Seven Sins System

Chapter 156: A Real Devil or An Impostor? I

Chapter 156: A Real Devil or An Impostor? I

Seven Sins System Chapter 156. A Real Devil or An Impostor? I

As I waited for them, I texted Evie.

Me: I have something to do after the classes. I will meet you at 06.00 PM.

I prioritized the cult information over her since it was more important. After I clicked send, I ate my lunch and went back to work. It was either staring at the sky from the window or playing with my phone to check out the news to be precise since I had nothing to do. I couldn't help but feel a sense of boredom wash over me. Occasionally, I glanced at the clock and sighed, tapping my fingers on my desk impatiently. My curiosity filled my head but I could do nothing but wait.

With the emptiness of the room and the long silence, my mind couldn't help but wander to the conversation we had earlier. It piqued my interest to the point I wanted to manipulate the time. My mind created a ton of questions for them automatically. I couldn't shake the feeling that it might have something to do with my mission.

Deciding to distract myself, I searched for underground cult information on the internet. Unfortunately, I found nothing. They were more secretive than I expected. But it meant this wasn't a joke. This cult was a real thing. Well... I hoped. If this was only their prank, I would punish them for real.

After a long wait, finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Quickly, I texted Barry again to remind him to come to the infirmary.

A few minutes later, the three of them burst through the door, greeting me cheerfully as always.

"Hey, Doc," Barry said, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Heyo!" greeted Ion cheerfully. While Darren greeted me with a simple wave and his overconfident smile.

They quickly pulled the chairs and sat in front of me like always.

"Thank you for coming," I said.

"I'm surprised you are interested in this crap," said Barry in confusion.

Ion poked him with his elbow. "What crap? Do you remember how pale John was when he told us all of this?" he reminded Barry.

"That bad?" I asked in disbelief.

"That bad," Darren repeated. "That's why we believe this is legit," he added.

"Okay. Can you tell me more about it?" I asked impatiently.

The trio exchanged a glance before Barry spoke up. "Well, it's not really something we talk about openly. Just don't tell anyone okay?" he said hesitantly.

I answered him with a nod.

"According to John, it's a group of people who worship ancient deities and perform rituals in secret. They're pretty secretive about it, but rumors say they meet in secret underground tunnels or buildings," he explained.

I raised an eyebrow. "That sounds interesting. Do you know anything about their rituals or beliefs?"

Darren shrugged. "Not really. As we said, they're pretty secretive about it. But I've heard some wild stories about sacrifices and blood rituals."

'That's it!' My mind jumped with happiness since this would be a great step for my investigation. "Then?" I demanded them to continue.

"This cult invites certain people to a secret location and offers them wealth and intelligence. Also, the cult introduces them to the devil. The Lord of Wrath," Ion added. His seriousness was clear in his voice.

Barry nodded gravely. "John said he was brought to a huge building and offered all sorts of benefits as long as he followed the cult. But what really surprised him was when he met the Lord of Wrath himself. Like... alive, not in his shadow form." I knew they mentioned this since they had met me in my shadow appearance.

Then a sharp exhale out from his mouth. "Unfortunately, they blindfolded him when they brought him. So he didn't know the exact location."

I furrowed my brow, trying to process this information. The Lord of Wrath was me and no one dared to take that title from me. Besides, of all the seven sins lords, I had the worst reputation due to the last war. Why a mortal tried to claim himself as me? And speaking about the status, position, or even power, wouldn't it be better if the imposter claimed himself as my dad? The king of the devil himself?

"Is he a real devil or just an impostor?" I asked, trying to keep my voice neutral. I knew the mortals couldn't distinguish it, but the devil gave off a different aura and atmosphere.

Darren shrugged. "No idea. All we know is that our classmate seemed pretty shaken up after meeting him. He said the guy had a creepy aura around him."

I nodded, trying to piece together the puzzle. It was clear that this imposter was up to no good, and I needed to figure out who he was and stop him before he tainted my bad name.

"But I think there's something off with that Lord of Wrath," Barry said out of the blue. "For example, John said the Lord of Wrath has eight tentacles, not six."

"Yeah, that's weird. Last time I was sure it was six, not eight," Darren added. Their confusion was clear in their tone. It seemed they forgot that they shouldn't mention this. It was the same as announcing that they had met me before. But I would let it slide and concentrate on the cult.

"So, anything else?" I asked them, ignoring their careless mistake.

"John said the devil might use powerful curses to brainwash people and make them obey him," Barry added.

"It's just a guess tho," Ion said.

"Explain," I demanded with a frown.

"John said some of them only stood and stared blankly. They acted more like robots," Darren explained.

"Pfft!" I scoffed in a mocking tone upon their guess. "You don't need a devil to do that. Mortal's manipulation spell also can do the same," I stated in a casual tone.

Spontaneously, the trio turned to me at the same time upon my words. I bet it was because I used 'Mortal' in my sentence.

'Oh, crap! I spoke as myself, not as Dr. Allen.'

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