One Wild Night

Chapter 247 - We Are Ready.

"I swear to God I'm going to kill that bitch when I set my eyes on her! I know we suspected her, but knowing for real that she is behind this, and hearing her say it so proudly, I feel so angry I could murder her right now!" Sonia shrieked angrily after they all listened to the recorded phone conversation between Anita and her uncle.

Lucy who was still staring at Tom's phone which was on the table turned to Sonia, "Calm down, Sony. We should..."

"Calm down? Are you kidding me? How can you be so calm, Lu? How?" Sonia asked incredulously as she stood up unable to stay still, "We just confirmed that the bitch is behind this, and you are keeping your calm? We should go over to her apartment and show her what a murderer can do. We should tear her apart limb by fucking limb," Sonia suggested, and both brothers exchanged a look, with Tom signaling to Bryan with his eyes to calm Sonia, while Bryan just grinned at him, enjoying Sonia's display of anger.

"Yeah, I'm angry too. Very angry actually. And I would love nothing more than to pull out all the hair on her head so that she would look like the ugly vulture she is, but anger isn't going to help the situation right now. Did you hear her? She even has a plan B. And we don't know what it is yet," Lucy pointed out.

"We don't need to know what it is. All we need to do is confront her with the truth we know now. I'm sure if I beat her to the point of coma, her plan B won't be an issue since she would be too busy fighting for her life to pay any attention to us," Sonia hissed in annoyance, and Bryan chuckled but quickly kept a straight face when Sonia shot him a look.

"Don't worry babe, you will have all the time you need to tear out limbs, and even her eyes and teeth if you want to. I could even hold her still for you while you do that. For now let's focus on clearing the mess she already created," Bryan told Sonia who was still seething, and he walked over to where she was, and pulled her back to their seat, "Relax."

"What do you think we should do?" Lucy asked both Tom and Bryan curiously.

"Let's proceed with the video as planned. Whatever her plan B is, I already paid the man who is working for her to inform me of whatever move she tries to make next. I still have one of my men tailing her movement, so let's not worry too much about her, and just keep pretending to be ignorant."

Sonia took in a deep breath as she tried to calm herself while Bryan patted her back, "Lucy told us about the move you made at the office with her teammates. It is helping," Sonia told Tom, who raised a brow.

"What move?" Bryan asked, and Sonia filled him in on it before Lucy quickly told the brothers about Amy's visit and updated them on what was happening on the internet regarding the news.

"I think all we need to do now is to release our statement to back it up," Lucy concluded, and Tom nodded.

"That is good. Amy has greatly impressed me in all of this," Tom noted, and Lucy nodded in agreement.

"Me too."

"She also suggested that this might not all be coincidence, and it makes sense," Sonia said, turning to Bryan as she explained how Anita might be involved in their scandal.

"Yes, it makes sense. I'm still trying to figure out which of my people could have informed the press about us," Bryan said with a sigh before turning to Tom.

"By the way, I spoke with mom and Jade earlier," Bryan informed Tom and chuckled when Tom tried to signal him with his eyes not to talk about his conversation with their mom in front of the ladies since he believed that it was going to be something bad.

"Let's speak in private. Please excuse us for a moment," Tom said, wanting to leave but Bryan didn't move.

"No need to speak in private. We are one biiiiig family now, aren't we?" Bryan drawled and gave both ladies a grin. "Don't worry, mom is fine, and she sympathizes with both her daughters-in-law. All she wants is for you to return her calls. She is very worried about you," Bryan said, and Tom scowled at him, while Sonia and Lucy looked at both brothers, wondering what was going on.

"I'll call give her a call later. What about Jade? What did she say?"

"She gave some sweet sisterly and legal advice. She wants Sonia and I to come clean to the public," Bryan said and went on to explain all that Jade had said.

Sonia pursed her lips thoughtfully, "She has a point. Let's do that. If they still don't believe it then maybe I can share the draft of my unpublished book as evidence," Sonia suggested.

"Good. Let's proceed. Enough with the plans, it's almost 4 pm already. Let's do the video, and then maybe we can have dinner with Lucy's family if she doesn't mind," Tom suggested hopefully.

"You're really eager to meet your in-laws, aren't you?" Bryan teased Tom.

"They're my family too, so they are also your in-laws." Sonia pointed out, and this time Tom chuckled as Bryan smiled sheepishly at Sonia.

"Then I guess we should meet our in-laws after doing this. What do you say to that sister-in-law?" Bryan asked as they all turned to Lucy who had a slight frown on her face.

"I don't have a large dining table or enough chairs to accommodate everyone."

"Should we order a dining set? Or better still, how about I invite your family over to my house instead? You could even pass the night. I have enough bedrooms, that way your father and Lucas don't have to stay at the hotel," Tom suggested, and Lucy looked at Sonia who was grinning.

"I would like to see his place. Besides, won't it be good to fuck with Anita? I don't mind sending her pictures of us having dinner at Tom's home. She should know that the foolish stunt she pulled made both families come together faster instead of separating us as she wanted," Sonia said with a touch of humor and they all laughed.

"My family wants to meet you too, so I guess they won't mind," Lucy said, and Tom smiled at her.

"Tom you can inform your nosy neighbor that we are ready," Bryan said, and Tom picked up his phone from the table to dial Alicia's line.

Harry's call came in before he could dial Alicia's number and he excused himself from the others and went into his bedroom before receiving the call, "Hey! What's up?"

"We are fine over here. What's going on over there?" Harry asked curiously.

"Harry, I already told you that you don't need to worry about..."

"I'm already worried. What's happening? And how can I be of help?" Harry asked, and Tom sighed.

"We already have things handled at this end. If you have nothing else to do over there, sleep or go on a date with the lady you were out with two nights ago," he said, not wanting to involve Harry any more than was necessary. He hadn't realized just how much he had been overworking Harry until he snapped for those few seconds the previous day.

"Jade told you about the stunt she pulled?" Harry asked with disapproval.

He remembered how he had been dying to tell Tom how he had gotten a lady's attention without altering his appearance, but then this issue had come up before he could do so, and he had even forgotten all about Aurora until Tom mentioned her. He remembered the reminder she had set on his phone going off the previous day while he was busy receiving different phone calls from the shareholders, and he had canceled the reminder.

"Why? Were you hoping that I wouldn't know that you're dating?" Tom asked in amusement.

"Nice try at changing the subject. Now fill me in on what you have done and what you're doing. By the way, I already sent a mail to the shareholders letting them know that we are not going to let Lucy go and that I also stand by your decision to fire the staff who spoke without knowing the facts," Harry said, making Tom's brows shoot up.

"Why? What changed your mind?"

"It wasn't like I wasn't in support of you. I just didn't want you making rash decisions that I wouldn't be able to explain, but then after I saw the articles online that showed what really happened to Lucy, I got really mad. It's my duty to protect your woman too. So I want to help. Now tell me, have you found the real culprits behind it?" Harry asked curiously.

"It's Anita."

"What? Anita?" Harry asked in disbelief. He couldn't wrap his head around why Anita would do something as hateful as this.

"Yes. Apparently, she wants to get Lucy out of the way so that she can have me," Tom said with disgust. He could tell that Anita probably thought he wasn't aware of Lucy's past.

"And she had to do something as inhumane as this? We should teach her a lesson!"

"Let's talk about her later. What did the shareholders say? Did they respond to your email?" Tom asked, changing the subject, since the more he talked about Anita the more he wanted to do something harmful to her. He had more important things to handle at the moment, so he would have to take care of Anita later.

"Yes. Most of them are waiting for more evidence to surface. Until then they agreed to keep their calm and let us do what we think is best as long as it doesn't affect the company."

"Good. I should probably let you know that I've finally decided to reveal my identity today," Tom said, and Harry sat up.

"You mean you want everyone to know what you look like now?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes. I also plan on revealing the nature of my relationship with Lucy today. You do not have any objections, do you?" Tom asked since Harry's opinion also mattered to him. In all the years he had chosen to stay away from public view, Harry had stood by him, and acted in his stead whenever his presence was needed.

"Well, at least now I don't have to worry about being the face of the company anymore," Harry said good-naturedly.

"You do. You should start thinking about becoming my Co-CEO..."


"I know I put in a lot of money and work into this company. I also know that I'm the brain behind it, but you've put in even more work. It's only right that we make it official."

"Let's not think about this now. We can talk about it after we've taken care of this issue," Harry suggested instead.

"I already thought about it. I've been thinking about it for a long time now, so you can think about it."

Harry sighed, "So back to what we were saying. How can I help?"

"Since you're so bent on helping can you find out all you can on Anita? Preferably her financial record in Ocean Airlines, and her bank record too. If she is bent on doing this, then she must have enough money to pay the people doing her dirty job. The guy I put on her tail informed me that she visited the bank twice yesterday. The guy who handled Lucy's scandal also said that Anita paid him in cash. I'd like to know how much cash left her account or if she made any transfers and to who."

"Alright. Go on and do what you have to do. I will get back to you on this tomorrow," Harry said and Tom hung up the call.

Tom dialed Alicia's line immediately, "You can come over.. We are ready."

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