Seven Sins System

Chapter 157: A Real Devil or An Impostor? II

Chapter 157: A Real Devil or An Impostor? II

Seven Sins System Chapter 157. A Real Devil or An Impostor? II

I couldn't help but feel a sense of panic wash over me. "I bet that's what the real devil will say if he's here," I quickly added, trying to suppress my panic and keep my composure as best as I could.

To my relief, the trio looked relieved, letting out a long exhale as they relaxed. "Stop scaring us. It makes us remember something unpleasant," Barry complained, shooting me a glare. I was sure he was referring to when they summoned me as the Lord of Wrath.

"Yeah. You almost made my heart stop," Ion added, placing a hand over his chest.

I smiled innocently, trying to play off my slip-up. 'Then don't play with a devil if you're scared,' I thought to myself. "Sorry, I just wanted to loosen the tension," I reasoned out loud. "Anyway, is there anything else you guys know about this cult?"

The trio exchanged glances briefly before turning back to me. "For now, that's all we know," Ion said.

"As you heard, this cult is very secretive, and we only got this information from one person. This is good enough," Darren added.

"Can I ask a couple of questions?" I asked, hoping to gather more information about this mysterious cult. Well, a train of questions, to be precise. Since I wanted to know the details.

"Sure," Barry said casually, ready to answer my questions.

"You said this cult targets young and talented warriors, right? How did you know that?" I began my long interrogation.

"John heard it from them himself. It's an exclusive cult, and they only invite certain people to join their cult," Barry explained.

"Do you know when they invited him? And why did they choose him?" I continued, trying to piece together the puzzle. If this happened after their first mission, it was possible that this was a trap to bait me.

"Last week," Barry replied.

"But John didn't dare tell anyone since he was so scared. He just told us last night after he calmed down and could think more clearly," Ion added.

"If he didn't mention it accidentally, and we didn't force him to spill the bean, maybe he didn't say it either," Ion continued, their gazes and words showing the seriousness of the situation.

I took in all of this information. It was clear that this underground cult was much more complicated than I originally thought, and I needed to be cautious if I wanted to uncover the truth.

"He also told us to shut up, but we decided to tell you since they might come to recruit you too. So I hope it's just between us," Barry added before I could say a word.

"Why do you believe they will come to me?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around this new information.

"We're pretty sure about that. John has a skill similar to a mage, even though he is a melee fighter. The cult says it's the odds that make them attracted to him," Darren explained. "It's kind of the same as you, right? The difference is you do better than him. You're the first combat doctor to defeat a paladin in a duel. There's no way the cult doesn't have their eyes on you," he added, analyzing the situation.

"You better be careful, doc," Barry concluded Darren's explanation, his seriousness evident in his tone.

I put my hand on my chin, deep in thought. It made sense. 'It seems my duel has led me to a lot more clues than I expected,' I thought. And it was a good thing.

"Do you know who recruited him? Is he from this academy?" I asked, trying to gather as much information as possible. Judging from their story, it should be someone close to John. Random people couldn't just take a warrior like that.

The trio shook their heads from side to side.

"The recruiter was a good friend of his from high school. He had lost contact with him six months ago, but he suddenly chatted with him again and asked him to meet up. John thought he just wanted to catch up, so he agreed. But his friend brought his other friends and asked him to come with him. They said they would hang out somewhere else and it would be a surprise for him. But it turned out they took him to that unknown building," Ion gave another long explanation.

"Did John tell you how he got away?" I asked, trying to gather as much information as possible.

"That's because John didn't blatantly reject it. He pretended to agree and said he forgot his wallet when they asked him to pay the registration fee," Barry explained.

Darren continued the story. "The cult stated that he couldn't join them without money, so they sent him back to get his wallet. Then he said he was broke and refused to steal money from friends or his parents like the cult suggested."

"So they turned him. They said he didn't deserve to be part of their cult if he couldn't even give his money as his little sacrifice," Darren said with a shrug.

I nodded, deep in thought. 'Sounds like a greedy mortal's doing,' I thought. But that was enough information for me. It was clear that this underground cult was manipulative and up to something.

"I'm surprised you're interested in this. I thought you'd laugh at this since it sounded like a scam," Barry suddenly spoke after noticing my serious expression.

"Yeah. If we hadn't seen how scared John was, we might not have believed it," Ion added. "John even believed what happened the last time was his doing. You know, the last attack that almost killed you and Miss Julia. He also blamed himself for what happened at Tall Ash Wood, but his guilt disappeared once he realized it was Mr. Theo's doing."

I nodded, taking in this new information. "Why did he think it was his fault?" I asked, feeling a sense of curiosity wash over me.

"After that event, he often fell asleep in unusual places. Sometimes in the library, toilet, or even in class. He also often found wounds on his body, all in weird places, so he's sure it's not because of his training," Barry explained.

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