One Wild Night

Chapter 299 Hypocrites

Chapter 299 Hypocrites

"Good morning, love of my life," Tom greeted as he kissed all over Lucy's face until her eyes slowly opened and a smile split her face.

"Please don't tell me it's morning already," She said sleepily as she tried to turn around so that she could drift off to sleep once again, but Tom spanked her ass.

"Yep, it's past six. That's the reason you should have listened to me and retired early when I asked you to," Tom said, making her groan as she tried to keep her eyes open long enough to focus her gaze on him.

"But I still need to sleep," Lucy groaned, making Tom pull away from her.

He sat on the bed and watched her without saying a word, and just when she started to drift off once again he spoke, "You want to call in sick? I'm sure everyone would understand if you don't show up at work today," he suggested, and as expected every trace of sleepiness left her eyes and she sat upright.

"There is no way I can call in sick. Especially not today, and you know it, you trickster," she added with a scowl when she noticed his grin and hit his arm.

Of course, he knew that she wouldn't call in sick. Although she loved to spend time with him, she was still someone devoted to her job, and the last thing an overthinker like her would want is for people to start thinking that she was slacking off her duty because of her relationship with the CEO.

"Since you're not going to skip work, there is no reason for us to be late either. Let's get ready for work," he said as he rolled off the bed, and then took her hand when she held it out to him to help her up.

"This has to have been the longest weekend of my life," Lucy said as she got off the bed, and Tom reached to help her take off his t-shirt.

"Don't I just know that?" He asked since he felt the exact same way. It seemed like ages ago since they both walked out of his house on Friday morning to get her clothes for work. He was certain that while it seemed like the longest weekend of their life, for some others it was probably the shortest weekend ever.

"How do you feel about going to work today? Do you feel nervous now that everyone knows who you are?" Lucy asked curiously and raised her arms when Tom raised the hem of the oversized polo t-shirt she was wearing to reveal her naked body.

She was still quite surprised that Tom had been able to abide by the no-sex rule all through the night despite his obvious arousal which she had felt as he cuddled her to sleep.

After dancing, he had called Samantha to have one of the helps deliver their dinner to the bedroom, and then he fed her and allowed her to feed him in return. After eating he had led her to the bathroom and to her amusement he had insisted on bathing her.

After bathing her, he had taken her back into the bedroom where he toweled her dry and helped her get into his oversized shirt before tucking her in and asking her to go to bed.

Of course, she had been unable to sleep, not while he was away from her and on the balcony. She had whimpered and made enough sounds to get his attention until he dropped his laptop and came to join her in bed. And then they had talked about everything and nothing, ranging from pleasant childhood memories to their parents, to the weird people they've met in their lives, to work until Lucy had drifted off to sleep.

"I don't feel anyhow. That they now know what I look like doesn't mean they're going to be seeing me often. What about you? Are you ready to face everyone? Friday was pretty tough," Tom said with a concerned expression and Lucy shrugged.

"I have you with me, so I'm sure I'll be fine," she assured him, and Tom gave her a nod before throwing the t-shirt on the bed.

He looked down at Lucy who was now standing before him naked, while he was still wearing his boxers, "Take it off," he told her quietly, referring to his boxers.

"Going forward I will be the one to undress you, and you'll do the same to me until you're comfortable enough to look at my body without averting your gaze every time I'm naked," he said, and Lucy eyed him skeptically.

She wasn't sure she could ever get used to seeing him naked. "You think that will work?"

"I know it will," he assured her with a grin as she reached for the waistband of his boxers and pulled it down his thighs.

She looked down at his morning erection which was pointing at her in all its glory and she swallowed as she tried to stifle the urge to touch it.

She cleared her throat as she glanced at him, "You're aroused."

"Don't worry about it. Whatever goes up must surely come down. Isaac Newton said so," he assured her with a wink, and Lucy giggled.

"I'm sure he wasn't thinking of that when he said so."

"Don't be so sure, Jewel," Tom said as he took her hand and led her into the bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom, he took their respective toothbrushes and applied toothpaste on them before handing Lucy hers. They both stood in front of the mirror staring at their reflections as they brushed their teeth. Neither of them said a word to each other until they were done.

"I'm sorry about my mood last night," Tom apologized after returning their toothbrushes to the holder.

Lucy smiled, "It's fine. I understand that it wasn't within your control, else you would easily have snapped out of it when you saw how it affected me," Lucy said, and Tom gave her a nod.

"I'm glad you know that. Now let's hurry up and leave before the gang gathers," Tom suggested, referring to their parents, and Lucy giggled.

Forty minutes later they both sneaked out of the house as quietly as they could, and this time they didn't have to leave for the office in Lucy's car.

"You don't have to walk in with me. You can go in through your private elevator as usual," Lucy told Tom thirty minutes later when they arrived at the company and she noticed that he was about to park the car in front of the company instead of just letting her get down and taking the car to his private parking lot.

"I will rather go in with you and be sure everything is okay. I can return to the usual routine tomorrow," he said as he got out of the car, and Lucy did the same.

Although they were both early as usual, they both noticed that many other staff had also arrived early, seeing as the parking lot was half-filled with cars already.

Tom handed the car key to the valet and instructed him to take the car to his private parking lot before walking into the building with Lucy.

The moment they stepped through the door, they stopped in their track and Lucy's breath caught when she saw that most of the staff were standing in two parallel lines as though they were waiting for them, and at the end of the line was a large banner that read, "WE ARE SORRY DIRECTOR PERRY"

Lucy glanced at Tom to see if he had any idea that they were going to do something like this, but although he had his poker face on, she knew him well enough to know that he was just as surprised as she was.

This was awkward. What did they expect her to do or say? She didn't even trust their motive since it was most likely that they were doing this because she was dating Tom, and they were scared that some of them would lose their job.

She watched as the members of her team came forward, all looking shamefaced apart from Amy who had a happy smile on her face.

"Good morning sir," Amy greeted Tom before turning to Lucy, "Good morning ma'am. I'm glad everything was resolved," Amy said as she stepped forward to take Lucy's handbag, and Lucy smiled at her as she let her have her bag.

She was relieved to know that she had at least one person she could count on here, "Thank you, Amy."

"You're welcome. I'll just take the bag to your office now," Amy said with a polite bow as she walked away with Lucy's handbag, leaving them to face the rest of her team.

"We are sorry, director Perry. We shouldn't have said what we said," one of the male members of Lucy's team apologized while avoiding Tom's gaze since he was the person who had insulted Tom when he came looking for Lucy at the office.

"And what exactly did you say?" Tom asked coldly before Lucy could respond, and she grabbed his hand to stop him.

The man quickly fell to his knees, "I'm sorry, sir. I shouldn't have said that about her, and I shouldn't have insulted you either. Please forgive me," he pleaded, and Tom merely stared at him with disinterest before turning to look at Lucy with a softened gaze.

"Do you want to forgive them or should I just fire them all?" Tom asked, and Lucy had to hold herself back from giggling.

"We are sorry, director Perry," Harry read from behind them, and both Tom and Lucy turned to look at him, ignoring the man who was still on his knees.

"Good morning, Lulu. I can call you that now, right?" Harry asked with a grin, and Lucy smiled back.

"Sure. Good morning, Haha, I can call you that now, right?" Lucy asked with a grin, and Tom chuckled when Harry mildly glared at her.

"Haha. Very funny. I told you she has a good sense of humor, didn't I?" Harry told Tom dryly.

"Haha? Why didn't I think of calling you that? Haha," Tom said with a grin, and Harry scowled at him before returning his attention to the employees who were still waiting for either Tom or Lucy to say something.

"Do you have anything to say to them?" Harry asked Lucy, guessing that she was uncomfortable and didn't know how to handle the situation was why they were all still standing by the doorway.

Lucy shook her head. Harry gave her a nod, and turned to Tom, "What do you want to do about them?"

"Can I leave that to you?" Tom asked, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"As if I can say no? You always leave everything to me apart from your girlfriend," Harry pointed out as he slapped Tom's back playfully, "You both can go in and continue with your office romance. I will dismiss the hypocrites," he assured them.

Tom started to leave, but stopped to look at Harry once again, "Are you okay?"

"Sure. Why wouldn't I be okay?" Harry asked, and Tom shrugged.

"How is Jade?"

On hearing Jade's name, Harry's heart skipped a beat, and he shifted his gaze away from Tom before clearing his throat, "She was still sleeping when I left the house," he said, praying that Tom wouldn't ask any more Jade related questions.

Tom looked at him suspiciously, and although he wanted to ask why Harry was looking guilty, he said nothing as he walked away with Lucy.

"Now that you have appeased your conscience, can you clear up this place and return to your office? I'm sure director Perry and the CEO were impressed by the gesture," Harry said, and immediately the man who was kneeling stood up and joined the others to take down the banner.

Without waiting for them to finish Harry walked away, wanting to get busy with work and distract himself from thinking about anything that had to do with Tom's kid sister.

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