my student. There are no heroes."

"Whatever actions you might have taken in the past doesn't take away from the present. You are a good man and have done so much for me. Whether you think you are or not, you're my hero, and I know many others feel the same way."

"Aydalia..." I looked over my shoulder at her and saw all four of them looking at the boy in shock. "Heal him."

She wasted no time in moving past me. "I'm going to put you to sleep, Ty."

He didn't respond as he stayed focused on me. "Arthur-"

"I can't be what you want me to be, Ty. Get some rest. We'll resume your training when you're better." Aydalia looked at me, and I nodded.

She quickly put him under a spell. "Sweetheart..." Looking at her husband, she gestured to Ty. "Help me get him back upstairs." Then her eyes shifted to me. "If you don't mind."

"I don't."

Aien and Aydalia carried him back upstairs as the other two moved beside me. "Typhon Delmaris is your student?" Drewes inquired.

"He is." I confirmed as I saw him being ferried up the staircase. "The boy showed promise after sneaking onto The Drunken Cloud." Turning to them, I continued. "His pain tolerance also appears to be off the charts. Whether he's special or that's something most Dragon Clan members have..." I trailed off as I was unsure either way.

"Well, whether you agree to be a hero or not, your Squire has summarized how the people feel. Regardless of your own ideas on the subject, Lestranians have begun to dub you a hero." Then he gestured to himself and his wife. "One we would like to aid. The people's hero can count on our aid."

Before I could reply, Luthi quickly stepped in. "Think about it. Our aid is not an ultimatum. Merely an offer." Holding her husband's hand, she smiled. "One that is ready for whenever you need us. Think about it and feel to look into us. Neither of us has much to hide."

I quirked a brow at that. "Except shady business dealings, back-alley arrangements, and more."

Drewes smiled. "All true, but there is very few in the Upper Rungs that you would find free of those. At least I am honest about it and do so for better reasons than most."

Crossing my arms, I stared at the two Elves. "I will keep your offer in mind. Thank you for coming to see me today."

The two gave a short bow, which I didn't return, and left. I would be having words with Greigh and Ziah to see what either of them knew about this. I'd also reach out to Cassidy to see if she'd heard anything about them. She may live down here, but her family's influence throughout The Slums makes it likely that their paths might've crossed.

"He's asleep and has been healed. Do you want us to take him home in a few hours?" Aydalia asked before looking around and questioned me further. "Where did Drewes and Luthi go?"

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