Star Eater

Chapter 199 - 199

Chapter 199: Chapter 199

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"Now, before we begin, I should warn you that I have a tendency to attack Nobles who go full retard." Then I gave Aydalia and Aien a pointed look. "Never go full retard."

Aydalia rolled her eyes while Aien looked confused. "We will do our best to refrain from doing so, but perhaps some examples would inform us on what to avoid."

Bringing up Baron Brightwood and how he brought his own armed forces to attack me in the middle of the palace was one example. Another was the fact that Arceana and Elincia let it happen without any interference nor did they keep his magic in check. All the times I've been attacked, which I heavily emphasized how stupid that was.

"It would seem attacking you is very foolish." Drewes stated. "Yet, your cruel and barbaric methods are known by almost every Noble in Helmsforth. I have faith that even the Northern Zugal Empire has no doubt heard of you."

"Given that several Northern Zugal were present during one of the times, I don't doubt it." Placing my arms across the back of the couch, I continued. "My cruelty has a purpose. You, and every other noble, now knows not to step up to me."

Luthi, which just made me imagine Mike Tyson saying Lucy, spoke. "A caged animal that is released whenever someone gives it a key..." She said out loud in a thoughtful tone.

I nodded at that. "Close enough. Most would say that I lower myself to the standards put on me by those I'm with. Someone attacks me, most cases they end up dead." Then my eyes darted to Aien. "There are a few special cases, and I do try to restrain myself depending on the situation, but most end as you've heard."

"And yet you are going out of your way to improve the way of life in the Lowest Rung and outskirts." Luthi commented with a smirk. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I had nothing better to do."

Drewes leaned forward slightly, amused. "Demons have been attacking sporadically and you had nothing better to do..." The mirthful tone he spoke made my eye twitch.

"Can someone not just help his fellow man?"

"Not at all. In fact, I have tried to do the same." Drewes replied. "Your Captain, Greigh Nasa, would often put requests with the Mayor. Nothing more than a figurehead, I am sure you know, but those requests would often be denied by the Nobles controlling him."

Luthi smiled and rubbed her husband's cheek. "However, often times, my Drewes would hear about the plight down here and do whatever he could to get the funds needed to assist the good Captain. Requests that were denied would be approved or made their way to the Priestesses to be approved."

Drewes smiled over at her and caressed her hand with his thumb. "Luthi was rather insistent on aiding every Rung and making sure everyone was taken care of. She even received the plans to move the barracks to the outskirts, but given no one had the funds for it, it was impossible to push through."

My eyes darted over to Aydalia and Aien, both of which smirked at me before nodding in confirmation at what the two new Elves said. "Then why were the slavers running rampant for so long?" I asked and all four Elves stopped smiling. "Surely given your status, and penchant for supposed brownnosing, you had heard about Duke Jhaane Syltar's less than savory business dealings."

To my surprise, both Luthi and Drewes held my gaze. "While I will never claim to be innocent in a few backdoor dealings, or shady business arrangements, slavery is not something I will ever have tied to my name. Slavery takes away one's choice." Drewes stated firmly. "And I am a man who believes everyone should be able to make their own decisions. Duke Syltar was one of the most politically powerful nobles, who was only rivaled by few others, my wife and I included."

Luthi then continued as she carried on without missing a beat. "Until we had solid evidence and proof, moving against the Duke would have been suicide. All of which, we had none. He had a talented group of Elves who were well adept at invisibility spells." She then gestured to me. "Something we hear you saw through. Not many have that kind of ability."

I shrugged. "There aren't many like me."

"That much is clear. However, do not associate every Noble with the ones you have dealt with. Not all of us are as self-indulgent as Duke Syltar or Baron Brightwood." Drewes steepled his fingers together as he leaned forward even further. "Believe it or not, but you are a breath of fresh air. No one has ever turned the politics of Helmsforth on its head without even trying. No one," He quicky motioned to me. "But you."

"Helmsforth is a game." I said after a moment as all the Elves stared at me and they all looked at me confused. "And each and everyone of you play it. I have no interest in such games. Play with your fellow nobles, the people of The Slums, and the Priestesses if you wish. I will not partake."

"So, you say, but you are a player nonetheless." Luthi commented.

I chuckled at that and shook my head, amused. "No. I'm not. With all the rules you have in place, I've made myself a gamemaster. Everything I've done is within the confines of the law, but all of you are blind on how to win the game." Gesturing around me, I explained. "I have money. Lots of money. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I was one of the wealthiest people in Helmsforth. Even more so than the Priestesses."

Aydalia finally entered the conversation as she spoke her mind. "And that's how you won? By gaining an untold amount of riches?"

Pointing at her, I smirked. "And that's exactly why you're playing the game, and I'm not. Money doesn't matter. How you use it does. Even if I had less money than what I did with when I arrived her, I still would've been able to excel here. It would've taken longer, but the end result would be the same." Gesturing to myself, I smiled. "I'd still be sitting here, and you all would be right where you've always been."

"That doesn't seem very fair." Aydalia stated in a sour tone.

"You have a point but going against the Priestesses isn't really an option for any of you. Then again, life was never meant to be fair. Your born, it sucks, sucks less at times, then more, and then you die after learning to live with the suck." I shrugged. "But the point is, none of you can compare to me in generating revenue, which is how you compare to each other. Money and titles, both of which I care little for."

Drewes smiled as he reentered the conversation. "I think I am beginning to see what kind of man you really are, Sir Arthur."

I frowned and rolled my eyes. "Somehow, I doubt that."

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