Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 319 Growth (1)

It was no debatable fact that Raith was stronger than he was a few months ago. He just kept growing and growing, although his match with the dragon looked like a losing match as he was the one who ended up being thrown down no matter how many times he rose.

Slyvia's armor was glittering with a heavenly aura, each movement of hers seemed as though they were piercing the air. The truth was that it was quite amazing that Raith was managing to keep up with her this far.


As Raith took off from the floor again, laying asunder the pile of snow beneath his feet, he shot into the air like a launched rocket and collided with Slyvia before she could lunge her spear at him.

With a grappling grip on her waist, he flew away with her at a tremendous speed. From below the two of them could be seen heading towards the sky, penetrating in and out of clouds.

Slyvia tried hard to remove Raith's tight grip on her waist while calling him:

"You vermin!! Get your hands off me!!"

Raith ignored her. He was just so interested in teaching this young dragon a lesson. That was the intent of this fight but now he was beginning to think that he was probably doing more than he could handle.

If Slyvia was never injured, would he have been able to touch her at all? Even with all the injury she had, it took his death soldiers to bring her down. Fighting her might be a far-fetched call.

But he didn't mind.

Even if he loses, he is going to challenge her again and again and again. Each time she challenges his authority he was just going to challenge her and beat the shit out of her.

Well, he couldn't exactly beat her. At least not yet.


Frustration roared through Slyvia's mouth. She raised one hand in response to it and delved it into Raith's back with a sickening, bone-crushing sound.

Raith immediately splurged blood. His strength began to leave his body and he could no longer hold on to her with the level of strength he was using before.

Losing his strength, he slumped down and fell through the skies, onto the earth, elaborating a mad crashing sound that sent everyone coming to him.

[You have died]

[You have died a friendly death]

[You have gained +2 levels]

[You have gained +4 stats]

[Due to title effect 'one who devours death']

[ will be resurrected]

Raith opened his eyes and got up after the wound on his back closed up. By this time, the hunters who were gathered for grouping and waiting for him had already gathered around him.

It was an awkward moment for him. He stood up from his own blood only to meet the gaze of people, looking at him in amusement and reference.

"Our lord is so strong"

These were probably the words their gaped mouths longed to say, but this moment threw them into a room of awe that none of them could find words to say.

Before their eyes, Raith was just so amazing.

However, Raith before his own eyes was too weak.

'I can't continue to go like this. I already have so much to lose, people to protect. In a few days, I have to go to Felfhiem. I can't go to Felfhiem as I am.'

This was one of the reasons why the mission of Felfhiem has been delayed up until now. Raith truly with all his might wanted to rescue Volmak.

However, he was scared. The way Volmak had painted these demons, he knew that they were on another level compared to whatsoever he had been fighting before now. He thought about his meeting with Cor-Ellion and still couldn't say which one was going to be stronger.

Cor-Ellion was strong but it was not safe to say he was stronger than the demons. After all, Raith had never met the demons in Felfhiem.

'I need to get stronger'

His consequent defeat in the hands of Slyvia was beginning to awaken in him a genuine desire for growth. Raith right now, felt like he could exchange anything for him to get stronger.

And you know what the abyss responds so much to?

The desire for growth.


Raith saw it appear before his eyes.

[A new trial has been awakened]

Raith raised a brow.

'What is this? A trial has been awakened?'

He paid more attention to the word awaken. It sounded different, very different. And the thought of a trial suddenly coming brought a nauseous nostalgia to Raith.

The trials have been no easy path but they are what have brought him to this point.

If the abyss was bringing a new trial, he knew that it was in response to his desire to grow. And for the first time, Raith was going to embrace and relish this moment.

'Let's see what you've got'

[Trial of Truth]

- This a trial that will lead you to an infallible truth about the world. When you reach this truth after proving your capabilities. You will evolve.


Raith waited for more. But that was it. That was everything the abyss had to offer about this new trial. He looked left and looked right, expecting to be transported into the abyss or something but a few seconds later nothing happened.

Raith felt disappointed. This was indeed a strange trial.

Curtis came closer to him.



He responded, averting his gaze away from the system and to his brother's thin frame.

"I have gathered the hunting team."

"Ah, that's right!"

Before now, his brother and some others have informed him of the need for some structures to be put in place and the foundation of that structure was the hunting party that would be created in these moments.

Of course, their main goal was to provide food for the people. They would hunt at certain times, and in parties bring back the monster spoils for the people to make food and the entire town would feast.

And while some groups would be in charge of hunting for food. Some others would be in charge of hunting for monster cores and some others would be in charge of hunting for the carcasses and it is still of great use as raw materials for several companies out there.

Being a reliable source of raw material production was guaranteed to bring a large income. As a small town, starting with a lot of money would help them grow faster. Plus they had a very meticulous person who was in charge of all these.

Actually, she wasn't here yet. But Min-Ho had told Raith earlier that his father was going to send someone who would manage his country's finances and would also be the bridge of business between the two of them.

Min-Ho's father was a businessman after all. Upon hearing that Raith and his people moved to Antarctica. He had begun to establish a relationship with Raith through his son.

Raith had never met him. Even after becoming a catastrophe-ranked hunter, he didn't know Min-Ho's father. Min-Ho described him as someone who was uninterested in the matters of the hunters, if there were any ties he had to them it was business.

The man owned several conglomerate companies and the one that prevailed so much was the Artek equipment. Using monster cores and carcasses as raw materials, Artek has managed to create the most brilliant and durable of equipment.

What they had was not close to what Mok Jae-Hwa and Tae Dong-Hyun were preparing, but it was still the best in the market. In fact, they had been one of the few companies that really tried to get Dong-Hyun.

But he refused them over and over again until they contracted a blacksmith overseas.

So, it wasn't difficult for Raith to understand that Min-Ho's father was in for the profit that he stood to gain. Also, by helping the city that way, he can be sure that there'll be no betrayal since both parties have something to gain.

But one way or the other, Raith still had this bother that there wasn't all there was to it. But he let go of the thought, other things needed his attention and thoughts.

Curtis looked at him for a response.

"Do I..."

"I know what you are going to say." Curtis interrupted and continued:

"You need to lead them. It will serve as a great source of morale."

Raith sighed.

Barely by seeing him fight with Slyvia, a dragon, which was way out of his leg. They were so fired up.

How much more when they see him destroying monsters in one blow? But leading them was just too much, Raith didn't want to have to go.

He shut his eyes tight for a moment then opened...

"How about me do it like this."


Curtis looked with curiosity dancing on his face. His brows tightened for the next couple of seconds.

Black aura began to ooze from Raith's body and filled the lower level, and the entire white ground was covered with a black hue.


"Yes, my liege."

His thick tone coming ahead of him, Jarvis responded and materialized before Raith on a bow. On the helm of his helmet was the smokey white horsehair flowing endlessly like a pristine river of grace.


"Yes, my lord!"

His materialization was as hastened as his response. He was begging and waiting and hoping Raith would call him. After he was made to watch over the people he hadn't gotten to see Raith as he wanted.

Hence when Raith called, he responded with urgency.

Raith initially wanted to call Antares, as he needed strong soldiers to lead the people. But he thought twice about calling Antares, he doubted if that one had the patience to lead. Which made a big result for Crimson.

For Jarvis, he had an overwhelming trust that he would do the job well.

He then turned to Curtis, who was frozen with fear.

"You can use these two."

Curtis had met these soldiers before but not up close like this. They were truly as terrifying as he felt them to be from afar. His heart shook, and his legs wanted to run but he mustered himself to respond to Raith:


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