Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 945 The Contest Growing Intense

"Just living to fight isn't good or healthy. He shall focus on selecting his first girl… My Berry won't lose here, even if she went against that damn city or even the king!"

Kong was sitting inside his mansion when he got the news. And when he did, he instantly shouted and gathered the clan members, issuing them a strict order.

He wasn't the only one to do it, Sara's grandfather also did the same. Both had big clans supporting them, and soon enough the two heard about each other's actions.

"Old man, stay your nose out of this matter at once!" Sara's grandfather came to Kong, shouting at him in a threatening way.

"Or what?" Kong rolled his eyes, as if he didn't care about what this old friend said or wanted.

"I will interfere with myself then!" Sara's grandfather was prepared to go all out.

"Then I'll join the fun as well, hahahaha," Kong laughed, making his old friend more enraged.

"Damn you!" Sara's grandfather moved out, fuming with rage, "let's see who will gather up more friends to help him then, arrogant old man!"

"You…" Kong knew alone he was enough to scare anyone here, but he always acted haughty and arrogantly with everybody. Unlike him, Sara's grandfather was much easier to approach.

And that meant if that old man asked for others to help, then many would answer his call. Unlike Kong who would get just a few old friends to stand by his side.

"Let's see how you'll make your daughter win… Spread out the word, anyone helping my clan in this matter will have rich rewards, nothing is forbidden to get rewarded no matter what!"

Kong raised the stakes, and all of sudden this little bet the girls had over William turned into a clash between various forces.

And the man who was the centre of all this didn't know anything about this, not until it was already too late to intervene!

William kept himself locked on training, and didn't care about anything happening in the outer world. He never thought something grand was going on thanks to him, accidently moving lots of forces all over the kingdom!

During the next two weeks, it was expected how things went all over the continent. Tons of master armies moved out to support the different girls with power, and the most prominent competitors were Anjie, Lara, Sara, and Berry.

The king liked this idea. He already highly valued William, and wouldn't say no to such a man to his daughter. The kingdom's royal forces might have been dealt a big blow during the past war, but they still had tons of forces stationed all around the kingdom.

Yet thanks to the delay in moving forces to the right locations or portals to move around the continent, the other three girls had pulled the lead over Anjie. Lara was the one who ended up running neck to neck with her, and news about this clash started to be a hot topic among the grandmaster community all over the continent.

Even such news spread over the other continent, and a shitload of biddings and bets were done over such a thing.

Many even started to track the girls and the forces who belonged to the top four all over the continent. News about this was going vial, sold hot for any merchant impact or auction house.I think you should take a look at

It was a fever! And the girls taking part in all this heard the news fast enough.

"Those girls… I swear to kill them all!" Lina was the most frustrated one. She boasted about her ability to win this competition, "they… They didn't act fair! Damn them!"

Ro also was feeling the same, like other girls who came without any backing. No matter what any of them thought, they knew they wouldn't be able to compete against big clans, the forces ruling a big city, or the royal family!

"Hahahaha! I'd pay anything to see her face right now, hahahaha!" far from Lina, Lara was laughing, "she dared to say he belonged to her, tsk! Let's see how she'll deal with such a loss then, hahahaha! William is mine, hahahaha!"

Away from her location, Berry and Sara were quite frustrated. The two learnt about what Anjie and Lara did, and couldn't help but think about something crazy.

[Are you sure of this?] Sara wasn't the one who came up with this idea, but Berry. The latter contacted the former using Message Papers, as the two weren't that far away from each other in the first place.

[I prefer to share him with you, rather than letting him fall into any of these two girls' despicable hands]

[I know… And I agree… But…]

[Don't underestimate our clans, or grandfathers!] Berry evilly laughed, [The royal family is a name that can scare anyone, but we already saw how pathetic their capital looks right now. They can't exert much power on this]

[The big problem is Lara] Sara said, agreeing with Berry's analysis.

[It's her indeed… But if our two grandfathers got united, even asked for the Scorching Lands city's help, then…]

[Let's do it!] Sara didn't need to hear anymore to get convinced, [You speak with your clan, and I'll do the same. Let's do it!]

[Let's win him, together… I admit I never thought I'd say such a thing to you, but at least you and I are the longest to know him]

[Aside from Lina, that loser, hahahaha!]

[That b*tch! She dared to boast and brag… Let's see how she'll serve the three of us for six months, hahahaha!]

Such a decision changed everything and added more fuel to the wild fire in this contest. More news spread about the alliance that was done by Berry and Sara, and many started to root for the two.

Yet there were still many who hated this. They knew by combining forces together, their chances would escalate. The two started to close the gap over the two whales advancing at the forefront, adding more hype to the ongoing war.

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