Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 189: Foolish Guy (3)

Chapter 189: Foolish Guy (3)



“I think it would be better to wait and see how things go first.”

Honestly, that was a lie.

I didn’t think it’ll be okay. Of course, I knew Park Deokgu was doing his best, but if the discussion was whether or not he could keep up with our party, that was a definite no.

No, forget Kim Hyunsung. He wouldn’t even be able to catch up with Cho Hyejin.

No matter what one was to think about this, the best option was definitely to kick him out.

‘Have I become too affectionate?’

I thought this was the case. I was making excuses, which was unlike me at all. In any case, Park Deokgu relied on me in many ways, and he saw me as a trustworthy person. Someday, I would definitely kick him out, but not now.

I hated the thought of having a new tanker join us, thereby decreasing my influence within the party, and I also hated the thought of possibly spending my time taming whoever would be our new member.

At least Park Deokgu was the type who would be willing to risk his life for me.

Of course, it was unclear as to how this fearful guy would behave if that ever happened, but at least he wouldn’t leave me alone.

‘It’s because he’s working hard.’

It wouldn’t be bad to believe in him a little more.

“I see.”

It felt like Kim Hyunsung sighed briefly with what I said. I was forced to speak once more.

“Of course, we know very well that if the front-line collapses, the whole party will be at risk. But I think that there are still areas that can be filled. Items, or… There will be many ways. Most of all, Deokgu himself is working hard, so even a small achievement can be gained.”

‘The outcome may be very small, but… Honestly, I’m not expecting too much.’

“I feel like he’s training every day, and no one has noticed. Recently, I saw him sparring with Ye-ri. Of course, I can’t really evaluate them, but they seemed to be having a good fight.”

‘He was beaten to death.’

“He definitely has enough willpower.”

‘Useless and needless willpower.’

“He might be slow, but he’s still growing.”

‘The problem is that his growth is too little.’

“I think he would change a little on the next expedition. Definitely.”

‘I can’t be honest. Hyunsung… Sh*t…”

I was used to lying, but this was definitely not one of my best ones. I was too busy making up excuses for him that I had forgotten to rely on logic. It was definitely not something that suited me. However, I could see Kim Hyunsung smiling as he nodded.

“Okay, got it.”

He looked happy, almost as if I had relieved him of a burden that I didn’t know about.

‘This bastard… No way…’

I began to wonder if he had just tested me. Considering that he had felt wary of me due to recent events… then that was definitely a possibility. If so, then Kim Hyunsung was way foxier than I had given him credit for.

Perhaps he was suspicious as to how inhumane I could get.

Seeing the bright expression on Hyunsung’s face, however, it felt like he had succeeded in getting something. I then began to wonder if this had also been a scheme of Deokgu’s.

‘It mustn’t be a plan.’

I firmly believed that it wasn’t. Before I could even respond, Hyunsung had spoken once more.

“I know well what Kiyoung-ssi is thinking. In fact, I said earlier that I believe in Kiyoung-ssi’s judgment, but there will certainly come a day when, not only our party members but also Deokgu-ssi himself, will be in danger.”

“Yes… I know that, too.”

“Let’s wait and see for now, but if his growth level or training results are not satisfactory, as I suggested… It would be nice to form a second party. Of course, it would be better for Kiyoung-ssi to decide the timing. You have a better feel for this than I do.”

“Yes. Okay. Then, let’s do that.”

‘Does he mean he’ll give Deokgu more opportunities?’

Whatever, I had still gotten what I wanted.

Of course, if Deokgu did not perform to his standard, he would definitely get kicked out, but at least he would still be given more chances to improve.

That meant I could only take one position at this point.

‘I have to strengthen him.’

I had to find a way to make Park Deokgu improve. Though I didn’t know exactly how, I knew there were many ways for one to get stronger. As I had mentioned earlier, I could get him some items or use my alchemy to strengthen his body.

Of course, I doubted whether or not I could do this. However, this could grant me the needed step in obtaining my legendary class.

That was my first step.

Considering that I, who had no talent in the first place, had found a way to grow, Park Deokgu, who was undoubtedly better than me, could also do it.

Though I found it funny that I felt concerned to this extent, I felt as if Kim Hyunsung was still testing me up until now. This meant I had to tackle this matter with all my might.

‘This is the last time I’ll care about you, Deokgu.’

I was not doing this because I cared about him. I already had a lot on my plate, and it would be better to focus on my work than spend my time remembering that bastard’s face.

“Then, I’ll be going, Hyunsung-ssi.”


“Also, what were you trying to say earlier?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. Next time, we’ll have a drink and then talk about it.”

“Ah… Alright.”

“Kiyoung-ssi, I trust you.”

‘You foxy guy… Now I know this is definitely a test.’

“Haha… Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”


After picking up the dozing Jung Hayan, I left Hyunsung’s room. Though Hayan herself was quite heavy, I could carry her without much difficulty, seeing as I at least had superior muscle strength compared to the ordinary people living in this continent.

Having moved around all day, it seemed that she was in no state to wake up. This freed my limitations a bit, seeing as Jung Hayan hated it whenever I had to head out somewhere.

After depositing her in her room, I moved as quickly as I could.

I had wanted to visit someone, and this was the perfect timing. I had postponed this because I felt both annoyed and busy, but now I had a good excuse to go.

I had already decided that I should do something for Park Deokgu, but honestly, I didn’t know how to do it. I didn’t even know what had been hindering his growth!

I was not a personal counselor. I just knew how to read status windows and dispositions.

His magic power growth was ridiculously low, but his stamina and endurance were higher than heroic. The problem was that, even so, his overall growth had been progressing too slowly.

Of course, that was not the only problem.

Though it hurt to admit this, his combat ability as an individual was lesser than the simple monsters that Kim Hyunsung had slain in the past.

‘To be honest…’

Even if Kim Ye-ri had lower stats than Park Deokgu, she would still be able to beat him.

They had different abilities, after all. It was the same as Jung Hayan being able to defeat people whose magic and intelligence stats were higher than hers, all because she understood magic better than they did.

In short, Park Deokgu lacked both experience and abilities. His class was still of the rare-grade, and he hadn’t even obtained an attribute yet.

‘It’s a total disaster…’

Of course, his potential attribute could still provide some hope for Deokgu, but his ability wasn’t really something that one could hone through luck.

In the meantime, I had to know what Park Deokgu had been like in the first timeline. After a few years, he must have grown more than he had in this timeline, but I wasn’t yet sure. I had to check to understand how I could make him grow.

Though Kim Hyunsung did not know Park Deokgu and me in the past, I knew Yuno Kasugano did.

Before even reaching the room, the guild members of the Yozora Guild had come to greet me.

When I waved my hand, the door opened on its own, and I could see Yuno in the same position as she was in the last time.

‘Yuno Kasugano.’

She still had her long hair down, her eyes closed. She then spoke.

“I’ve been waiting, Master.”

“I’m sorry for coming to visit late.”

“No. Just you coming is infinite glory. I know better than anyone else that the Master is busy. Come inside.”

“Did you know I was coming today?”

“T-That’s not it.”


“I had been waiting for your arrival. I knew you would definitely come…”

I didn’t know how to respond.

“It must have been hard.”

“It wasn’t. Thinking I would be waiting for the Master made me feel a little better… It was rather a fun time.”

‘This is why I can’t deal with her.’


“I’m sure Master is here for something.”

Seeing Yuno Kasugano’s disappointed yet unsurprised expression, I felt a little guilty.

However, I couldn’t really lie to her. I had business to attend to, and it felt as if I was running out of time.

As I sat down quietly, Kasugano inched closer to me, looking incredibly happy.

Of course, she didn’t smile openly as Jung Hayan did. It felt like she was doing her best to control her facial expression but was utterly failing.

“Well, at least I came, right?”

“Master, please just tell me what it is you want.”

Since she said that, it wouldn’t matter if I cut down to the chase. Anyway, just the fact that I was here seemed enough to make her happy.

I had a lot of questions in mind.

“It’s about the black world.”


“You said you clearly found me in ruins.”

“Yes. I saw a dying version of Master.”

“So… That was supposed to happen two years from now?”

“Yes. The exact date is not known, but I think it would happen after two or three years.”

“Was I the only one you found in ruins? Maybe others… For example…”

Yuno Kasugano cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

“I think Master is asking about a big man.”

“Do you know him?”

Yuno Kasugano’s closed eyelids opened, and she looked at me.

In the place where her pupils should be, there was only black darkness. It looked like a scene straight from a horror movie, and goosebumps naturally rose on my skin.

‘Don’t look at me.’

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