Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 240: House of a Thousand Thrusts

Chapter 240: House of a Thousand Thrusts

Both Calvin and Christine casually walked into a somewhat high-end restaurant.

Taking a corner table on the highest floor of the restaurant, it was only when Christine noticed that there wasn't someone else on this floor did she sigh in relief and removed the hood that hid her face.

"Wheeew... That was so scary! What were you thinking?!" Christine immediately criticized.

"Now, now... What was done was already done. Also, can we not fight in front of the food?" Calvin patiently asked.

"A-All right..."

Having learned the art of etiquette, Christine knew that it was rude to fight in front of the Goddess's grace since the Goddess might not be more inclined to give them any grace in the future.

Speaking of the Goddess, Christine didn't dare to forget to say her prayers as she closed her eyes and took the lead in praying.

"In the Goddess's name!"

"In the Goddess's name!"

The two ended the prayer and they were finally able to feast.

The culinary culture of Las Felipinas and Earth greatly varied due to the lack of existing spices and seasoning.

Right now, salt was somewhat of a rare commodity since it has to travel all the way from Laguna to Ashmelion, which often took a lot of time due to several other factors such as bandits, weather, and unforeseen accidents.But in short, most restaurants in Ashmelion, or even home-cooking recipes didn't call for the use of salt.

The appetite of the Joselian people mostly consisted of meat and grain.

Surprisingly though, they often mixed their water with some kind of alcohol.

Even Charlotte and Cecilia consumed watered-down wine on a daily basis.

It was to be expected since water without alcohol was often toxic and caused a lot of problems such as diarrhea and even dysentery. This restaurant wasn't different. The meal on Calvin's table was white bread with fish sauce. It was pretty tasty, although it smelled quite disgusting.

Calvin was able to stomach this food, but Christine frowned upon it.

But it wasn't that she found the food unworthy of her statusit was simply because she found it unpalatable and disgusting.

"I really have to commend your stomach, Calvin... To think that you'd be able to eat Ginamus!"

Christine smirked, "Do you know that Ginamuswhich is what you are eating right now is literally made from fermented fish guts?"

"Are you trying to disgust me to death? Don't even try, my stomach can handle a lot worse than this!" Calvin retaliated.

A smirk also appeared on his face as he said, "Do you also know that the sweet and tangy chicken that you are eating right now has Ginamus added into it in the cooking process?"

"WhaImpossible!" Christine's eyes widened in shock, "You're lying! How could this deliciously sweet and tangy chicken have any Ginamus in it?"

"Ginamus is made from fish, and I can't taste any fishiness in this dish! You're deliberately trying to attack me while I'm eating! That's cowardly! You're shameless!"

"Oh, you don't believe me?" Calvin wasn't provoked at all. "Cover your head, I'll call the waitress over, so you'll understand!"

Christine's provocations landed on deaf ears. Instead, she was the one that got provoked as a serious look washed over her face.

"All right, call a waitress over, right now! I will prove you wrong!"

"Hehehe, I wonder if you won't regret it?"

"Why would I? Just call someone over here that can confirm the recipe!" Christine glared.

"As you wish, my lady." Calvin sarcastically said.

Then, he walked downstairs and returned with a waitress who seemed to be in her mid-twenties.

The waitress and Calvin returned to a hooded Christine who didn't dare to raise her head.

"Mister?" The waitress asked in doubt.

"Oh, don't mind him, miss. He's a cherry-boy that hasn't touched a woman since he was born." Calvin stared at Christine and teased.

Christine's figure trembled. She repeatedly cursed Calvin in her heart, but what happened next further exacerbated her anger.

"A cherry-boy, eh?"

The waitress walked forward and placed her supple thigh onto the table, "So this is why you deliberately came to the highest floor to eat, young boy. You were too embarrassed to ask for 'those ' services with so many people downstairs, eh?"

"Don't worry, Elder Sis here will be patient and guide you in the pleasures of adults..."

The waitress even hooked her arm around Christine's neck.

Calvin was observing all of these in the side as his shoulders constantly trembled, trying his best to suppress the laughter that was about to come out of his mouth.

Unfortunately, the show ended too soon for Calvin could already feel the freezing glare that threatened to spill out of Christine's eyes and inundate him entirely.

"Ahem..." Calvin cleared his throat and interrupted. "Miss, we came here not to ask for a service. But we came here to ask you if our guesses regarding the recipe of this sweet and tangy chicken are right."

"You came here for that?" The waitress was exasperated.

She didn't look bad, to be honest. If she was to be rated, then her looks would be seven out of ten. But these men summoned her here, not for her service but to solicit information about their well-guarded recipe?

The competition was fierce in the food industry of Ashmelionno, throughout the entire Joselian Kingdom.

But it wasn't that people were just stingy of their recipes, but it was because food had always been a part of their culture. One of the teachings of the Goddess of Compassion and Light was to treat one's guests with a lot of food and to empty one's plate after every meal.

This was why the people of the Joselian Kingdom valued food a lot, and sothe restaurants' always valued their recipes.

It was a violation of etiquette for someone to ask about the recipe of a restaurant.

The waitress coldly glared at Calvin and Christine. "I apologize but I will never divulge the recipe of this restaurant to anyone, please look for someone e"

The waitress abruptly stopped in the middle of her sentence.

It was because Calvin had brandished a peso note to her and smirked. "Does it really matter? Come on, it's just for a competition. You're not going to divulge the entire recipe anyway."

"Just tell us if our guesses are right."

The waitress stared at Calvin for a moment before she hurriedly stuffed the peso note into the ravines of her exposed chest.

"O-Okay... But I'll only answer one question!"

Calvin softly nodded, "My question isdoes the recipe for this sweet and tangy chicken includes Ginamus?"

The waitress was quick to nod. "Yes. Most of our dishes include Ginamus for seasoning."

"Hahaha! See! I told you!" Calvin boisterously laughed.

Christine slammed both of her hands onto the table and said, "Impossible! You don't use salt and pepper to season, but Ginamus?!"

All of a sudden, the delicious sweet and tangy chicken on her plate didn't look as appetizing as it did before.

The waitress quickly retreated in fear after she realized that she had been bribed and coerced to reveal a part of the restaurant's recipe.

Sitting down once more, Calvin explained. "The reason why you cannot taste any fishiness is that they add a lot of things to hide the fishy taste. They add dill, citrus, and some herbs and spices that are readily available..."

"Thus, they managed to hide the fishy flavor. But it's always there, you cannot avoid it. Heck, your white bread might even have Ginamus in it for all I know!"

"Shut up!" Christine glared at Calvin, "Are you trying to disgust me until I become a vegetarian?"

"Hahaha..." Calvin boisterously laughed once more.

"Are you still going to eat?"

A teasing look appeared on Calvin's face.

Christine gulped a mouthful of saliva. She stared at the sweet and tangy chicken. A firm look was on her face and as if enticing her even further, the fragrant smell of the chicken wafted over and rushed into her nostrils.

With eyes wide open, Christine squeezed out a bitter smile and said, "I... It... It doesn't matter... As long as I don't taste the Ginamus, then it's all good!"

Having created a justifiable reason to act, Christine made her move and devoured the sweet and tangy chicken in no time.

An amused look was on Calvin's face as he watched Christine wolf down her meal. This so-called future Goddess of Blade sure is interesting!

With their stomachs full, the two strode out of the restaurant.

A disgusted look was on Christine's face but she tried her best to hold back her urge to vomit.

Indeed, the hate of Ginamus was still deeply engraved in her heart.

Calvin felt somewhat guilty about revealing the truth to Christine, so he said, "Are you okay? You can lean on me if you want. You look like you're about to fall down."

"I-I'm finAh!" Christine exclaimed in shock. Her foot struck a rock and she was keeled over forwards.

Fortunately, Calvin was quick to react and he quickly brought her to his embrace.

"Be careful now, all right?"

"T-Thanks..." Christine stammered.

"Don't act tough, when you're not." Calvin criticized.

The good feelings that Christine felt for Calvin at that moment dissipated in an instant.

Opening her mouth, she bit on Calvin's shoulder, eliciting a scream from the latter which caught the attention of the onlookers.

"Oh shit, what are those two men doing?"

A crowd of young men and women saw what happened in the distance.

The men were frowning while the women were excited.

"My Goddess! Men to men? And they are flirting in public?!"

The young women among this crowd of what looked like students yelled out in excitement.

The men stared at the women in disgust.

"L-L-Let's follow after them! Let's also bet! I bet a peso that they're going to the House of a Thousand Thrusts!"

"H-H-House of a Thousand Thrusts?! How did you know about that place?" The men stared in shock at the women.

"Oh come on, it's not like we're kids. Let's go and follow them. Hehehe..."

With the persuasion of the women, the men followed behind Calvin and Christine.

"This should be the place," Calvin said to Christine, "Are you still feeling nauseous? I can request a room for the two of us to rest."

He raised his head and eyed the sexy attendants standing near the entrance.

"Miss, can you get us a room?"

"Eh?" The attendant was astonished, "Um... A room for both of you... men?"

Calvin furrowed his eyebrows, "What's with the questions? Just get us a room!"

He knew that if Christine's cover was blown, it would attract a disaster.

Christine was just too beautiful that her presence would immediately attract the attention of the people in Azucar.

"Y-Yes!" The attendant quickly turned around and left for the front desk.

Meanwhile, Calvin removed Christine's arm around his neck and let her lean on the nearby wall.

"Stay here for a while, I've got to go and pay."

With this, he walked inside the House of a Thousand Thrusts that looked more like a pavilion instead of a house.

"W-W-Was that... Was that Calvin?!" The men and women that were following Christine and Calvin were floored.

It was because they saw that one of the men whom they were following from behind was actually Calvin!

Yes, Calvin!

The holder of the number one spot in the training camp. 

Indeed, these men and women were candidate auxiliary police officers that escaped from the training camp due to the absence of the two Instructors that were supposed to keep them in check.

On a whim, they decided to visit the Hamlet of Azucar since the Southern Borough was just too far from the training camp. 

But little did they expected that their casual stroll would result in such a shocking, and devastating scoop!

Calvin walked into a brothel while bringing with him a man!

Calvin swung that way?!

In an instant, the women that had some feelings of admiration for Calvin were stumped.

The figures of the men also trembled.

It was because they could remember that Calvin seemed to be looking at them with glistening eyes when the latter was trying to assist them in their practice.

"F-Fuck... We've got to run." 


"Everyone shall stay quiet of what we have seen here today, all right? No one shall mention it to Calvin or to anyone else! Keep your trap shut! Let's just pretend that nothing happened today." 


The crowd of students quickly left the scene as if they were fleeing from something.

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