Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 241: Patron of Luck and Fortune

Chapter 241: Patron of Luck and Fortune

Calvin had never noticed the trainees behind him for his attention was on the surroundings of the House of a Thousand Thrusts. The strange looks of the onlookers and the female attendant that was guiding him didn't escape his attention, but he could only reveal a bitter smile. He wanted to explain so much that he didn't swing that way for Christine was a woman.

What's more, he didn't even have that kind of intention in the first place. He just wanted to let her rest after an exhausting round of eating.

The room was soon arranged and Calvin returned to fetch Christine from the entrance.

There, he discovered that she had been vomiting.

The smell of vomit wafted over to Calvin, yet not a frown appeared on his face.

"Sorry..." Christine's soft voice resounded beneath the hood that covered her visage.

"It's not a problem, don't worry about it." Calvin smiled at her.

The two soon arrived in the room that Calvin booked.

"Wow, you can really have a lot of fun in this room." Calvin couldn't help but comment.

Especially when he saw the wooden leg spreader above the bed with chains supporting it from the ceiling.

Christine's cheeks blushed.

There were all sorts of items and paraphernalia here that people most definitely used for doing that kind of thing. Fortunately, Christine felt too nauseous to feel self-conscious. She went over to the bathroom where a hot bath was prepared and started to vomit once more. It was only after half an hour did she leave the bathroom to find Calvin sitting on the bed with a contemplative look on his face.

"Oh." Calvin raised his head. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah..." Christine shyly said, "Did I make you wait for too long?"

"No, it's fine." Calvin waved his hand. "I was thinking as to where we can find that Fatty here."

"Are you really sure that he's here?" Christine expressed her doubt.

Calvin shook his head. "I have no idea. But he is most likely here, or maybe... he often visited this place in the past. That guy kept bringing up Azucar whenever we had a conversation regarding the world outside the training camp."

Christine furrowed her eyebrows. "That Fatty was crying earlier, so shouldn't we assume that he's probably in a hospital visiting a family?"

"That makes sense, but you seemed to have forgotten that there is no hospital in Azucar?" Calvin replied.

"What?" Christine was now confused. "How could there be no hospital in Azucar when it's so far away from the Southern Borough?"

Calvin slightly smiled. "Have you ever noticed any beggar or any disease-ridden person in this place?"

Christine's bafflement turned into shock.

"Now that I think about it."

"I haven't noticed any beggar in this place. What's more, everyone that we've meet looked healthy. It's questionable if their minds are healthy, but they truly look healthy. Even the Center Borough which is frequently cleaned has a lot of beggars. I wonder why there are no beggars in Azucar? Could it be that they keep all of them out?" Christine asked.

"That's not possible. With the number of people going in and out of Azucar, they couldn't possibly keep out all of the beggars. Furthermore, from what we have experienced earlier in regards to their security, It's obvious that they actually don't care." Calvin added.

"Then, what is the answer?" Christine continued to ask, "Why is it that the people of Azucar are far healthier than the people of Ashmelion considering the fact that this place has a lot of degenerates and all sorts of criminals?"

Calvin fell into contemplation.

In the end, he let out a sigh and said, "I have a conjecture. But I can't tell you about it until I have confirmed the truth."

"For now, I suggest we look for that Fatty and get him the hell out of here along with his relative. If my theory is right, he has to get out of here as fast as possible." A grim look appeared on Calvin's face.

Christine was taken aback by the seriousness of Calvin's visage.


"Just tell me what it is! I'm curious to know! Aaah! You shouldn't have told me about your so-called conjecture in the first place if you're not even going to explain it to me!" Christine looked as if she was about to explode from curiosity.

Calvin bitterly smiled. "All right, but promise me that you won't violently react, all right?"

"I won't! I won't react violently or do something stupid! Trust me!" Christine reassured.

"The expression on your face looks untrustworthy..." Calvin commented.

"Just tell me!" Christine was almost about to hold Calvin's collar to force the answer out of his throat.

An amused smile lifted on Calvin's lips as he said, "Patron of Luck and Fortune."

Christine's eyebrows immediately furrowed. "What is that? One of the Seven Gods and Goddesses? I've memorized their honorable titles, but I don't think I've heard anything about that so-called, 'Patron of Luck and Fortune'..."

"Really?" Calvin mysteriously smiled. "Think about it even more. I'm sure there's one of the Seven Gods and Goddesses that you can associate those two concepts with..."

Christine held her chin.

A contemplative look appeared on her face as she thought hard and long about the answer to Calvin's question.

Fortunately, she truly was a daughter of one of the noble families for her education gave her sufficient leverage to find her answer.

Surprise flashed across her face as she shouted. "T-T-The Goddess of Prosperity and Gold, Nuw"


Calvin was quick to plug Christine's mouth with his hand.

Sweat dripped down his forehead as he stared at Christine as if he was looking at an idiot.

"What are you trying to do? Don't you understand that each of the seven has the ability to detect every mention of their names?"

"I-I'm sowwy..." Christine apologized with a muffled voice.

"I-It's fine... Just don't be stupid next time." Calvin removed his hand from her mouth."

When Calvin's hand was finally off her mouth, Christine glared at him for she could still taste the sweat off his palm.

A furious blush spread on her cheeks as she thought that they had just casually exchanged bodily fluids.

Now that I think about it... S-S-Saliva is also a bodily fluid like sweat... Does this mean that we've basically kissed indirectly?!

Christine started to panic.

But before she could even say anything, Calvin spoke with furrowed eyebrows. "What kind of degenerate ideas are you thinking right now?"

"Pfft!" Christine almost busted a gut from Calvin's words.

Waving her hand, she hurriedly denied. "W-W-What degenerate ideas? I'm not thinking of anything bad!"

"All right, all right..." Calvin shrugged.

Christine hurriedly wiped her lips with her coat before she composed herself by clearing her cough.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem..."

"How can you be so sure that it's NuwThe Patron of Luck and Fortune's doing?"

Calvin lightly smiled. "Are you also in the know about things regarding the other shore?"

A serious look appeared on Christine's face when she heard the words, "other shore".

"Calvin... Are you perhaps connected with the church?"

Calvin brandished his medallion and Christine reeled back in astonishment.

"You're a Cavalier? What are you trying to do by pretending to be a trainee?" She questioned.

"It's complicated, but I didn't apply to be an auxiliary police officer with bad intentions. It has something to do with my mission. This is why I hope that you can keep everything that happened and will happen between us today as a secret." Calvin smiled, "I'm revealing my identity to you as a gesture of my sincerity."

"I need your help, Christine."

"I need you to help me with that Fatty's matter and this so-called Patron of Luck and Fortune."

"What about it?"

"Are you in?"

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