Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 188: Foolish Guy (2)

Chapter 188: Foolish Guy (2)

The capital, which had seemed quite amazing when I first saw it, was not very impressive when I looked at it the second time. Though the view was stunning, my eyes could not register its beauty. This was because Park Deokgu kept popping up in my mind.

‘This bastard can really make a person feel upset…’

However, I had no choice but to discard these thoughts for the time being. I understood better than anyone else that I had come here for work. However, I had to make sure not to neglect the management of connections, either.

This was the second time, but as soon as I got off at the familiar Griffon landing area, I immediately heard a cheerful voice calling out to me. I knew who it was, as I knew who liked me the most within the royal castle.

“Cardinal Basel!”

“Honorary Bishop Lee Kiyoung! Ah, you look so different! I’ve heard about what’s happened at Castle Rock.”

“Hahaha. It’s all thanks to Benigore’s Goddess. Bishop Jaina! And it’s been a while, Director of the Inquisition Helena.”

“Honorary Bishop Lee Kiyoung, long time no see.”

“Ah. Please say hello to Kim Hyunsung, the Blue Guild Master who was recommended to take part in the Empire’s Eight Seats.”

“Ooooh. I’ve heard a lot about you, Believer Kim Hyunsung.”

“Yes, I also heard a lot about you, Cardinal Basel. I’m Kim Hyunsung. Please take good care of me.”

These three had greeted us the moment we had arrived, giving time for a short discussion. It felt like Cha Hee-ra herself had not arrived yet. In the first place, the official announcement for the Eight Seats was still scheduled later on, but it wasn’t like her not to be here yet.

‘Is she still embarrassed?’

Considering this, she may have already arrived at the Royal Castle, quickly made her pledge, and then went away. I had heard that a few others had arrived earlier than us. Anyway, the Red Mercenary Guild was undoubtedly busy preparing for the new recruits, leaving no time for leisurely activities within the Holy Empire.

While it had been fun talking and catching up with the members of the Pope’s side, I was surprised to find out that it had been Cardinal Basel who had recommended me to take part in the Eight Seats of the Empire. I thought they would actually discourage me from being a part of it, but it seemed that I was wrong.

They seemed convinced that I would remain faithful to the Pope’s side than to the Royal Castle. If Cardinal Basel thought so, it would be natural to earn myself a spot within the system. The fact that the Honorary Bishop had been elected as one of the eight strongest in the Empire could be a form of publicity in its own way, after all.

With Bishop Jaina and Director of Inquisition Helena, we had a short and interesting prayer meeting of only three people. Afterward, I continued to meet with the nobles I hadn’t seen in a long time. All I did was greet the old man Victor Hart, but I also ended up chatting with Duchess Marlin, Duchess Catherine, and Marlin Young-ae, who had already come to the castle.

The conversation mainly flowed toward Marlin Young-ae, who explained my saga about the Siege of Castle Rock to the other noblewomen. Since the other Blue Guild members were mentioned, my mind naturally flashed back to Park Deokgu, annoyingly enough.

Of course, I realized just how interested everyone was in Dialugia.

‘It was good of me not to bring her.’

If Dialugia had come at this busy time, bringing Tol To-ri with her, an incident would most likely have taken place.

Like me, who was very busy, it was no wonder that Kim Hyunsung also had a busy time. As this was his first time in the Royal Castle, he spent his time building a network with Jung Hayan and me. Unlike me, who spent time with the noble ladies and the Pope’s side, he spent his time drinking alcohol or competing for martial arts with the Royal Castle’s powerful people.

Contrary to me, who was being supported by the Pope’s side after being chosen by a dragon, there were still doubts about Kim Hyunsung everywhere. It seemed that talking about swords with important characters from the Royal Castle like Victor Hart helped raise his evaluation.

Though I knew I would be busy upon my arrival here, I had not expected it to reach this extent. Therefore, it was not unreasonable to find Kim Hyunsung looking even more tired than I was.

Only two days had passed since we arrived at the capital. Unlike Jung Hayan, who always seemed to have a reserve of energy, Kim Hyunsung looked exhausted.

‘Of course, I am the same, but…’

I had a lot to worry about, like Blue’s future, my next class, and my relationship with Kim Hyunsung. Having too much to think about was also work in itself. Of course, I didn’t even have to mention what I was most worried about.

Though he had a different mindset, Kim Hyunsung was also in the same situation. As the tutorial dungeon’s timing would be open soon, I knew that a lot of talents that Kim Hyunsung would be expecting would arrive.

He had to select people who would play an active part in the future, and he would have a lot to think about his position, which would soon change externally. I didn’t know what will happen in the future, but he did. There would be many situations in which mutual agreements were required, and their interests would be consistent. This was what tired him out, day and night.

Though it felt like we had been avoiding talking seriously with each other, our conversations still flowed smoothly. After all, he and I were still friends as well as colleagues who trusted each other.

“Whoo… It’s been a long day.”

“Perhaps it will be a little busier tomorrow. I have to prepare for the ceremony… Maybe we really were the last ones to arrive. In any case, there are a few more people Hyunsung-ssi needs to meet.”


“You should also meet Archbishop Andrine, as well as the noblewomen from influential provinces…”


His expression pleaded with me, asking me not to push through with this. He didn’t mind meeting Archbishop Andrine, but he didn’t seem happy about meeting the young ladies. His reaction made me smile.

“Ahem. If Hyunsung-ssi is uncomfortable, I will take care of the meeting with the ladies.”

“You don’t have to… “

“Don’t worry. I have some time to spare.”

“T-Thank you.”

It had been a while since someone had sincerely thanked me. As Jung Hayan dozed off next to me, Kim Hyunsung spoke again.

“It’s already been a year.”

“Yes. Time seems to be passing faster than I thought. I was so busy that I didn’t even notice that we’ve been here for that long. In fact, you don’t know how surprised I was when I heard from Hyunsung-ssi that we had to prepare for the next group.

“Hahaha. So there is something that Kiyoung-ssi does forget.”

“What? I’m just an ordinary person. It’s honestly overwhelming to only deal with what’s happening right away.”

“No. I’m… I don’t think Kiyoung-ssi is ordinary at all.”

“I was just lucky. If I hadn’t met Hyunsung in the first place, I wouldn’t have been able to survive the tutorial dungeon. And that’s the same for Hyunsung-ssi.”

“Ah, I know I sound so serious, but Kiyoung-ssi actually gives me a lot of strength.”

I was proud to hear him say this so openly. The atmosphere wasn’t that bad, and I had a drink beforehand since I had just attended a meal, but it appeared that I was still having difficulties trying to say what I really wanted to tell him. At least things were okay between us.


“Say it to me, too. Well done. Well done…”

Jung Hayan’s sleepy voice resonated from beside me, which naturally caused us to laugh. It was slightly different from what she usually said, but her tone of voice sounded serious.

“Come to think of it, I’ve thought about something.”


“It’s about how Blue currently is.”

“Ah. I see. Perhaps it’s about the problem related to the expansion of guild members?”

“Yes. That’s correct. It will still take a little more time, but I feel the need to revamp the system and the party now.”


“I like how we are one big party now, but when the new party members come in, it feels inefficient to stay as one group. I’m still thinking about it, but perhaps it would be better to set up a second party and entrust it to Deokgu and Jeong-yeon.”


I shut my mouth. It turned out that Kim Hyunsung and I were thinking the same thing. Though Kim Hyunsung did not say it outright, it appeared that he had realized how difficult it would be for Park Deokgu to keep up with the current party.

‘Are there any good tankers among the newcomers?’

I thought there might be. If a good front-liner were active in the future, it would be more efficient to accept him as a party member. Although this felt a little too sudden, I knew that Kim Hyunsung was not looking down on Park Deokgu. He had made his decision based on his understanding of Deokgu’s limitations, and it was a reasonable choice at that.

Making Deokgu a party leader would be the best way for him to gain experience.

Park Deokgu’s prestige and position in the clan would increase, but as a result, he would move away from Kim Hyunsung’s party. In fact, there was no reason for Kim Hyunsung to insist on Park Deokgu, considering that Lee Sang-hee’s immediate return to the front line could lead to her joining our party.

‘I know he’s thinking about Deokgu’s safety as well.’

Kim Hyunsung’s party, which had gained momentum from growth, would continue to set foot in new places, and Park Deokgu would still continue to face new dangers. Considering the guy’s specs objectively, it would be detrimental for him to stay with us.

‘His role is different from mine, after all.’

However, it was natural to understand that keeping Park Deokgu in Kim Hyunsung’s party and placing him in the rear would rather hinder his growth. Kim Hyunsung must have considered all these things. I knew he had brought his suggestion up to me because he considered me as Park Deokgu’s closest friend.

‘If you put everything together, such as Park Deokgu’s growth and safety, and the fact that he wants to raise him as an executive in the future clan, Kim Hyunsung’s suggestion may definitely be better…’

For some reason, however, leaving him behind felt a little cruel.


It wasn’t just me who knew about his limit. Though Kim Hyunsung could not see status windows like I did, he had fought alongside Park Deokgu enough to realize his growth potential.

“I know what you’re trying to say, Hyunsung-ssi.”


“If I’m not mistaken, perhaps… You seem to be talking about Deokgu. Am I correct?”

“Yes. I’m curious about what you think. In this case, I mentioned it first because I think Kiyoung’s judgment is more important than my own. I think that Kiyoung-ssi… knows him better than I do. It would be more dangerous for the party as time will go on…”


My head already knew the answer, but my lips refused to move.

‘This is annoying… fuck…’

It felt good of him to ask about my feelings, but I hated Kim Hyunsung for this particular one. It felt like he was leaving the cruel decision to me.

However, this was a situation where I had no choice but to answer. Eventually, I had to tell him what I thought was best.


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