Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 944 A Storm!

"T… Ten years…" Even Lara got shocked by Lina's greed.

"If it's up to me, then I'll set the stakes to be for a lifetime!" Lina scoffed, and other girls wanted nothing more to punch her in the face right now.

"One year is too long," Sara took over this situation, "let's make it six months then."

"I'm curious to see how you'll win me over him!" Berry issued a direct challenge towards Lina, and other girls nodded in agreement.

"Let's do it then," Lina shrugged, "but a piece of advice, stop dreaming or else you'll cry when you'll lose."

"Girl… Speak with your actions not tongue!" Berry was getting over the edge towards Lina. if not for William to prohibit internal fight, she'd have challenged her right on the spot!

"No rules here?" Lara suddenly asked, and other girls missed totally what she truly meant in the middle of their overly focus over Lina.

"Everything and anything is allowed," Sara said in a fiery tone, "let's go! We have two weeks set by him as a deadline. Let's see who will win in the end!"

Everyone started to move, and the men in the team shook their heads in bitterness. They knew William would be left in a tight spot in the end, especially if Lina in particular failed.

The girls might have not noticed her, but the men in the team did. She was ferocious and quite deadly, not the type to handle loss quite easily. She fought the most in any war. But as girls were focusing on each other, they never noticed what she did.

"Our boss is going to celebrate his seventeenth year with a big bang, hahahaha!" Peter laughed, while others nodded, smiled, and laughed with him.

"If Libra was here, damn! I can't even imagine what would he have done, hahahahaha!" Jax said, while others couldn't help but laugh again when they tried to imagine Ibra in the middle of all this.

"William kept fighting for a long time, it's time for him to start thinking about settling down and starting a family," Smith said.

"Start up a family? Hahahaha, our boss is going to start a family farm of families, hahahahaha!" Lang laughed, before adding, "but I'll root for my clan's princess. She was the first girl he ever met, the one who helped him the most!"

"It's not a contest about who did what to him," Peter rolled his eyes, "stop being biassed towards your clan! Your clan isn't here anymore, they are far away!"

"I'll still root for her," Lang persisted, and that little talk gave Jax an idea.

"Why not start betting on who will win?"

"Great idea! I'll bet on Sara!" Peter suddenly said, "she is the strongest and most daring and capable one among all."

"Pick whatever you wish," Lang scoffed, "my clan's princess will win in the end!"

"We'll see about this," they started setting large bids over each girl. And then they looked in one direction.I think you should take a look at

"How about him?" Peter asked.

"He is quite busy anyway," Lang shrugged, "let him be alone…"

"I will bid everything I have over Lara!" Just when they were about to leave, John came running from far.


"Everything you have?!!"

"Are you sure? She is… A bit weak…" Smith tried to dissuade John from doing this, but the latter insisted.

In fact John noticed something others didn't. He was using spirit sense to watch everything happening, and noticed the last remark Lara said.

"She intends to use all the power of the city as the leader of it, hahahaha!" he inwardly laughed, knowing that the end result would fall in Lara's lap no matter how brilliant other girls performed, "I just hope she won't get killed in the hands of other girls when they'll learn about what she did, hahahaha!"

John was the only one who saw through Lara's little scheme here. As he guessed, the first thing she did after selecting her team was to head back to the city, ask the help of the leaders there.

She was the queen of the city, and her wishes were orders for others. Not to mention anyone wanted to curry a favour with her. And without any other girl noticing this, she was way ahead of any of them, of all of them collectively.

"Hahahaha, let's see how any of you will get him," Lara didn't just stop there, even asked for a mansion to privately get prepared for her long stay with William. She ordered for this mansion to be modified, compressed by arrays and special space elements to be able to carry it with her in any ring.

She planned not only to settle with him in any cave with others around, but to have him for herself without anyone interfering. She planned for the future, while other girls were kept in the shadows about what she did.

William didn't know about any of that, but the old masters in the city heard and watched everything that happened here.

"Hahahaha, William is going for it, hahahaha," Sloth was the one to laugh, before he thought about his princess, "she is in this too. I must consult with the king. If he wants to let her win, I'll do everything in my power to help. If he didn't want her near William, then let that chick have him, hahahaha!"

He was feeling great about William's predicament.

John missed Angie totally, just like the rest of the team. They focused more on the girls' they were quite familiar with over the years, even seeing them as anyone would see his sister.

With Sloth's intervention in the image, other masters also started to contact others. The ones who belonged to the new academy of Berry's and Sara's grandfathers managed to send the message over. And soon enough, things started to escalate to new heights.

"This kid… What's wrong with my granddaughter? Does she need to go through such a silly contest to get him? Tsk! I'll teach him a proper lesson next time I see him."

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