Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 318 Passion For More

The rectangular area was filled with different colors of people. Although their outfits were tattered, not to the extent that they would be perceived as homeless. These were people who had not considered the goodness of clothes after all.

However, these seemingly tattered outfits that were woven around their body in a way functioned to commemorate each person's frame in such a way that it made them dignified. For example, Draear's attire, spread from his shoulder, diagonally across his torso down to his side. Another tunic was tied around his waist. Then he wore black tattered pants that didn't go beyond his calf area.

His legs were tied around with pieces of clothing instead of a shoe. Even though he wasn't wearing shoes, other people had shoes on.

After coming back from Therut, the priority has been survival and food in order to keep their belle full. They've had to do what they can. Both in a dignified manner and a malapropos manner.

"To be able to secure food for the people. We will be dividing ourselves into five groups. The people who will be leading the five groups are:

Sir Shin. He will lead group one. Sir Yeon Woo, will lead group two. Myself and this man here will lead group three..."

In front of the platform, to the ground was standing Min-Ho in shining silver armor. Completely out of place with the blend of this gathering.

Would make one wonder what he was looking for and how he got here.

Curtis continued:

"And the last group will be led by Lord Raven himself."

Murmurs rose as he spoke that part. Of course, it was expected. That was why he had decided that people would be randomly selected. If it was to be asked of them to choose a group. Everyone would naturally drift toward group four. That was where their beloved hero was leading.

Curtis looked at Andre and nodded.

Andre came forward with a basket full of little papers and began to speak:

"In this basket are papers with the numbers 1 to 4. Each person would step forward to pick. Whichever one you end up picking would be the group you will find yourself in."

It was a perfect plan. One that would obstruct unfairness. People prayed to be in Raith's group but only a few made it. At the end of the selection, they were asked to separate into four groups.

That is everyone that had the number one on their papers should move together. They all walked out of the crowd. Moving towards the eastern edge of the open ground they gathered in. The same thing happened with every other number.

This, however, caused it to be known...

People looked at group four and began to murmur.

This was because only four people were in group four. While other groups had at least fourteen people.

Of course, with Therut's population. Having about a hundred people in a group wouldn't be too much of a deal. But this was a hunting party organized solely for hunting. While the others could focus their attention on areas that would give growth to the community.

For example, some men had been sent over to Tae Dong-Hyun to learn blacksmithing and other crafts. They were over a hundred and were to stay fully under his tutelage, till they were full-blown crafters.

A lot of children were being sponsored to school by the sponsorship foundation owned by Min-Ho's family.

More and more like that. The people were branching out in different areas to one day come back to bring the best of growth and birth a new Therut.

Hence, the elites of elites were selected for this hunt. Those that were available here were what could be called. They would one day grow to be the Frontliners and generals of a powerful nation.

Right now... was their starting point.


A devastating striking sound suddenly soared through the sky, attracting all eyes to the open ground.

From below, all that could be seen were sharp sparks that flew around as two individuals battled each other with a crude speed that seemed to threaten to very existence of the sky.


In a single swing shot, one fell into the snow causing tremors to run across the ground. He stood up immediately with a nasty glare on his face and plunged into the sky again.

Awaiting him in the air was Slyvia cladded in silvery ice armor, a Lance to one hand, a shield to another.

As he approached, she darted forward producing a supersonic boom sound that reverberated through the air. Furthermore, the clash between both of them created a detrimental vibration in the air.

Snowflakes flowed down from the swinging impact of every one of her swings. Amazingly, Raith was managing to dodge them, making it seem easy from afar. He glided through her movements effortlessly, escaping every attack by the skin of his teeth.

'...he has even become faster than before...'

Rudgen looked up and nothing but awe filled his eyes. He was the very few witnesses that saw the battle between Raith and Cor'Ellion happen. So he could tell how fast Raith had become.

It makes no sense, at such a time. The Raith that he watched right now battling a dragon was different from the Raith from those few months ago. His growth was far from explosive. His movement was organized and calculated with no wasted motions.

Every time he got thrown back by Slyvia. He came back with a destructive rebound. What was more amazing was the lady herself.

She easily blocked Raith's punches with her shield, and it would cause the air to resound with a thundering sound that shook their hearts.

Watching a battle like this made them dream.

Since they were already awakening different powers, a spark of hope began to dance in their eyes. Watching Raith battle a dragon on equal footing created a blaze within their hearts.

And undoubtedly it shined alike in every of their heart. More in some, like Draear, Curtis, and Amber Rose.

Draear had long seen Raith's might, from that day till now nothing but a pure passion to follow and become as Raith had always been in him.

For Curtis, he feared if he would truly be given the opportunity to have his brother's back. With this newfound awakening power, he finally felt like he could grow. He could strike to get better but watching Raith right now almost made all his hope die.

But what would it be if he gave up?

The corner of his lips curved up.

"Keep giving me a hell of a challenge brother. I will catch up to you no doubt about that" He muttered.

Amber Rose stared with eyes shaking.

'The line between us keeps getting wider... when will I be able to touch you...'

Her eyes squinted, her eyeballs constantly following the two godly movements in the sky. And her heart was filled with nothing but the passion to one day stand next to him as an equal.

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