One Wild Night

Chapter 298 First Kiss

Chapter 298 First Kiss

"What?" Harry asked in surprise, wondering where the request had come from.

Jade giggled, "You heard me. I want to kiss you," Jade said, puckering her lips, while Harry drew back from her.

"Jade, you are drunk. I can't let you do that," Harry said reasonably as he let go of her and picked up her handbag from the chair. He took out all the dollar notes she had picked up from the stage and dropped them on the tray containing the now empty shot glasses. Immediately the waiter who had served them rushed down to clear the table and take the money.

"I want to kiss you, Harry. Harry, I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you, Harry," Jade protested loud enough for anyone who wasn't paying attention to the music to hear her as she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to herself.

"Fine. It's okay. I will let you do so when we get out of here," Harry pleaded, not liking the attention she was drawing to their direction, especially the barman who was still staring at him like he was a pervert Uncle thanks to Jade.

"Promise?" Jade asked, flashing him a wide smile, and Harry gave her a nod.

"Yeah. So let's go," he said as he placed one arm around her waist to escort her outside while he held her bag with his other hand.

He tried to use his body to clear the way and shield her so that she wouldn't bump into anyone as they walked outside, while Jade held on to him with both hands around him as he led her outside.

Once they stepped outside the club and got to the car, Jade turned to him before he could open the car door for her to get in, "Not so fast. Can I kiss you now?"

Harry looked down at her suspiciously. For someone drunk, she seemed to be pretty clear on what she wanted, "Are you sure you're drunk?"

Jade giggled drunkenly as she rested her back on the car door while looking up at him, "Why? You won't let me kiss you if I'm not drunk?" She asked, biting her lower lips in a pretty disturbing manner that made Harry look away.

The only evidence of her drunkenness was her slurred speech and the fact that she was swaying lightly on her feet. "Let's just go home and then you can..."

"No," Jade said with a shake of her head, "I'm kissing you here and now or we are going back in there," she said stubbornly and Harry sighed as he kissed her cheek.

"I'm drunk, not stupid. I said a kiss not a peck," Jade said with a roll of her eyes.

"I said I want to kiss you, I didn't ask you to kiss me. Would you even know how to if you wanted to?" She asked dryly, and Harry let out a sigh.

"Fine. Just a kiss, right? Do it and let's go," he said impatiently as he stood still to let her have her way with him.

Jade grinned as she looked up at him, and then slid both arms around his neck causing her breasts to press against his ribs in a manner that was very comfortable, yet made him feel very uncomfortable. He wasn't sure he had ever been aware of any lady as much as he was aware of her at that moment.

Harry held his breath as he waited patiently for the kiss, but instead of kissing him Jade just continued to stare at him with a wide smile on her face as though she was waiting for something.

"What now?" Harry asked impatiently.

"You're eager to be kissed by me, are you not?" She asked in a teasing tone, and just as Harry opened his mouth to refute her statement, she raised herself on her toes and covered his lips with hers.

Jade didn't give him any moment to recover from his surprise as she kissed him. She ran her tongue over his lower lip and nibbled on it lightly before plunging for his tongue.

Harry felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest as he had been expecting just a casual light kiss on the lips, but instead, her tongue was in his mouth and he could taste the different flavors of cocktails she had drunk on her lips and tongue.

He was heady with the scent and taste of her, and he was feeling a whole lot of different emotions at the same time, as he tried to make up his mind on whether to indulge himself and kiss her back or not.

He knew that he would never allow himself to do something like this if they were both in their right states of mind whether or not he knew that Tom wouldn't have a problem with him getting involved with his little sister.

Kiss her back, or not kiss her? He asked himself when he knew deep down that the most logical thing to do would be to break the kiss if he didn't want it as it had gone on long enough.

He also knew that it wouldn't be like he was taking advantage of her by kissing her back since she had asked for the kiss in the first place. Although he had to also remind himself that she had asked for the kiss under the influence of alcohol, and it was also possible that she wasn't kissing him because she liked him, but because he was the available guy at that moment hence he had become desirable to her.

He snapped back to the present when he felt her fingers in his hair once again, while the other hand in front of his shirt pulled him closer to herself since she got tired of stretching. Shutting down every other thought, he let himself kiss her back, and he was surprised when she made a low sound of approval in her throat.

"Finally," Jade murmured against his lips before claiming his tongue once again and sucking on it, "You taste so good," she whispered.

"It's the wine," Harry whispered back, feeling like he needed to give a response, and Jade giggled as she let her hands run down his chest.

Sensing that things were going to escalate pretty quickly if he didn't stop her, Harry grabbed her wrist as he broke the kiss, and she looked at him with eyes that looked like troubled clouds as they both tried to catch their breath.

"You wanted a kiss, you got one. Now get into the car let's go home," he said as he opened the door, and Jade bit her lower lip as she watched him, struggling to hide her smile.

"Okay. Let's go home. A deal is a deal," she said as she got into the car, and Harry leaned inside to help her fix the seatbelt while holding his breath.

Once he shut the door, he let out the breath he had been holding and inhaled fresh air into his lungs to get rid of Jade's scent.

By the time he went around the car and got into the seat, he noticed that Jade had drifted off to sleep and he let out a sigh of relief as he drove her home while she snored softly in her sleep.

Thankfully the car was quiet enough so he could hear his thoughts without having her distract him as she always did.

He knew that he shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't have let himself indulge in that kiss. Things like these only complicated friendships and relationships and he didn't want that no matter how much he liked her, or how attractive he thought she was.

He enjoyed his banters with her, and he liked the dynamics of their relationship just the way it was. He couldn't say they were friends or define their relationship outside their relations to Tom, yet they understood each other enough to enjoy each other's company, and that was just how he liked relating with her. This kiss was going to ruin things.

She was still fast asleep by the time he drove into the parking lot of his apartment, and because he didn't want to risk waking her up since he didn't know what other crazy desire a drunk Jade might have, he went around the car and lifted her into his arms as he carried to his apartment.

He wished there was someone he could talk to about what had happened, but there was no one he could tell. There was no way he could discuss this with Tom. Not when the lady in question was his sister. This was a good reason why it was a bad idea to get involved with one's best friend's sister. He could talk with his dad, but he didn't want to because then the old man would become excited and start becoming creative with his imagination and he didn't want to get the man's hopes up either. Who else was there to talk to?

Once Harry managed to open the door to his apartment he carried her straight to her bedroom and dropped her gently on the bed while she continued to sleep soundly.

Just as he turned to leave, his eyes fell on her feet, so he returned to the bedside to help her take off her sneakers, and this time his gaze fell on her lips which were pulled in a smile as she slept.

He briefly wondered what she was dreaming of as he took off her shoes and socks, and then placed them at the edge of the bed, before heading for the door.

He turned, startled, when she suddenly giggled in her sleep, "Uncle Harry," she murmured softly, making him look at her with a slightly raised brow.

She was dreaming of him? He mused with a shake of his head as he turned off the light and gently shut the door behind him.

He walked around the house aimlessly as he tried to clear his head. He walked over to his bar and poured himself a glass of wine, but the moment he took a sip from it, he was reminded of the assorted taste of Jade's tongue, so he dropped the glass and walked away from the bar.

Thinking about the kiss made him feel hot all over so took off his clothes as he walked into his bedroom and dropped them in the laundry basket before walking into the bathroom. Yeah, a cold shower should cool him down a bit, he reasoned.

After bathing, he put on a pair of gray-colored pajamas and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling as he prayed for sleep to come. He groaned in frustration when he noticed that the ceiling was beginning to take the shape of Jade's smiling face, and he quickly turned his face into his pillow and closed his eyes.

He knew it. Kissing her had been a bad idea. He should never have returned that kiss. All he could hope for now was that she wouldn't remember the kiss come morning. The only problem left was that even if she didn't remember it, he would remember the kiss every single time he looked at her. He would remember the taste of her lips everything they curved in a smile. He knew without a doubt that he wouldn't be able to forget it. It was his first kiss after all, so how was he supposed to forget that he had gotten it from a drunk Jade Hank?

Now he was certain that he was not going to be able to get his much-desired rest. The little demon had made it impossible for him to sleep earlier, and now she was sleeping comfortably while he was here being tormented by a kiss she had initiated. He wished he could go to her bedroom and drag her off the damned bed.

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